protected function footer()
     $tpl = Response::getObject()->appendTemplate("/Cms/admin/footer");
     $tpl->assign('menu', $this->menu, false);
 private function contact()
     $isSent = Request::get(0, VAR_URI) == 'send';
     $options = array('name' => array(Validator::MESSAGE => 'Der Name muss mindestens 5 und darf maximal 150 Zeichen lang sein.', Validator::MIN_LENGTH => 5, Validator::MAX_LENGTH => 150), 'email' => array(Validator::MESSAGE => 'Die E-Mail-Adresse ist nicht korrekt.', Validator::CALLBACK => Validator::CB_MAIL), 'message' => array(Validator::MESSAGE => 'Die Nachricht entspricht nicht den Vorgaben (mindestens 10 Zeichen, maximal 1000 Zeichen).', Validator::MIN_LENGTH => 10, Validator::MAX_LENGTH => 1000), 'title' => array(Validator::MESSAGE => 'Der Titel entspricht nicht den Vorgaben (mindestens 5 Zeichen, maximal 100 Zeichen).', Validator::MIN_LENGTH => 5, Validator::MAX_LENGTH => 100));
     // Don't validate the captcha via ajax as the session would end
     if (Config::get('captcha.enable')) {
         $options['recaptcha_response_field'] = array(Validator::MESSAGE => 'Der Sicherheitscode wurde nicht korrekt eingegeben.', Validator::CALLBACK => 'cb_captcha_check');
     $data = array_fill_keys(array_keys($options), '');
     $data['name'] = iif(Me::get()->loggedIn(), Me::get()->getName());
     $data['email'] = iif(Me::get()->loggedIn(), Me::get()->getEmail());
     if ($isSent) {
         if (count($error) > 0) {
         } else {
             CmsTools::sendMail(Config::get(''), $data['title'], $data['message'], $data['email'], $data['name']);
             CmsPage::ok('Die Anfrage wurde erfolgreich verschickt. Vielen Dank!');
             $data['title'] = '';
             $data['message'] = '';
     $tpl = Response::getObject()->appendTemplate('Cms/contact/contact');
     $tpl->assign('data', $data);
     if (Config::get('captcha.enable')) {
         $tpl->assign('captcha', recaptcha_get_html(Config::get('captcha.public_key')), false);
 protected function setCookie($email = '', $pw = '')
     if (empty($email) || empty($pw)) {
         Response::getObject()->sendCookie('udata', "", 0, true);
     } else {
         // Cookie-Laufzeit: 365 Tage
         Response::getObject()->sendCookie('udata', "{$email}|{$pw}", 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, true);
 public static function ok($message, $url = null)
     if (!is_array($message)) {
         $message = array($message);
     $tpl = Response::getObject()->appendTemplate('/Cms/ok');
     $tpl->assign('url', $url);
     $tpl->assign('message', $message);
 protected function show()
     $db = Database::getObject();
     $tpl = Response::getObject()->appendTemplate("Airlines/admin/airports");
     $country = Request::get('country', VAR_NONE, 'Schweiz');
     $tpl->assign('country', $country);
     $db->query("SELECT * FROM <p>airports " . iif(!empty($country), "WHERE land = <country>") . " ORDER BY land, stadt, flughafen", compact("country"));
     $tpl->assign('data', $db->fetchAll());
     $db->query("SELECT DISTINCT land FROM <p>airports ORDER BY land");
     $tpl->assign('countries', $db->fetchAll(null, null, 'land'));
 public function serverinfo()
     preg_match("~<body.*?>(.+?)</body>~is", ob_get_contents(), $match_body);
     $tpl = Response::getObject()->getTemplate("/Cms/admin/serverinfo");
     $tpl->assign('content', $match_body[0], false);
 public function suggest()
     $data = array();
     $id = Request::get(1, VAR_INT);
     $q = Request::get('q');
     $q = SystemEnvironment::fromUtf8($q);
     $db = Database::getObject();
     $db->query("SELECT * FROM <p>fields WHERE id = <id:int>", compact("id"));
     if ($db->numRows() == 1) {
         $field = CustomField::constructObject($db->fetchAssoc());
         if ($field instanceof CustomAutoCompleteTextField) {
             $data = $field->getList($q);
     Response::getObject()->sendHeader('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=' . Config::get('intl.charset'));
     echo implode("\n", $data);
 protected function airline($id)
     // Airline details
     $this->airlinePage->detail($id, '/Airlines/airline');
     // Airline average ratings
     $avgFields = CustomRating::getAverageFields($this->flightPage->getPosition(), array('airline' => $id, 'published' => 1));
     $tpl = Response::getObject()->appendTemplate('/Airlines/airline_avg');
     $tpl->assign('data', $avgFields, false);
     // Evaluated flights
     $filter = new CustomDataFilter($this->flightPage->getPosition());
     $filter->fieldCalculation('rating', '(vdr_rating+bord_rating+service_rating)/3');
     $filter->condition('airline', $id);
     $filter->condition('published', 1);
     $this->flightPage->overview('/Airlines/flights', Config::get('pagination.evaluations'), $filter);
 protected function output(CustomFieldData $field, $label)
     if ($field == null) {
         return '';
     } else {
         $tpl = Response::getObject()->getTemplate($this->getOutputTemplate());
         $tpl->assign('field', $field, false);
         $tpl->assign('output', $field->getOutputCode(), false);
         $tpl->assign('label', $label, false);
         return $tpl->parse();
 public function overview($tpl = null, $pagination = 0, CustomDataFilter $filter = null)
     if ($filter === null) {
         $filter = new CustomDataFilter($this->position);
         foreach ($this->mainFields as $field) {
     $pages = '';
     if ($pagination > 0) {
         $pg = new Pagination($pagination, $filter->getAmount());
