Example #1
 static function getKey($key)
     if (self::$cache === null) {
         self::$cache = Model::pluck(Setting::find('1=1'), 'value', 'key');
     return self::$cache[$key];
Example #2
  * @param bool|true $ispublic
  * @return Team[]
 function getTeams($ispublic = true)
     if (!$ispublic) {
         $teamIds = Model::pluck(SeasonTeam::find('seasonid = ?', [$this->seasonid]), 'teamid');
     } else {
         $teamIds = Model::pluck(SeasonTeam::find('seasonid = ? and ispublic', [$this->seasonid]), 'teamid');
     if (!$teamIds) {
         return [];
     return Model::orderBy(Team::getMultiple($teamIds), 'name');
Example #3
File: Batch.php Project: xJakub/LCE
    public function makeMatches() {

        $teams = Team::find('1=1');
        $teamIdByName = Model::pluck($teams, 'teamid', 'name');

        $week = 0;
        $matches = [];

        foreach (explode("\n", file_get_contents("matches.txt")) as $line) {
            $parts = explode("VS", $line);
            if (count($parts) == 1 && substr(trim($line), 0, 2) == '--') {
            if (count($parts) != 2) continue;

            list($name1, $name2) = $parts;
            $name1 = trim($name1);
            $name2 = trim($name2);

            $match = Match::create();
            $match->team1id = $teamIdByName[$name1];
            $match->team2id = $teamIdByName[$name2];
            $match->week = $week;
            $matches[] = $match;

            if (!$match->team1id) {
                die("Equipo desconocido: $name1");
            if (!$match->team2id) {
                die("Equipo desconocido: $name2");


        if (count($matches) >= 1 && count($matches) != count(Match::find('1=1'))) {
            ?>Enfrentamientos actualizados.<br><?
        else {
            ?>No hay cambios en los enfrentamientos.<br><?

Example #4
 private static function afterLogin()
     $connection = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, $_SESSION['oauth_token'], $_SESSION['oauth_token_secret']);
     $json = $connection->get('users/show', ['user_id' => $_SESSION['twitter-userid']]);
     $_SESSION['twitter-avatar'] = isset($json->profile_image_url) ? $json->profile_image_url : '';
     Avatar::setUsersAvatar($_SESSION['twitter-userid'], $_SESSION['twitter-username'], $_SESSION['twitter-avatar']);
     $oldAvatars = Avatar::find('1=1 order by dateline asc limit 100');
     if ($oldAvatars) {
         $oldAvatarsIds = Model::pluck($oldAvatars, 'userid');
         $json = $connection->get('users/lookup', ['user_id' => implode(',', $oldAvatarsIds)]);
         foreach ($json as $userdata) {
             $newavatars[$userdata->id_str] = $userdata->profile_image_url;
         foreach ($oldAvatars as $avatar) {
             $avatar->url = $newavatars[$avatar->userid];
             $avatar->dateline = time();
Example #5
    private function showTeamSeasons()
        $teamSeasonIds = Model::pluck(SeasonTeam::find('teamid = ?', [$this->team->teamid]), 'seasonid');
        $teamSeasons = Season::getMultiple($teamSeasonIds);
        Model::orderBy($teamSeasons, 'seasonid');

        $teamMatches = Match::find('team1id = ? or team2id = ?', [$this->team->teamid, $this->team->teamid]);
        // $games = [];
        $playedGames = [];
        $wins = [];
        $losses = [];

        foreach($teamMatches as $match) {
            if (!$match->isPublished()) continue;
            // $games[$match->seasonid]++;
            if ($match->getWinner() == $this->team->teamid) {
            if ($match->getLooser() == $this->team->teamid) {

        <h2>Actividad por temporadas</h2>

        <table style="width: 400px">
        foreach($teamSeasons as $season) {
            if (!$season->ispublic && !Team::isSuperAdmin()) continue;
                    <a href="/<?=$season->getLink()?>/equipos/<?=$this->team->getLink()?>/">
                        <?= htmlentities($season->name) ?>
                <td><?= $playedGames[$season->seasonid] * 1 ?></td>
                <td><?= $wins[$season->seasonid] * 1 ?></td>
                <td><?= $losses[$season->seasonid] * 1 ?></td>

