Example #1
        if (isOwner($productCode, $username, $password) == 0) {
            print "<br><br>**************  This isn't your product code **************<br><br><br>";
        } else {
            //database connection
            $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root") or die("****** can't connect to sever ******");
            mysql_select_db("easystock", $conn) or die("****** can't select database ******");
            //load product form database
            $rs = $easystockDB->fncSelectRecord("product", "code LIKE '{$productCode}%'");
            //Set value to class then use function sell() to calculate
            $productSell = new Product();
            $amountSell = $productSell->getAmount();
            $saleSell = $productSell->getSale();
            //update detail to database
            $easystockDB->fncUpdateRecord("product", "amount='{$amountSell}'", "code='{$productCode}'");
            $easystockDB->fncUpdateRecord("product", "sale='{$saleSell}'", "code='{$productCode}'");
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//database connection
$conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root");
mysql_select_db("easystock", $conn);
//scan user by username and password
$resultPerson = mysql_query("SELECT*FROM person WHERE user LIKE '{$username}%' AND password LIKE '{$password}%'", $conn) or die("****** please input correct username and password ******");
$rsPerson = mysql_fetch_array($resultPerson) or die("****** please input correct username and password ******");