Example #1
if ($focus = Page::top_focus()) {
    echo "\t" . '<style type="text/css" media="screen">' . "\n" . "\t\t" . 'div.tabs li#' . $focus . ' a {' . "\n" . "\t\t\t" . 'background-position: 0% -44px;' . "\n" . "\t\t\t" . 'border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;' . "\n" . "\t\t" . '}' . "\n" . "\t\t" . 'div.tabs li#' . $focus . ' a span {' . "\n" . "\t\t\t" . 'color: #039;' . "\n" . "\t\t\t" . 'background-position: 100% -44px;' . "\n" . "\t\t" . '}' . "\n" . "\t" . '</style>' . "\n";
// set icons for this site
if (!$context['site_icon']) {
    echo "\t" . '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="' . $context['url_to_root'] . 'skins/boxesandarrows/boxesandarrows.ico" type="image/x-icon" />' . "\n";
    echo "\t" . '<link rel="icon" href="' . $context['url_to_root'] . 'skins/boxesandarrows/boxesandarrows.ico" type="image/x-icon" />' . "\n";
// other head directives
// end of the header
echo '</head>' . "\n";
// start the body
// the default header panel
// the main panel
echo '<table id="wrapper"><tr><td id="main_panel">' . "\n";
// combine the menu bar and the date in one line
echo '<div class="dotted metadata" >' . "\n";
// display the date on the right
echo '<span style="float: right;">' . date('F d, Y') . '</span>' . "\n";
// display the menu bar, if any
if (@count($context['page_menu']) > 0) {
    echo Skin::build_list($context['page_menu'], 'page_menu');
} else {
    echo '&nbsp; ';
// to always have dotted line below floating date
echo '</div>' . "\n";
// display the last item of the path string