Example #1

/* Bootrap file : Require the required files */
require SYS . 'registry.php';
//Default extending Controller:
require SYS . 'bootstrap/Controller.php';
/* Frame file : Setup all classes etc.. */
//$registry = Registry::singleton();
require_once APP . CONFIG . 'configuration.php';
require_once APP . CONFIG . 'autoload.php';
require_once APP . CONFIG . 'routes.php';
//Now load them into the registry:
Registry::addSetting($configuration, null, true);
Registry::addLibrary($autoload, null, true);
Registry::addRoutes($routes, null, true);
//Load the libraries:
foreach ($autoload['libraries'] as $library) {
    //echo $library;
    ${$library} = Registry::createObject($library, SYS . 'libraries/' . $library . '.php');
//Now load the load class:
$load = Registry::createObject('load', SYS . 'load.php');
//Now get the router: