Example #1
		public function getPages() {
			// returns an array of pages of this type. Does not check permissions
			// since this can get pretty long it actually returns a limited amount of data;
			$db = Loader::db();
			$pages = array();
			$r = $db->query("select Pages.cID, Collections.cDateAdded, Collections.cDateModified, max(cvID) as cvID, cvName from Pages inner join Collections on Collections.cID = Pages.cID inner join (select * from CollectionVersions order by cvID desc) as Foo on Pages.cID = Foo.cID where ctID = ? and cIsTemplate = 0 group by Foo.cID order by cvName asc;", array($this->getCollectionTypeID()));
			while ($row = $r->fetchRow()) {
				$p = new Page;
				$p->vObj = new CollectionVersion();
				$p->vObj->cvID = $row['cvID'];
				$p->vObj->cvName = $row['cvName'];
				$pages[] = $p;
			return $pages;