Example #1
        $LatLonArray[$i]['zip_lon'] = $row['zip_lon'];
        //Create the string to submit to the service
        if (is_null($LatLonList)) {
            //First ZIP
            $LatLonList = $row['zip_lat'] . ',' . $row['zip_lon'];
        } else {
            //All others
            $LatLonList = $LatLonList . ' ' . $row['zip_lat'] . ',' . $row['zip_lon'];
//echo '*'.$LatLonList.'*';
// call the method and get the result.\
try {
    $dom->loadXML($soapclient->NDFDgenLatLonList($LatLonList, "time-series", "2004-01-01T00:00:00", date('c', round(time() / 86400) * 86400 + 4 * 3600 + 86400 * 10), "", $arrWeatherParameters));
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $soapclient->__getLastResponseHeaders();
//Output the XML
//echo $dom->saveXML();
//Clean up old predicted temperatures
$dbh->exec("DELETE FROM wx_data where log_value_status=1");
//Define variables
$E_parameters = new DOMElement('junk');
$WxPoints = new DOMElement('junk');
$WxData = new DOMElement('junk');
$WxValue = new DOMElement('junk');
$WxTimeLayout = new DOMElement('junk');
$WxTimes = new DOMElement('junk');
$WxTemp = new DOMElement('junk');