// Build the registry. The name of the registry should be changed to a name for
// the application.
$registry = new Registry('fort-application');
// Adding prompts (input) and output.
$output = new BasicOutput();
$prompt = new BasicPrompt($output);
$registry->datasource(function () use($output) {
    return $output;
}, 'output');
$registry->datasource(function () use($prompt) {
    return $prompt;
}, 'prompt');
// The output injection logger puts any log messages into the buffer. Think of
// this like using print or echo.
$registry->logger('\\Fortissimo\\Logger\\OutputInjectionLogger', 'foil');
// Load all of the configuration files. They are loaded in alpha order.
$iterator = Finder::create()->files()->name('*.php')->in(array(FORT_APP_PATH . '/config'));
// Because this iterator may be used in a Phar file we want to specify the PhpAdapter.
// @todo When moving to symfony version greater than 2.1.x uncomment the following 2 lines.
//$iterator->addAdapter(new PhpAdapter());
$config = iterator_to_array($iterator);
foreach ($config as $file) {
    require_once $file;
// Run the commandline runner.
$runner = new Runner($argv);
try {