Example #1
 function process()
     $mask = array('email' => 'email', 'password' => 'string');
     $params = Request::checkPostParameters($mask);
     // к нам ломится пользователь с логином паролем.
     global $current_user;
     /* @var $current_user CurrentUser */
     $result = $current_user->authorize_password($params['email'], $params['password']);
     if ($result !== true) {
         $this->setWriteParameter('AuthModule', 'error', $result);
     } else {
Example #2
 function process()
     $params = Request::checkPostParameters(array('action' => 'string'));
     switch ($params['action']) {
         case 'edit_pages':
         case 'edit_pages_addmodule':
         case 'edit_modules':
Example #3
 function write()
     global $current_user;
     /* @var $current_user CurrentUser */
     if ($current_user->authorized) {
         $mask = array('id' => 'int', 'bday' => 'string', 'city_id' => 'int', 'link_fb' => array('type' => 'string', '*' => true), 'link_vk' => array('type' => 'string', '*' => true), 'link_lj' => array('type' => 'string', '*' => true), 'link_tw' => array('type' => 'string', '*' => true), 'quote' => array('type' => 'string', '*' => true), 'about' => array('type' => 'string', '*' => true));
         $params = Request::checkPostParameters($mask);
         if ($current_user->id == $params['id']) {
             if (isset($_FILES['picture']) && $_FILES['picture']['tmp_name']) {
                 $filename = Config::need('avatar_upload_path') . '/' . $current_user->id . '.jpg';
                 $upload = new UploadAvatar($_FILES['picture']['tmp_name'], 100, 100, "simple", $filename);
                 if ($upload->out) {
                     $current_user->setProperty('picture', 1);
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception('cant copy file to ' . $filename, 100);
             $current_user->setProperty('bday', max(0, (int) @strtotime($params['bday'])));
             // city
             $current_user->setProperty('city_id', $params['city_id']);
             // facebook etc
             $current_user->setPropertySerialized('link_fb', $params['link_fb']);
             $current_user->setPropertySerialized('link_vk', $params['link_vk']);
             $current_user->setPropertySerialized('link_tw', $params['link_tw']);
             $current_user->setPropertySerialized('link_lj', $params['link_lj']);
             $params['quote'] = htmlspecialchars($params['quote']);
             $params['about'] = htmlspecialchars($params['about']);
             $current_user->setPropertySerialized('quote', $params['quote']);
             $current_user->setPropertySerialized('about', $params['about']);
             // после редактирования профиля надо посбрасывать кеш со страницы профиля
             // и со страницы редактирования профиля
             // кеш в остальных модулях истечет сам
             Cache::drop(Request::$pageName . '_ProfileModule_' . $current_user->id, Cache::DATA_TYPE_XML);
             Cache::drop(Request::$pageName . '_ProfileModule_' . $current_user->id . 'edit', Cache::DATA_TYPE_XML);
Example #4
 function isNicknameUnique()
     global $current_user;
     $this->data['success'] = 1;
     if (!$current_user->authorized) {
     $nickname = isset($_POST['nickname']) ? $_POST['nickname'] : false;
     $mask = array('nickname' => array('type' => 'string', 'regexp' => '/^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+$/', 'min_length' => 3, 'max_length' => 26));
     try {
         $params = Request::checkPostParameters($mask);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $nickname = trim($params['nickname']);
     if ($nickname) {
         $query = 'SELECT COUNT(1) as cnt FROM `users` WHERE `nickname`=' . Database::escape($nickname) . ' AND `id` <> ' . $current_user->id;
         $cnt = Database::sql2single($query);
         if ($cnt) {
         } else {
             return true;
     } else {
         $this->error('Illegal nickname ^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+$');
 function write()
     global $current_user;
     /* @var $current_user CurrentUser */
     if (!$current_user->authorized) {
     $mask = array('id' => 'int', 'bday' => 'string', 'city_id' => 'int', 'role' => array('type' => 'int', '*' => true), 'link_fb' => array('type' => 'string', '*' => true), 'link_vk' => array('type' => 'string', '*' => true), 'link_lj' => array('type' => 'string', '*' => true), 'link_tw' => array('type' => 'string', '*' => true), 'quote' => array('type' => 'string', '*' => true), 'about' => array('type' => 'string', '*' => true));
