Example #1

// Register the Standard View into the application container.
// See https://discophp.com/docs/service/view for more information.
App::make('View', 'App\\view\\Standard');
// We are forcing the use of CSRF token for all `POST`,`DELETE`, and `PUT` operations,
// validate that we recieved a valid token. See https://discophp.com/docs/service/data for more information.
if (!Data::validateCSRFToken()) {
    throw new \Exception('Bad token sent with request, action is denied!');
// If the current user isn't logged in check to see if they have a permanent login cookie set.
// If they do they will have a session created for them.
if (!\App::with('User')->loggedIn()) {
// Start defining application routes.
// See https://discophp.com/docs/service/router for more information.
// Resolve the root (index) route
Router::get('/', 'App\\controller\\Root@getIndex');
// Resolve user routes, both public and private