require_once INCLUDE_DIR . '/Twig/lib/Twig/Autoloader.php';
// register the Twig Autoloader
// Create a new instance of Router
$router = new Router();
// Get an instance of Dispatcher
$dispatcher = new Dispatcher();
// Set up your default route:
$default_route = new Route('/');
$router->addRoute('default', $default_route);
$url = urldecode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
try {
    $found_route = $router->findRoute($url);
} catch (RouteNotFoundException $e) {
    PageError::show('404', $url);
} catch (badClassNameException $e) {
    PageError::show('400', $url);
} catch (classFileNotFoundException $e) {
    PageError::show('500', $url);
} catch (classNameNotFoundException $e) {
    PageError::show('500', $url);
} catch (classMethodNotFoundException $e) {
    PageError::show('500', $url);
} catch (classNotSpecifiedException $e) {
    PageError::show('500', $url);
} catch (methodNotSpecifiedException $e) {
    PageError::show('500', $url);

function __autoload($c)
    require_once "classes/" . $c . ".php";
// should probably be loaded from a DB somewhere
$routes = ["home" => ["body" => "body.partial.html", "title" => "Homepage!"], "contact" => ["body" => "contact.partial.html", "title" => "Contact pagina!", "header" => "header.partial.html"], "404" => ["body" => "404.partial.html", "title" => "Oops! Page not found"]];
$router = new Router($routes);
// Router
if (isset($_GET['r'])) {
    // route is requested
    $route = $_GET['r'];
    // find the requested route // if it doesnt exist, this will be 404
} else {
    // get the homepage
// create a new page with default values (html path, default header, default footer) for the current route
$page = new HTMLBuilder("html/", "header.partial.html", "footer.partial.html", $router);
Example #3
 public function testQueryParameters()
     $router = new Router();
     $route = new Route("/2008-08-01/Accounts/:id/IncomingPhoneNumbers");
     $route->addDynamicElement(':id', ':id');
     $router->addRoute('test', $route);
     $found = $router->findRoute('/2008-08-01/Accounts/1/IncomingPhoneNumbers?a=1&b=2');
     $this->assertSame($found, $route);