         $filter->limit($pg->getPerPage(), $pg->getOffset());
         $pages = $pg->build();
     $tpl = Response::getObject()->appendTemplate($tpl ? $tpl : "/Cms/fields/data_categories");
     $tpl->assign('pages', $pages, false);
     $tpl->assign('list', $filter->retrieveList(), false);
     $tpl->assign('baseUri', $this->baseUri);
 protected function overview()
     foreach ($this->getPositions() as $p) {
         $cache = Core::getObject('Core.Cache.CacheServer')->load('fields');
         $tpl = Response::getObject()->appendTemplate("/Cms/admin/fields");
         $tpl->assign("data", $cache->getFields($p), false);
         $tpl->assign('baseUri', $this->getBaseURI());
 public static function getStarOutputCode($data, $min = 0, $max = 5, $step = 0.5)
     $nearest = self::findNearestStep($data, $min, $max, $step);
     $fullStars = intval($nearest);
     $halfStar = $nearest != $fullStars;
     $tpl = Response::getObject()->getTemplate('/Cms/bits/rating/output');
     $tpl->assignMultiple(compact("fullStars", "halfStar", "data", "min", "max"));
     return $tpl->parse();
 private function setSID($sid)
     $this->sid = $sid;
     Response::getObject()->sendCookie('sid', $sid, 60 * Config::get('security.session_lifetime'), true);
 protected function footer()
     $tpl = Response::getObject()->appendTemplate('/Cms/footer');
     $tpl->assign('breadcrumb', $this->breadcrumb, false);
 protected function getCodeImpl($file, $additionalVars = array())
     $tpl = Response::getObject()->getTemplate($file);
     $tpl->assign('fieldId', $this->getId());
     $tpl->assign('field', $this->getFieldName());
     $tpl->assign('title', $this->getName());
     $tpl->assign('description', $this->getDescription());
     $tpl->assign('params', $this->getParamsData());
     return $tpl->parse();
 protected function members()
     $db = Database::getObject();
     $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <p>user");
     $pp = Config::get('pagination.admin');
     $pg = new Pagination($pp, $db->fetchOne());
     $offset = $pg->getOffset();
     $db->query("SELECT * FROM <p>user ORDER BY surname, forename LIMIT <offset:int>, <pp:int>", compact("offset", "pp"));
     $data = array();
     while ($row = $db->fetchAssoc()) {
         $row['group'] = UserUtils::getGroupName($row['group_id']);
         $data[] = $row;
     $tpl = Response::getObject()->appendTemplate("Cms/admin/members");
     $tpl->assign("pages", $pg->build(), false);
     $tpl->assign("data", $data);
 public function pwremind()
     $action = Request::get(1, VAR_URI);
     $this->breadcrumb->add('Neues Passwort anfordern');
     $tpl = Response::getObject()->appendTemplate('Cms/user/pwremind');
     if (Me::get()->loggedIn()) {
         CmsPage::error('Sie sind bereits angemeldet!');
     } else {
         if ($action == 'send') {
             $mail = Request::get("email");
             $user = UserUtils::getByEmail($mail);
             if ($user !== null) {
                 if (!$user->isActive()) {
                     CmsPage::error("Ihr Benutzerkonto ist leider noch nicht freigeschaltet.");
                 } else {
                     $data = array('hash' => Hash::getRandom(), 'id' => $user->getId(), 'name' => UserUtils::getSalutation($user->getGender(), $user->getForeName(), $user->getSurName()));
                     $db = Database::getObject();
                     $db->query("UPDATE <p>user SET verification = <hash> WHERE id = <id:int> AND active = 1", $data);
                     $tpl = Response::getObject()->getTemplate('Cms/mails/pwremind_verify');
                     $tpl->assign('data', $data, false);
                     CmsTools::sendMail($user->getEmail(), Config::get('general.title') . ': Bestätigung deiner Passwortanfrage', $tpl->parse());
                     CmsPage::ok("Wir haben Ihnen eine E-Mail geschickt. Bitte folgen Sie den dortigen Anweisungen.");
             } else {
                 CmsPage::error("Die von Ihnen angegebene E-Mail-Adresse wurde leider nicht gefunden.");
         } else {
  * Gives out html formatted page numbers.
  * @return string HTML formatted page numbers and prefix
 public function build($tpl = null)
     $p = $this->getPage();
     $count = $this->getPages();
     $pages = array();
     if ($count > 10) {
         $show = array_unique(array(1, $p - 2, $p - 1, $p, $p + 1, $p + 2, $count));
         foreach ($show as $num) {
             if ($num >= 1 && $num <= $count) {
                 // Page is outside page range
             if ($num > 1 && !in_array($num - 1, $show)) {
                 // Add separator when page numbers are missing
                 $pages[$num - 1] = array('type' => self::PAGES_SEPARATOR, 'url' => null);
             $pages[$num] = array('type' => iif($num == $p, self::PAGES_CURRENT, self::PAGES_NUM), 'url' => $this->createUri($num));
     } else {
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) {
             $pages[$i] = array('type' => iif($i == $p, self::PAGES_CURRENT, self::PAGES_NUM), 'url' => $this->createUri($i));
     $tpl = Response::getObject()->getTemplate($tpl ? $tpl : '/Cms/bits/pages');
     $tpl->assign('pageCount', $count);
     $tpl->assign('pages', $pages);
     return $tpl->parse();
 protected function docs()
     $db = Database::getObject();
     $db->query("SELECT id, title, uri FROM <p>page ORDER BY title");
     $tpl = Response::getObject()->appendTemplate("Cms/admin/docs");
     $tpl->assign("data", $db->fetchAll());