Example #1
        $msg = _("Password is long enought. The minimum is ") . $pass_length_min . _(" characters.");
    } elseif (strlen($pass1) > $pass_length_max) {
        $msg = _("Password is too long. The maximum is ") . $pass_length_max . _(" characters.");
    } elseif (!Session::pass_check_complexity($pass1)) {
        $msg = _("Password is not complex enought.");
    } elseif (count($recent_pass) > 0 && in_array(md5($pass1), $recent_pass)) {
        $msg = _("This password is recently used. Try another.");
    } elseif (count($user_list = Session::get_list($conn, "WHERE login = '******' and pass = '******'")) > 0) {
        $msg = _("You must change your old password.");
    } else {
        $_SESSION['_user'] = $_SESSION['_backup_user'];
        if (preg_match("/pro|demo/", $conf->get_conf("ossim_server_version", FALSE))) {
            $res = Acl::changepass($conn, $user, $pass1, $current_pass);
        } else {
            $res = Session::changepass($conn, $user, $pass1, $current_pass);
        if ($res > 0) {
            if (preg_match("/pro|demo/", $conf->get_conf("ossim_server_version", FALSE))) {
                Acl::changefirst($conn, $user);
            } else {
                Session::changefirst($conn, $user);
        } else {
            $msg = "Current password does not match";
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Example #2
    $error = new OssimError();
/* check passwords */
if (0 != strcmp($pass1, $pass2)) {
    require_once "ossim_error.inc";
    $error = new OssimError();
/* only the user himself or the admin can change passwords */
if (POST('user') != $_SESSION["_user"] && !Session::am_i_admin()) {
    die(ossim_error(_("To change the password for other user is not allowed")));
/* check OK, insert into DB */
if (POST('update')) {
    Session::changepass($conn, $user, $pass1);
    <p> <?php 
    echo gettext("User succesfully updated");
    $location = "users.php";
    echo "<script>\n///history.go(-1);\nwindow.location='{$location}';\n</script>\n";

Example #3
            require_once "ossim_error.inc";
            $error = new OssimError();
        /* check for old password if not actual user or admin */
        		if ((($_SESSION["_user"] != $user) && $_SESSION["_user"] != ACL_DEFAULT_OSSIM_ADMIN) && !is_array($user_list = Session::get_list($conn, "WHERE login = '******' and pass = '******'"))) {
        			require_once ("ossim_error.inc");
        			$error = new OssimError();
        /* only the user himself or the admin can change passwords */
        if (POST('user') != $_SESSION["_user"] && !Session::am_i_admin()) {
            die(ossim_error(_("To change the password for other user is not allowed")));
        Session::changepass($conn, $user, $pass1, $oldpass);
        Session::log_pass_history($user, md5($pass1));
        if (method_exists('Session_activity', 'expire_my_others_sessions')) {
            Session_activity::expire_my_others_sessions($conn, $user);
	<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
		<title> <?php 
    echo gettext("OSSIM Framework");