Example #1
function parseFilter($filter, $table, $operator = "=")
    global $postgisObject;
    global $postgisschema;
    global $srs;
    $table = dropAllNameSpaces($table);
    $st = \app\inc\Model::explodeTableName($table);
    if (!$st['schema']) {
        $st['schema'] = $postgisschema;
    $primeryKey = $postgisObject->getPrimeryKey($st['schema'] . "." . $st['table']);
    $serializer_options = array('indent' => '  ');
    $Serializer =& new XML_Serializer($serializer_options);
    if (!is_array($filter[0]) && isset($filter) && !(isset($filter['And']) or isset($filter['Or']) or isset($filter['Not']))) {
        $filter = array(0 => $filter);
    $sridOfTable = $postgisObject->getGeometryColumns($table, "srid");
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($filter as $key => $arr) {
        if ($key == "And" || $key == "Or") {
            $BoolOperator = $key;
        if (isset($arr['Not'])) {
            //$where[] = parseFilter($arr['Not'],$table,"<>");
        if (isset($arr['And']) || isset($arr['Or'])) {
            // Recursive call
            $where[] = parseFilter($arr, $table);
        // PropertyIsEqualTo
        $arr['PropertyIsEqualTo'] = addDiminsionOnArray($arr['PropertyIsEqualTo']);
        if (is_array($arr['PropertyIsEqualTo'])) {
            foreach ($arr['PropertyIsEqualTo'] as $value) {
                $where[] = $value['PropertyName'] . "=" . $postgisObject->quote($value['Literal']);
        // PropertyIsNotEqualTo
        $arr['PropertyIsNotEqualTo'] = addDiminsionOnArray($arr['PropertyIsNotEqualTo']);
        if (is_array($arr['PropertyIsNotEqualTo'])) {
            foreach ($arr['PropertyIsNotEqualTo'] as $value) {
                $where[] = $value['PropertyName'] . "<>'" . $value['Literal'] . "'";
        // PropertyIsLessThan
        $arr['PropertyIsLessThan'] = addDiminsionOnArray($arr['PropertyIsLessThan']);
        if (is_array($arr['PropertyIsLessThan'])) {
            foreach ($arr['PropertyIsLessThan'] as $value) {
                $where[] = $value['PropertyName'] . "<'" . $value['Literal'] . "'";
        // PropertyIsGreaterThan
        $arr['PropertyIsGreaterThan'] = addDiminsionOnArray($arr['PropertyIsGreaterThan']);
        if (is_array($arr['PropertyIsGreaterThan'])) {
            foreach ($arr['PropertyIsGreaterThan'] as $value) {
                $where[] = $value['PropertyName'] . ">'" . $value['Literal'] . "'";
        // PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo
        $arr['PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo'] = addDiminsionOnArray($arr['PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo']);
        if (is_array($arr['PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo'])) {
            foreach ($arr['PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo'] as $value) {
                $where[] = $value['PropertyName'] . "<='" . $value['Literal'] . "'";
        $arr['PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo'] = addDiminsionOnArray($arr['PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo']);
        if (is_array($arr['PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo'])) {
            foreach ($arr['PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo'] as $value) {
                $where[] = $value['PropertyName'] . ">='" . $value['Literal'] . "'";
        $arr['PropertyIsLike'] = addDiminsionOnArray($arr['PropertyIsLike']);
        if (is_array($arr['PropertyIsLike'])) {
            foreach ($arr['PropertyIsLike'] as $value) {
                $where[] = $value['PropertyName'] . " LIKE '%" . $value['Literal'] . "%'";
        $arr['PropertyIsBetween'] = addDiminsionOnArray($arr['PropertyIsBetween']);
        if (is_array($arr['PropertyIsBetween'])) {
            foreach ($arr['PropertyIsBetween'] as $value) {
                if ($value['LowerBoundary']) {
                    $w[] = $value['PropertyName'] . " > '" . $value['LowerBoundary']['Literal'] . "'";
                if ($value['UpperBoundary']) {
                    $w[] = $value['PropertyName'] . " < '" . $value['UpperBoundary']['Literal'] . "'";
            $where[] = implode(" AND ", $w);
        // FeatureID
        if (!is_array($arr['FeatureId'][0]) && isset($arr['FeatureId'])) {
            $arr['FeatureId'] = array(0 => $arr['FeatureId']);
        if (is_array($arr['FeatureId'])) {
            foreach ($arr['FeatureId'] as $value) {
                $value['fid'] = preg_replace("/{$table}\\./", "", $value['fid']);
                // remove table name
                $where[] = "{$primeryKey['attname']}=" . $value['fid'];
        // GmlObjectId
