Example #1
 $type = $config['show_private_videos'] == '1' ? '' : " AND type = 'public'";
 $sql = "SELECT COUNT(VID) AS total_videos FROM video WHERE channel = '" . $video['channel'] . "' AND VID != " . $vid . "\n\t\t\t\t\t   AND active = '1'" . $type . "\n                       AND ( title LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($video['title']) . "%' " . $sql_add . ")";
 $rs = $conn->execute($sql);
 $total = $rs->fields['total_videos'];
 if ($total > 80) {
     $total = 80;
 $total = $total > 80 ? 80 : $total;
 $pagination = new Pagination(8, $page);
 $limit = $pagination->getLimit($total);
 $sql = "SELECT VID, title, duration, addtime, rate, likes, dislikes, viewnumber, type, thumb, thumbs, hd\n\t                   FROM video \n                       WHERE channel = '" . intval($video['channel']) . "' AND VID != " . $vid . "\n\t\t\t\t\t   AND active = '1'" . $type . "\n                       AND ( title LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($video['title']) . "%' " . $sql_add . ")\n                       ORDER BY addtime DESC LIMIT " . $limit;
 $rs = $conn->execute($sql);
 $videos = $rs->getrows();
 $code = array();
 $total_pages = $pagination->getTotalPages();
 $page = $page >= $total_pages ? $total_pages : $page;
 $code[] = '<div class="row">';
 foreach ($videos as $video) {
     if ($video['type'] == 'private') {
         $img_class = 'class="img-responsive img-private"';
     } else {
         $img_class = 'class="img-responsive"';
     $code[] = '<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-3 col-lg-3">';
     $code[] = '<div class="well well-sm m-b-0 m-t-20">';
     $code[] = '<a href="' . $config['BASE_URL'] . '/video/' . $video['VID'] . '/' . prepare_string($video['title']) . '">';
     $code[] = '<div class="thumb-overlay">';
     $code[] = '<img src="' . get_thumb_url($video['VID']) . '/' . $video['thumb'] . '.jpg" title="' . htmlspecialchars($video['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '" alt="' . htmlspecialchars($video['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '" id="rotate_' . $video['VID'] . '_' . $video['thumbs'] . '_' . $video['thumb'] . '" ' . $img_class . ' />';
     if ($video['type'] == 'private') {
         $code[] = '<div class="label-private">' . $lang['global.PRIVATE'] . '</div>';
Example #2
					<option value="trash"><?php 
_e('Remove', 'wp-sms');
				<input value="<?php 
_e('Apply', 'wp-sms');
" name="doaction" id="doaction" class="button-secondary action" type="submit"/>
			<br class="clear">
if ($get_result) {
	<div class="pagination-log">
    echo $Pagination->display();
		<p id="result-log">
    echo ' ' . __('Page', 'wp-sms') . ' ' . $Pagination->getCurrentPage() . ' ' . __('From', 'wp-sms') . ' ' . $Pagination->getTotalPages();