  * Changes an array of pagenames into a table with "edit", "view" and "delete" options
 protected function createPageList($data)
     //Create new Table item
     $t = new Table();
     //Create new Table
     //Sets that there is no heading row.
     //Loop Through each page
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
         //Add Page data for each row.
         $t->addRow(array($data[$i], "<a href='?system=Editor&page=editor&active=" . $data[$i] . "'>" . $this->localize("Edit") . "</a>", "<a href='?page=" . $data[$i] . "'>" . $this->localize("View") . "</a>", "<a href='?system=Editor&page=delete&active=" . $data[$i] . "'>" . $this->localize("Delete") . "</a>"));
     //Creates a table from inserted data
     //Returns the created table.
     return $t->getTable();
  * Changes an array of pagenames into a table with "edit", "view" and "delete" options
 protected function createUsersList($data)
     // Set the state and tell plugins.
     //Create new Table item
     $t = new Table();
     //Create new Table
     //Sets intial row as headings
     //Loop Through each page
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
         //Add Page data for each row.
         $t->addRow(array($data[$i], "<a href='?system=Users&page=edit&active=" . $data[$i] . "'>" . $this->localize("Edit") . "</a>", "<a href='?system=Users&page=delete&active=" . $data[$i] . "'>" . $this->localize("Delete") . "</a>"));
     //Creates a table from inserted data
     //Returns the created table.
     return $t->getTable();
  * Shows installed plugins.
 public function showPlugins($data)
     //Get the text for above the table of plugins
     $out = $this->openFile("core/fragments/listTop.phtml");
     $out = $this->setTabActive(2, $out);
     //Create new Table item
     $t = new Table();
     //Create new Table
     //Sets intial row as headings
     $titles = array($this->localize("Module Name"), $this->localize("Change Status"), $this->localize("Updates"), $this->localize("Uninstall"));
     //Adds a row as titles.
     //Loop Through each page
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
         $link = "";
         $uninstall = "";
         //Ensure the disabling of plugin is allowed.
         if (!$data[$i][2]) {
             $link = "<a href='index.php?system=Modules&page=deactivate&req=" . $data[$i][0] . "'>" . $this->localize("Deactivate") . "</a>";
         if (!$data[$i][1]) {
             $link = "<a href='index.php?system=ModulesInstall&page=activate&active=" . $data[$i][0] . "'>" . $this->localize("Activate") . "</a>";
         if ($this->getController()->getModel()->checkModForUpdates($data[$i][0])) {
             $update = "<a style='color: red;' href='index.php?system=Modules&page=updateCheck&req=" . $data[$i][0] . "'>" . $this->localize("Updates Available") . "</a>";
         } else {
             $update = "<a style='color: green;' href='index.php?system=Modules&page=updateCheck&req=" . $data[$i][0] . "'>" . $this->localize("Up to Date") . "</a>";
         if (!$data[$i][2]) {
             $uninstall = "<a href='index.php?system=Modules&page=uninstall&req=" . $data[$i][0] . "'>" . $this->localize("Uninstall") . "</a>";
         //Create a row
         $row = array($this->localize($data[$i][0]), $link, $update, $uninstall);
         //Add Page data for each row.
     //Creates a table from inserted data
     //Returns the created table.
     $out .= $t->getTable();
     //Sets the generated content as output
     //Localise Title
     $this->setContentTitle($this->localize("Module Manager"));
  * @param $dataSource
  * @return Table
 private static function createTable($dataSource)
     $sourceReader = $dataSource->getSourceReader();
     $headerRow = $sourceReader->currentRow();
     $table = Table::createTable($headerRow);
     while ($sourceReader->isValid()) {
     return $table;
Example #5
 public static function createAllRequiredTables()
     $tables = array();
     foreach (array_keys(self::$modules) as $class) {
         foreach (call_user_func(array($class, 'getModuleTables')) as $name => $tblStruct) {
             $tables[$class][$name] = Table::createTable($name, $tblStruct);
     return $tables;
Example #6
function setup_database()
    global $core_tables;
    $conn = mysql_up();
    require_once 'lib/class_sqlcore.php';
    // Create core tables.
    echo "<b>Creating core tables...</b><br>\n";
    foreach ($core_tables as $tblName => $def) {
        echo Table::createTable($tblName, $def) ? "<font color='green'>OK &mdash; {$tblName}</font><br>\n" : "<font color='red'>FAILED &mdash; {$tblName}</font><br>\n";
    // Create tables used by modules.