     $params = Request::checkPostParameters($mask);
     $uid = isset($params['id']) ? $params['id'] : 0;
     if (!$uid) {
         throw new Exception('illegal user id');
     if ($current_user->id != $params['id']) {
         if ($current_user->getRole() >= User::ROLE_SITE_ADMIN) {
             $editing_user = Users::getByIdsLoaded(array($params['id']));
             $editing_user = isset($editing_user[$params['id']]) ? $editing_user[$params['id']] : false;
     } else {
         $editing_user = $current_user;
     if ($editing_user) {
         if (isset($_FILES['picture']) && $_FILES['picture']['tmp_name']) {
             $filename = Config::need('avatar_upload_path') . '/' . $editing_user->id . '.jpg';
             $upload = new UploadAvatar($_FILES['picture']['tmp_name'], 50, 50, "simple", $filename);
             $filename = Config::need('avatar_upload_path') . '/big_' . $editing_user->id . '.jpg';
             $upload = new UploadAvatar($_FILES['picture']['tmp_name'], 100, 100, "simple", $filename);
             if ($upload->out) {
                 $editing_user->setProperty('avatar', 'jpg');
             } else {
                 throw new Exception('cant copy file to ' . $filename, 100);
         if ($editing_user->getRole() < User::ROLE_SITE_ADMIN) {
             if ($current_user->getRole() >= User::ROLE_SITE_ADMIN) {
                 if (($new_role = (int) $params['role']) !== false) {
                     foreach (Users::$rolenames as $id => $name) {
                         if ($id == $new_role) {
                             if ($new_role <= User::ROLE_SITE_ADMIN) {
         $editing_user->setProperty('bday', max(0, (int) @strtotime($params['bday'])));
         // city
         $editing_user->setProperty('city_id', $params['city_id']);
         // facebook etc
         $editing_user->setPropertySerialized('link_fb', $params['link_fb']);
         $editing_user->setPropertySerialized('link_vk', $params['link_vk']);
         $editing_user->setPropertySerialized('link_tw', $params['link_tw']);
         $editing_user->setPropertySerialized('link_lj', $params['link_lj']);
         $params['quote'] = htmlspecialchars($params['quote']);
         $params['about'] = htmlspecialchars($params['about']);
         $editing_user->setPropertySerialized('quote', $params['quote']);
         $editing_user->setPropertySerialized('about', $params['about']);
         // после редактирования профиля надо посбрасывать кеш со страницы профиля
         // и со страницы редактирования профиля
         // кеш в остальных модулях истечет сам
     } else {
Example #6
 function write()
     global $current_user;
     /* @var $current_user CurrentUser */
     $mask = array('id' => 'int', 'nickname' => array('type' => 'string', 'regexp' => '/^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+$/', 'min_length' => 3, 'max_length' => 26, '*' => true), 'role' => array('type' => 'int', '*' => true), 'link_fb' => array('type' => 'string', '*' => true), 'link_vk' => array('type' => 'string', '*' => true), 'link_lj' => array('type' => 'string', '*' => true), 'link_tw' => array('type' => 'string', '*' => true), 'quote' => array('type' => 'string', '*' => true), 'about' => array('type' => 'string', '*' => true));
     $params = Request::checkPostParameters($mask);
     $uid = isset($params['id']) ? $params['id'] : 0;
     if (!$uid) {
         throw new Exception('illegal user id');
     if ($current_user->id != $params['id']) {
         if ($current_user->getRole() >= User::ROLE_BIBER) {
             $editing_user = Users::getByIdsLoaded(array($params['id']));
             $editing_user = isset($editing_user[$params['id']]) ? $editing_user[$params['id']] : false;
     } else {
         $editing_user = $current_user;
     $current_user->can_throw('users_edit', $editing_user);
     if ($editing_user) {
         if (trim($params['nickname']) != $editing_user->getNickName()) {
             if (!$editing_user->checkNickChanging()) {
                 throw new Exception('You can\'t change your nickname');
         if (isset($_FILES['picture']) && $_FILES['picture']['tmp_name']) {
             $filename = Config::need('avatar_upload_path') . '/' . $editing_user->id . '.jpg';
             $folder = Config::need('avatar_upload_path');
             $filename_normal = $folder . '/default_' . $editing_user->id . '.jpg';
             $filename_small = $folder . '/small_' . $editing_user->id . '.jpg';
             $filename_big = $folder . '/big_' . $editing_user->id . '.jpg';
