Example #1
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0') < 0) {
    die("SleekMVC Requires PHP 5.3+");
// These settings tell the framework where to find files at.
define('SYSTEM_DIR', 'system/');
define('APP_DIR', 'app/');
define('VENDOR_DIR', 'vendor/');
// Grab the autoloader (which makes our lives MUCH easier)
require_once SYSTEM_DIR . 'Autoload.php';
// Also enable the error class (we try to catch errors and show users pretty pages)
require_once SYSTEM_DIR . 'Error.php';
// Enables the Autoloader
// Enables the error catching code
// Configure the router class. Add more routes here, above the default one (they're matched in order)
// Both :controller and :action are magical, any others are not.
// Paranthesis mean that what is inside is optional.
// Strings starting with : are pattern match groups.
// Here's an example route, where you can browse to /users/100
// www.example.com/root/users/100
// This will run Controller_Home::action_view_user(array('user_id'=>'100'));
\Sleek\Request::addRoute('/users/:user_id', array('controller' => 'home', 'action' => 'view_user', 'user_id' => NULL));
// This is a "catch all" route; in many cases it will be all you need.
// www.example.com/root/
// www.example.com/root/controllerName
// www.example.com/root/controllerName/actionName
// www.example.com/root/controllerName/actionName/something
\Sleek\Request::addRoute('(/:controller(/:action(/:id)))', array('controller' => 'home', 'action' => 'index', 'id' => NULL));
// Executes SleekMVC
new \Sleek\Core();