Example #6
File: Model.php Project: xJakub/LCE
 static function orderBy($items, $field)
     $keys = Model::pluck($items, $field);
     array_multisort($keys, $items);
     return $items;
Example #7
     * @return void
    public function show()
        if (!TwitterAuth::isLogged()) {
            Sólo los miembros pueden ver esta página.
            <a href="<?=HTMLResponse::getRoute()?>?authenticate=1">
                Inicia sesión.
        else {
            if (!Team::isMember()) {

            $answer = PollVote::findOne('userid = ? and pollid = ?',
                [TwitterAuth::getUserId(), $this->poll->pollid]);

            $options = PollOption::find('pollid = ? order by polloptionid asc', [$this->poll->pollid]);

            if (!$answer && strlen($hash = HTMLResponse::fromGET('hash', ''))) {
                $optionid = HTMLResponse::fromGET('vote');

                foreach($options as $index => $option) {
                    if ($option->polloptionid == $optionid && $option->getHash() == $hash) {
                        $answer = PollVote::create();
                        $answer->userid = TwitterAuth::getUserId();
                        $answer->dateline = time();
                        $answer->avatar = TwitterAuth::getAvatar();
                        $answer->pollid = $this->poll->pollid;
                        $answer->polloptionid = $option->polloptionid;
                        $answer->username = TwitterAuth::getUserName();

            $answers = Model::groupBy(PollVote::find('pollid = ?', [$this->poll->pollid]), 'polloptionid');

            $hasAnswered = !!$answer;

            ?><div style="text-align:left; margin: 0 auto" class="inblock">
            <table style="width:640px">
                    <td>Lista de opciones</td>

                foreach($options as $index => $option) {
                    <tr><td class="row" style="text-align: left">
                            <div style="height: 6px"></div>
                            <div class="inblock middle" style="width:320px">
                                <b>Opción <?=$index+1?></b>: <?= htmlentities($option->title) ?>
                            <div class="inblock middle">
                                <div class="moreless inblock middle" style="width: 150px">
                                    <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="$(this).closest('.row').find('.moreless').toggle(); $(this).closest('.row').find('.onmore').slideDown(500);">+ Mostrar más</a>
                                <div class="moreless inblock middle" style="width: 150px; display: none">
                                    <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="$(this).closest('.row').find('.moreless').toggle(); $(this).closest('.row').find('.onmore').slideUp(400);">- Mostrar menos</a>
                            <div class="inblock middle">
                                <? if (!$hasAnswered) { ?>
                                    <a href="<?=HTMLResponse::getRoute()?>?vote=<?=$option->polloptionid?>&hash=<?=$option->getHash()?>" onclick="return confirm('¿Votas <?=htmlentities($option->title)?>?')">
                                        Votar esta opción
                                <? } else if ($answer->polloptionid == $option->polloptionid) { ?>
                                    <i>Votaste esta opción</i>
                                <? } ?>
                            <div class="onmore" style="display: none; padding: 12px">
                                <?= $option->description ?>
                            <div style="height: 6px"></div>
                            if (!$hasAnswered) {
                                ?><i>Vota primero para ver los resultados</i><?
                            else {
                                $optionAnswers = $answers[$option->polloptionid];
                                Votado por: <?= $optionAnswers
                                    ? '<b>'.implode(', ', Model::pluck($optionAnswers, 'username')).'</b> ('.count($optionAnswers).' votos)'
                                    : '<i>Nadie</i>'; ?>
                            <div style="height: 6px"></div>

Example #8
 public function getScore()
     $votes = $this->getVotes();
     return array_sum(Model::pluck($votes, 'vote'));
Example #9
     * @return void
    public function show()
        $matches = Match::find('seasonid = ? and result != 0', [$this->season->seasonid]);
        $matches = Model::indexBy($matches, 'matchid');

        $teams = Model::indexBy(Team::find('1=1'), 'teamid');

        $matchWinner = [];

        foreach($matches as $match) {
            if ($this->season->weekIsPublished($match->week) && !$match->isDelayed()) {
                $matchWinner[$match->matchid] = $match->getWinner();

        $totalBets = [];
        $correctBets = [];

        $usernames = [];
        $avatars = Model::pluck(Avatar::find('1=1'), 'url', 'userid');

        foreach(Bet::find('1=1') as $bet) {
            if (isset($matchWinner[$bet->matchid])) {
                if ($bet->teamid && $matchWinner[$bet->matchid] == $bet->teamid) {
            if ($bet->username) {
                $usernames[$bet->userid] = $bet->username;

