Example #1
| Create terminal settings
| This step is optional.
| You do not need to call $ssh-withTerminal()
| If you don't. Default terminal settings will be used.
$terminal = Terminal::create()->width(80, 'chars')->height(25, 'chars');
| Execute a single command on the remote server
| ----------------------------------------------
| Capture its output and echo it on the local screen.
echo 'Output of »echo $HOME $PWD«: ';
echo $ssh->withTerminal($terminal)->execute('echo $HOME $PWD');
echo PHP_EOL;
| Send a file via SCP
| --------------------
| Simply send this file (demo.php) to the remote server.
if ($ssh->sendFile(__FILE__, basename(__FILE__))) {
    printf('File: %s was sent to the remote server' . PHP_EOL, basename(__FILE__));
| Open a shell on the remote server
| Open a shell.
| Execute a few commands.
| Logout.