function sync($ct_id, $insert_into_failed)
     $openqrm_server = new openqrm_server();
     $OPENQRM_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS = $openqrm_server->get_ip_address();
     // get cloud user
     $local_transaction_cloud_user = new clouduser();
     // get cloud-zones config parameters from main config
     $cz_conf = new cloudconfig();
     $cloud_zones_master_ip = $cz_conf->get_value(36);
     // 36 is cloud_zones_master_ip
     // check if cloud_external_ip is set
     $cloud_external_ip = $cz_conf->get_value(37);
     // 37 is cloud_external_ip
     if (!strlen($cloud_external_ip)) {
         $cloud_external_ip = $openqrm_server->get_ip_address();
     // get the admin user, the zone master will automatically authenticate against this user
     $openqrm_admin_user = new user("openqrm");
     // url for the wdsl
     $url = "https://" . $cloud_zones_master_ip . "/openqrm/boot-service/cloud-zones-soap.wsdl";
     // turn off the WSDL cache
     ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0");
     // create the soap-client
     $client = new SoapClient($url, array('soap_version' => SOAP_1_2, 'trace' => 1, 'login' => $openqrm_admin_user->name, 'password' => $openqrm_admin_user->password));
     //			var_dump($client->__getFunctions());
     try {
         $send_transaction_parameters = $openqrm_admin_user->name . "," . $openqrm_admin_user->password . "," . $cloud_external_ip . "," . $local_transaction_cloud_user->name . "," . $this->id . "," . $this->time . "," . $this->cr_id . "," . $this->ccu_charge . "," . $this->reason . "," . $this->comment;
         $new_local_ccu_value = $client->CloudZonesSync($send_transaction_parameters);
         // update users ccus values with return from master
         $local_transaction_cloud_user->set_users_ccunits($this->cu_id, $new_local_ccu_value);
         $this->_event->log("push", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 5, "cloudtransaction.class.php", "Synced transaction! User:"******"/CR:" . $this->cr_id . "/Global CCU:" . $new_local_ccu_value, "", "", 0, 0, 0);
         return true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $soap_error_msg = $e->getMessage();
         $this->_event->log("push", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudtransaction.class.php", "Could not sync transaction! User:"******"/CR:" . $this->cr_id . "/Charge:" . $this->ccu_charge . "/" . $soap_error_msg, "", "", 0, 0, 0);
         if ($insert_into_failed) {
             // add to failed transactions
             $cloudtransactionfailed = new cloudtransactionfailed();
             $failed_transaction_fields['tf_id'] = (int) str_replace(".", "", str_pad(microtime(true), 15, "0"));
             $failed_transaction_fields['tf_ct_id'] = $ct_id;
         return false;