Example #1
  * Start the application.
 static function start($dispatch = true)
     // Set error reporting level.
     error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
     // Setup default error handelers.
     set_error_handler(array('Request', 'default_error_handler'), E_ALL);
     set_exception_handler(array('Request', 'default_exception_handler'));
     // Setup autoloader.
     spl_autoload_register(array('Request', 'autoload'));
     // Load app config.
     self::$config = new Config('app');
     $config =& self::$config;
     // Get current environment (default local).
     self::$env = is_file(APP_ROOT . 'config/.env') ? trim(file_get_contents(APP_ROOT . 'config/.env')) : 'local';
     // Load environment config.
     if (is_file(APP_ROOT . 'config/' . self::$env . '.yml')) {
         self::$env_config = new Config(self::$env);
         $env_config =& self::$env_config;
         // Merge environment config into app config.
         $config = Config::merge($config, $env_config);
     // Setup app defaults.
     $default_app_config = array('view_path' => APP_ROOT . 'app/templates/', 'public_path' => APP_ROOT . 'public/', 'default_controller' => 'index', 'default_action' => 'index', 'default_output' => 'html', 'default_layout' => 'default', 'default_locale' => 'en_US.UTF-8', 'ajax_layout' => null);
     $config->app = Config::merge($default_app_config, $config->app);
     // Setup default locale.
     setlocale(LC_ALL, $config->app['default_locale']);
     // Setup default route.
     if (!is_array($config->routes)) {
         $config->routes = array();
     array_push($config->routes, array('/'));
     array_push($config->routes, array('/:controller/:action/*'));
     // Include core and app helpers.
     self::include_helpers(APP_ROOT . 'app/helpers/');
     self::include_helpers(APP_ROOT . 'core/helpers/');
     // Include core and app models.
     self::include_models(APP_ROOT . 'app/models/', false);
     self::include_models(APP_ROOT . 'core/models/', false);
     // Include core and app plugins.
     self::include_plugins(APP_ROOT . 'app/plugins/');
     self::include_plugins(APP_ROOT . 'core/plugins/');
     // Dispatch request?
     if ($dispatch) {
         return self::dispatch($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ?: $_SERVER['argv'][1]);