        $arr['GmlObjectId'] = addDiminsionOnArray($arr['GmlObjectId']);
        if (is_array($arr['GmlObjectId'])) {
            foreach ($arr['GmlObjectId'] as $value) {
                $value['id'] = preg_replace("/{$table}\\./", "", $value['id']);
                // remove table name
                $where[] = "{$primeryKey['attname']}=" . $value['id'];
        $arr['Intersects'] = addDiminsionOnArray($arr['Intersects']);
        if (is_array($arr['Intersects'])) {
            foreach ($arr['Intersects'] as $value) {
                $status = $Serializer->serialize($value);
                $gmlCon = new gmlConverter();
                $wktArr = $gmlCon->gmlToWKT($Serializer->getSerializedData(), array());
                $sridOfFilter = $wktArr[1][0];
                if (!$sridOfFilter) {
                    $sridOfFilter = $srs;
                // If no filter on BBOX we think it must be same as the requested srs
                if (!$sridOfFilter) {
                    $sridOfFilter = $sridOfTable;
                // If still no filter on BBOX we set it to native srs
                $where[] = "ST_Intersects" . "(public.ST_Transform(public.ST_GeometryFromText('" . $wktArr[0][0] . "'," . $sridOfFilter . "),{$sridOfTable})," . $value['PropertyName'] . ")";
        if ($arr['BBOX']) {
            if (is_array($arr['BBOX']['Box']['coordinates'])) {
                $arr['BBOX']['Box']['coordinates']['_content'] = str_replace(" ", ",", $arr['BBOX']['Box']['coordinates']['_content']);
                $coordsArr = explode(",", $arr['BBOX']['Box']['coordinates']['_content']);
            } else {
                $arr['BBOX']['Box']['coordinates'] = str_replace(" ", ",", $arr['BBOX']['Box']['coordinates']);
                $coordsArr = explode(",", $arr['BBOX']['Box']['coordinates']);
            if (is_array($arr['BBOX']['Box'])) {
                $sridOfFilter = gmlConverter::parseEpsgCode($arr['BBOX']['Box']['srsName']);
                $axisOrder = gmlConverter::getAxisOrderFromEpsg($arr['BBOX']['Box']['srsName']);
                if (!$sridOfFilter) {
                    $sridOfFilter = $srs;
                // If no filter on BBOX we think it must be same as the requested srs
                if (!$sridOfFilter) {
                    $sridOfFilter = $sridOfTable;
                // If still no filter on BBOX we set it to native srs
            if (is_array($arr['BBOX']['Envelope'])) {
                $coordsArr = array_merge(explode(" ", $arr['BBOX']['Envelope']['lowerCorner']), explode(" ", $arr['BBOX']['Envelope']['upperCorner']));
                $data = ob_get_clean();
                $sridOfFilter = gmlConverter::parseEpsgCode($arr['BBOX']['Envelope']['srsName']);
                $axisOrder = gmlConverter::getAxisOrderFromEpsg($arr['BBOX']['Envelope']['srsName']);
                if (!$sridOfFilter) {
                    $sridOfFilter = $srs;
                // If no filter on BBOX we think it must be same as the requested srs
                if (!$sridOfFilter) {
                    $sridOfFilter = $sridOfTable;
                // If still no filter on BBOX we set it to native srs
            if ($axisOrder == "longitude") {
                $where[] = "ST_Intersects" . "(public.ST_Transform(public.ST_GeometryFromText('POLYGON((" . $coordsArr[0] . " " . $coordsArr[1] . "," . $coordsArr[0] . " " . $coordsArr[3] . "," . $coordsArr[2] . " " . $coordsArr[3] . "," . $coordsArr[2] . " " . $coordsArr[1] . "," . $coordsArr[0] . " " . $coordsArr[1] . "))'," . $sridOfFilter . "),{$sridOfTable})," . "\"" . ($arr['BBOX']['PropertyName'] ?: $postgisObject->getGeometryColumns($table, "f_geometry_column")) . "\")";
            } else {
                $where[] = "ST_Intersects" . "(public.ST_Transform(public.ST_GeometryFromText('POLYGON((" . $coordsArr[1] . " " . $coordsArr[0] . "," . $coordsArr[3] . " " . $coordsArr[0] . "," . $coordsArr[3] . " " . $coordsArr[2] . "," . $coordsArr[1] . " " . $coordsArr[2] . "," . $coordsArr[1] . " " . $coordsArr[0] . "))'," . $sridOfFilter . "),{$sridOfTable})," . "\"" . ($arr['BBOX']['PropertyName'] ?: $postgisObject->getGeometryColumns($table, "f_geometry_column")) . "\")";
            /*$where[] = "public.ST_Transform(public.ST_GeometryFromText('POLYGON((".$coordsArr[0]." ".$coordsArr[1].",".$coordsArr[0]." ".$coordsArr[3].",".$coordsArr[2]." ".$coordsArr[3].",".$coordsArr[2]." ".$coordsArr[1].",".$coordsArr[0]." ".$coordsArr[1]."))',"
              ."),$sridOfTable) && ".$arr['BBOX']['PropertyName'];*/
        // End of filter parsing
    if (!$BoolOperator) {
        $BoolOperator = "OR";
    return "(" . implode(" " . $BoolOperator . " ", $where) . ")";