    echo "<b>Creating module tables...</b><br>\n";
    foreach (Module::createAllRequiredTables() as $module => $tables) {
        foreach ($tables as $name => $tblStat) {
            echo $tblStat ? "<font color='green'>OK &mdash; {$name}</font><br>\n" : "<font color='red'>FAILED &mdash; {$name}</font><br>\n";
    echo "<b>Other tasks...</b><br>\n";
    echo SQLCore::syncGameData() ? "<font color='green'>OK &mdash; Synchronize game data with database</font><br>\n" : "<font color='red'>FAILED &mdash; Error whilst synchronizing game data with database</font><br>\n";
    echo SQLCore::installTableIndexes() ? "<font color='green'>OK &mdash; applied table indexes</font><br>\n" : "<font color='red'>FAILED &mdash; could not apply one more more table indexes</font><br>\n";
    echo SQLCore::installProcsAndFuncs(true) ? "<font color='green'>OK &mdash; created MySQL functions/procedures</font><br>\n" : "<font color='red'>FAILED &mdash; could not create MySQL functions/procedures</font><br>\n";
    // Create root user and leave welcome message on messageboard
    global $rootpass;
    $rootpass = isset($rootpass) ? $rootpass : '******';
    echo Coach::create(array('name' => 'root', 'realname' => 'root', 'passwd' => $rootpass, 'ring' => Coach::T_RING_GLOBAL_ADMIN, 'mail' => '', 'phone' => '', 'settings' => array(), 'def_leagues' => array())) ? "<font color=green>OK &mdash; root user created.</font><br>\n" : "<font color=red>FAILED &mdash; root user was not created.</font><br>\n";
    Message::create(array('f_coach_id' => 1, 'f_lid' => Message::T_BROADCAST, 'title' => 'OBBLM installed!', 'msg' => 'Congratulations! You have successfully installed Online Blood Bowl League Manager. See "about" and "introduction" for more information.'));
    // Done!
    return true;
  * Create a form for the page.
 protected function singleTable($active, $data)
     //Create new Table item
     $t = new Table();
     //Create new Table
     $t->createTable("Template Set");
     //Sets intial row as headings
     //Get update array
     $u = $this->getController()->getModel()->getUpdateArray();
     //Add the heading row.
     $t->addRow(array($this->localize("Template"), $this->localize("Preview Option"), $this->localize("Activation State"), $this->localize("Update"), $this->localize("Delete Option")));
     //Loop Through each page
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
         $update = "<a href='?system=Template&page=check&active=" . $data[$i]['unix'] . "'>" . $this->localize("Check") . "</a>";
         if (isset($u[$data[$i]['unix']])) {
             if ($u[$data[$i]['unix']]) {
                 $update = "<a style='color:red;' href='?system=Template&page=update&active=" . $data[$i]['unix'] . "'>" . $this->localize("Updates Available") . "</a>";
             } else {
                 $update = "<a style='color:green;' href='?system=Template&page=check&active=" . $data[$i]['unix'] . "'>" . $this->localize("Up to Date") . "</a>";
         } else {
             $update = "<a style='color:green;' href='?system=Template&page=check&active=" . $data[$i]['unix'] . "'>" . $this->localize("Up to Date") . "</a>";
         if ($active == $data[$i]['title']) {
             $view = "<a href='?system=Template&page=preview&template=" . $data[$i]['unix'] . "'>" . $this->localize("View") . "</a>";
             $localize = "<input type='radio' name='template' value=" . $data[$i]['unix'] . " CHECKED/> " . $this->localize("Active");
             $delete = $this->localize("Active");
             if (file_exists("style/comps/" . $data[$i]['unix'] . "/noDisableStatus.dat")) {
                 $view = "";
                 $localize = "";
                 $delete = "";
             //Add Page data for each row.
             $t->addRow(array($data[$i]['title'], $view, $localize, $update, $delete));
         } else {
             $view = "<a href='?system=Template&page=preview&template=" . $data[$i]['unix'] . "'>" . $this->localize("View") . "</a>";
             $localize = "<input type='radio' name='template' value=" . $data[$i]['unix'] . " /> " . $this->localize("Inactive");
             $delete = "<a href='?system=Template&page=delete&active=" . $data[$i]['unix'] . "'>" . $this->localize("Delete") . "</a>";
             if (file_exists("style/comps/" . $data[$i]['unix'] . "/noDisableStatus.dat")) {
                 $view = "";
                 $localize = "";
                 $delete = "";
             //Add Page data for each row.
             $t->addRow(array($data[$i]['title'], $view, $localize, $update, $delete));
     //Creates a table from inserted data
     //Return the out data
     return $t->getTable();
Example #8
 public static function installMVs()
     global $core_tables;
     $status = true;
     foreach ($core_tables as $name => $tbl) {
         if (!preg_match('/^mv\\_/', $name)) {
         // Done in Table::createTable() automatically
         #if ($delIfExists) {
         #    $status &= mysql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $name");
         $status &= Table::createTable($name, $core_tables[$name]);
     return $status;
Example #9
 public static function updateDatabaseVersion($version)
     // Drop table and create
     Table::createTable('version', array('version' => 'MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL'));
     return "INSERT INTO version (version) VALUES ({$version})";