             $filename_orig = $folder . '/orig_' . $editing_user->id . '.jpg';
             $thumb = new Thumb();
             $thumb->createThumbnails($_FILES['picture']['tmp_name'], array($filename_small, $filename_normal, $filename_big, $filename_orig), self::$cover_sizes);
             $editing_user->setProperty('picture', 1);
             $editing_user->setProperty('lastSave', time());
         if ($editing_user->getRole() < User::ROLE_SITE_ADMIN) {
             if ($current_user->getRole() == User::ROLE_BIBER) {
                 if (($new_role = (int) $params['role']) !== false) {
                     foreach (Users::$rolenames as $id => $name) {
                         if ($id == $new_role) {
                             if ($new_role < User::ROLE_SITE_ADMIN) {
             if ($current_user->getRole() > User::ROLE_BIBER) {
                 if (($new_role = (int) $params['role']) !== false) {
                     foreach (Users::$rolenames as $id => $name) {
                         if ($id == $new_role) {
                             if ($new_role <= User::ROLE_SITE_ADMIN) {
         // после редактирования профиля надо посбрасывать кеш со страницы профиля
         // и со страницы редактирования профиля
         // кеш в остальных модулях истечет сам
     } else {
Example #7
    function write()
        global $current_user;
        $this->setWriteParameter('RegisterModule', 'result', false);
        $mask = array('email' => 'email', 'password' => array('type' => 'string', 'min_length' => 6, 'max_length' => 16), 'nickname' => array('type' => 'string', 'regexp' => '/^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+$/', 'min_length' => 3, 'max_length' => 26, '*' => true));
        $params = Request::checkPostParameters($mask);
        $error = false;
        if ($params['email'] === false) {
            $error = true;
            $this->setWriteParameter('RegisterModule', 'email_error', 'email_incorrect');
        if ($params['password'] === false) {
            $error = true;
            $this->setWriteParameter('RegisterModule', 'password_error', 'password incorrect');
        if ($params['nickname'] === false) {
            $this->setWriteParameter('RegisterModule', 'nickname_error', 'nickname_incorrect');
        foreach ($params as $f => $v) {
            $this->setWriteParameter('RegisterModule', $f, $v);
        if ($error) {
            return false;
        // не занят ли email
        $query = 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM `users` WHERE
			`email`=\'' . $params['email'] . '\'';
        $email_twiced = Database::sql2single($query);
        if ($email_twiced) {
            $this->setWriteParameter('RegisterModule', 'email_error', 'email_twiced');
        // не занят ли ник. если занят, будет пока без ника - предложим поменять в лк
        if ($params['nickname']) {
            $query = 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM `users` WHERE
			`nickname`=\'' . $params['nickname'] . '\'';
            $nickname_twiced = Database::sql2single($query);
            if ($nickname_twiced) {
                $nickname = $current_user->getAvailableNickname($params['nickname']);
                $this->setWriteParameter('RegisterModule', 'nickname_changed', $nickname);
            } else {
                $nickname = $params['nickname'];
        } else {
            $nickname_from_email = substr($params['email'], 0, strpos($params['email'], '@'));
            $nickname = $current_user->getAvailableNickname($nickname_from_email);
        // закончили проверять параметры. теперь пишем пользователя в базу
        $r = $current_user->register($nickname, $params['email'], $params['password']);
        if ($r) {
            // мы успешно добавили пользователя в базу
            $register_url = Config::need('www_path') . '/emailconfirm/' . $current_user->id . '/' . $r;
            // теперь отсылаем ему письмо
            $data = array('email' => $params['email'], 'nickname' => $nickname, 'password' => $params['password'], 'register_url' => $register_url);
            Mailer::send(Config::need('register_email_from'), $params['email'], $nickname, $this->email_subject, $data, 'register.xsl');
            // передаем в шаблон "всё в порядке!"
            $this->setWriteParameter('RegisterModule', 'success', $nickname);
            // выходим
        // а это может случиться при регистрации 2х юзеров с одним мылом/ником одновременно или падении бд
        $this->setWriteParameter('RegisterModule', 'error', 'database_error');