Example #1
function showProjectPage($show_last = FALSE, $owner_only = false)
    global $base_url;
    //TODO check for the role of current user
    $role = getRole();
    if (!Users::isMentor()) {
        //true for both mentors and organisation admins. Also, they will see their own stuff only
        echo t('You are not allowed to see the projects in this view.');
    //Get my groups
    $my_organisations = Groups::getGroups(_ORGANISATION_GROUP);
    if (!$my_organisations->rowCount()) {
        //There are no organisations yet for this user
        if ($role == _ORGADMIN_TYPE) {
            echo t('You have no organisation yet.') . '<br/>';
            echo "<a href='" . _WEB_URL . "/dashboard/organisation/administer'>" . t('Please go to the organisation register page') . "</a>";
        } else {
            echo t('You are not connected to any organisation yet.') . '<br/>';
            echo "<a href='" . _WEB_URL . "/user/" . Users::getMyId() . "/edit'>" . t('Please edit your account to connect') . "</a>";
    } else {
        $show_all = !(bool) $owner_only;
        $owner_id = $GLOBALS['user']->uid;
        $orgs = array();
        $orgids = array();
        foreach ($my_organisations as $org) {
            $orgs[] = $org;
            $orgids[] = $org->org_id;
        $projects = Project::getProjectsByUser($owner_id, $orgids, $show_all);
        if (!$projects) {
            echo $owner_only ? t('You have no project yet registered') : t('There are no projects yet registered.');
            echo $owner_only ? "<BR>" . '<a href="' . $base_url . '/dashboard/projects/administer" ' . 'title="Manage all my organisation\'s projects">Manage all my organisation\'s projects</a>' : '';
            echo '<h2>' . t('Add a project') . '</h2>';
            $tab_prefix = 'project_page-';
            $target = "{$tab_prefix}1";
            $form = drupal_get_form("vals_soc_project_form", '', 'project_page-1');
            $form['submit'] = ajax_pre_render_element($form['submit']);
            $add_tab = renderForm($form, $target, true);
            $data = array();
            $data[] = array(1, 'Add', 'add', _PROJECT_OBJ, '0', "target=admin_container", true, 'adding from the right');
            echo renderTabs(1, null, 'project_page-', _PROJECT_OBJ, $data, null, TRUE, $add_tab, 1, _PROJECT_OBJ);
				<script type="text/javascript">
		        	   activatetabs('tab_', ['project_page-1']);
        } else {
            echo "<a href='" . _WEB_URL . "/dashboard/projects/administer'>" . t('Show all') . "</a>";
            echo " | ";
            echo "<a href='" . _WEB_URL . "/dashboard/projects/administer/mine'>" . t('Show only mine') . "</a>";
            $org = 1;
            $show_org_title = $my_organisations->rowCount() > 1;
            $org_key = AbstractEntity::keyField(_ORGANISATION_GROUP);
            foreach ($orgs as $organisation) {
                $projects = Project::getProjectsByUser($owner_id, array($organisation->{$org_key}), $show_all);
                showOrganisationProjects($org, $projects, $organisation, $show_org_title, $show_last, TRUE, $owner_only);