Example #1
  * Starts the application.
  * Starts to process the request. The request will be processed using these
  * steps:
  * - If `TI_REQURLKEY` is not defined, this function will call enableWebUI.
  *   This should not happen after the installation succeeded.
  * - If the request path starts with `TI_ADMIN_PATH` and a matching file in
  *   the `assets` folder exists, it will be served.
  * - If the request path starts with `TI_ADMIN_PATH`, enableWebUI will be
  *   called in order to provide the administration interface.
  * - If the requested path is considered equal to the base path of this
  *   application, this function will process the request as specified with
  *   the `home_action` option.
  * - Finally, this function uses {@link Database\LinksTableAdapter::resolvePath}
  *   to find the target the given path should redirect to.
  * - If the previous step fails, a 404 error will be issued and a related
  *   page will be shown.
 public static function start()
     $currURL = URL::getCurrent();
     if (!defined('TI_REQURLKEY')) {
         $path = isset($_GET['_webuipath']) ? $_GET['_webuipath'] : '';
         return self::enableWebUI($path, $_GET);
     $router = Router::fromGeneratedURL($currURL, TI_REQURLKEY);
     $match = $router->match(TI_ADMIN_PATH . '/assets/%%');
     if ($match !== false) {
         $assetdir = realpath(Application::$rootDir . '/assets/');
         $filepath = realpath($assetdir . '/' . $match[0]);
         if ($filepath !== false) {
             if (strpos($filepath, $assetdir) !== 0) {
                 die('Attack attempt: directory traversal attack');
             if (file_exists($filepath) && is_file($filepath)) {
                 header('Content-Type: ' . MimeContentTypes::getForFile($filepath));
     $match = $router->match(TI_ADMIN_PATH . '/%%?');
     if ($match !== false) {
         return self::enableWebUI($match[0], $router->getParameters());
     $dbc = self::dbConnection();
     $path = implode('/', $router->getPathElements());
     if ($path === '') {
         $opts = $dbc->options()->getOptions(array('home_action', 'home_target'));
         $target = WebUI\Page::getURL('');
         switch ($opts['home_action']) {
             case 'redirect':
                 $target = URL::parse($opts['home_target'], 'http');
     } else {
         $link = $dbc->links()->resolvePath($path);
         if (!$link) {
             $nfp = WebUI\NotFoundPage::getInstance($path, array());
             self::startWebUI($nfp, array());
         header('Location: ' . $link->resolved, 302);