        $tiebreakers = [];
        foreach(array_keys($correctBets) as $userid) {
            $tiebreakers[$userid] = [-$correctBets[$userid], $totalBets[$userid], strtolower($usernames[$userid])];

        if (TwitterAuth::isLogged()) {
            $userid = TwitterAuth::getUserId();
            $userBets = Bet::find('userid = ? order by matchid desc', [$userid]);

            $userpos = array_search($userid, array_keys($tiebreakers));
            $userpos = ($userpos === FALSE) ? 0 : $userpos+1;

            <div class="inblock" style="text-align: left; margin-right: 20px">
                <h2>Tus estadísticas</h2>
                        <td><?= $userpos ?>º</td>
                        <td style="text-align: left">
                            <div class="inblock" style="vertical-align: middle">
                                <a href="http://twitter.com/<?=htmlentities($usernames[$userid])?>" target="_blank">
                                    <img src="<?= htmlentities($avatars[$userid]) ?>" style="width:40px; height:40px; border-radius: 20px">
                            <div class="inblock" style="vertical-align: middle">
                                <a href="http://twitter.com/<?=htmlentities($usernames[$userid])?>" target="_blank">
                                    <?= htmlentities($usernames[$userid]) ?>
                                    <? if (!isset($usernames[$userid])) echo "<i>$userid</i>"; ?>
                        <td><?= $correctBets[$userid] ?></td>
                        <td><?= $totalBets[$userid]-$correctBets[$userid] ?></td>

                <h2>Tus apuestas</h2>
                    <? foreach($userBets as $bet) {
                        if (!isset($matches[$bet->matchid])) continue;
                         * @var $match Match
                        $match = $matches[$bet->matchid];
                        if (!$match->isPublished() || $match->isDelayed()) continue;

                        $team1 = $teams[$match->team1id];
                        $team2 = $teams[$match->team2id];

                        $success = $match->getWinner() == $bet->teamid;
                            <td><?= $match->week ?></td>
                                <div class="inblock">
                                    <div class="teamimg64">
                                        <img src="/<?= $team1->getImageLink(64, 64) ?>" class="<?= $match->getWinner() == $team1->teamid ? '' : 'grayscale' ?>">
                                    <? if ($bet->teamid == $team1->teamid) { ?>
                                        <br><i style="font-size:11px">Votado</i>
                                    <? } ?>

                                <div class="inblock" style="line-height: 64px; margin: 0px 4px">

                                <div class="inblock">
                                    <div class="teamimg64">
                                        <img src="/<?= $team2->getImageLink(64, 64) ?>" class="<?= $match->getWinner() == $team2->teamid ? '' : 'grayscale' ?>">
                                    <? if ($bet->teamid == $team2->teamid) { ?>
                                        <br><i style="font-size:11px">Votado</i>
                                    <? } ?>
                                <?= $success
                                    ? '<div class="success-icon">&#x2714;</div>'
                                    : '<div class="fail-icon">&#x2718</div>' ?>

                    } ?>

        <div class="inblock">

                $lastTiebreakers = null;
                $lastPos = 0;
                foreach(array_keys($tiebreakers) as $pos => $userid) {

                    if ($lastTiebreakers != $tiebreakers[$userid]) {
                        $lastPos = $pos;

                    if (!isset($avatars[$userid])) {
                        Avatar::setUsersAvatar($userid, $usernames[$userid]);
                        <td><?= $lastPos+1 ?>º</td>
                        <td style="text-align: left">
                            <div class="inblock" style="vertical-align: middle">
                                <a href="http://twitter.com/<?=htmlentities($usernames[$userid])?>" target="_blank">
                                    <img src="<?= htmlentities($avatars[$userid]) ?>" style="width:40px; height:40px; border-radius: 20px">
                            <div class="inblock" style="vertical-align: middle">
                                <a href="http://twitter.com/<?=htmlentities($usernames[$userid])?>" target="_blank">
                                    <?= htmlentities($usernames[$userid]) ?>
                                    <? if (!isset($usernames[$userid])) echo "<i>$userid</i>"; ?>
                        <td><?= $correctBets[$userid] ?></td>
                        <td><?= $totalBets[$userid]-$correctBets[$userid] ?></td>
                    $lastTiebreakers = $tiebreakers[$userid];