Example #1
 public function calculate()
     if (empty($this->ids)) {
         return FALSE;
     $selectWrapper = "\n            ROUND(profit*0.1) cnt\n            ";
     $select = "\n            o.client_manager_id user_id, DATE_FORMAT(b.datetime,'%Y-%m') date\n            ";
     $clause = "\n            o.client_manager_id IN (:user_id:)\n            ";
     $params = ['since' => date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime('first day of this month', strtotime($this->start . '-01'))), 'till' => date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('last day of this month', strtotime($this->start . '-01'))), 'user_id' => $this->ids];
     $group = "o.client_manager_id, DATE_FORMAT(b.datetime,'%Y-%m')";
     return $this->PreSetCalculate(\Model::admin('Balance')->buildOrderStatistics(compact("selectWrapper", "select", "clause", "params", "group")));
Example #2
 public function save()
     $data = $this->getSafeData();
     $insert = ['type_id' => $data['type_id'], 'text' => \Arr::get($this->types, $data['type_id'], 'ЗП'), 'amount' => -$data['amount'], 'payment_type_id' => $data['payment_type_id'], 'creation_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'creator_id' => \Model::factory('User')->get('id'), 'approval_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'approver_id' => \Model::factory('User')->get('id'), 'source_id' => $data['source_id'], 'point_id' => $data['point_id']];
     $id = \Model::admin('Expense')->insert($insert);
     if ($this->getData('accomplish')) {
         \Model::admin('Expense')->accomplish($id, $insert['source_id']);
     return ['amount' => $insert['amount']];
 public function calculate()
     if (empty($this->ids)) {
         return FALSE;
     $selectWrapper = "\n            ROUND(profit) cnt\n            ";
     $select = "\n            DATE_FORMAT(b.datetime,'%Y-%m') date\n            ";
     $from = "\n            INNER JOIN representative r ON r.city_id=o.city_id AND r.is_central\n            ";
     $clause = "\n            r.partnership\n            ";
     $params = ['since' => date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime('first day of this month', strtotime($this->start . '-01'))), 'till' => date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('last day of this month', strtotime($this->start . '-01')))];
     $group = "DATE_FORMAT(b.datetime,'%Y-%m')";
     return ['cnt' => 180000, 'date' => '2015-12', 'department_id' => 22, 'mount' => 12, 'year' => 2015];
     return $this->PreSetCalculate(\Model::admin('Balance')->buildOrderStatistics(compact("selectWrapper", "select", "from", "clause", "params", "group")));
Example #4
 public function getByFact($date)
     if (!$date) {
         $date = date($this->format_date);
     $period = Calendar::getPeriodMonth($date);
     $select = "\n            DATE_FORMAT(b.datetime,'%Y-%m') month\n            ";
     $params = ['since' => $period['start'] . ' 00:00:00', 'till' => $period['end'] . ' 23:59:59'];
     $group = "DATE_FORMAT(b.datetime,'%Y-%m-01')";
     $all = \Model::admin('Balance')->buildOrderStatistics(compact("select", "params", "group"));
     if (!empty($all)) {
         return array_pop($all);
     return 0;
 public function calculate()
     if (empty($this->ids)) {
         return FALSE;
     $selectWrapper = "\n            ROUND(profit*0.1) cnt\n            ";
     $select = "\n            pe.department_id, DATE_FORMAT(b.datetime,'%Y-%m') date\n            ";
     $from = "\n            INNER JOIN client_address ca ON ca.id=o.address_id\n            INNER JOIN client c ON c.id=ca.client_id\n            INNER JOIN pm_employee pe ON pe.user_id=c.manager_id AND pe.department_id IN (:department_id:) AND pe.`start`<=DATE_FORMAT(:till:,'%Y-%m-%d') AND (pe.`end`>=DATE_FORMAT(:since:,'%Y-%m-%d') OR pe.`end` IS NULL)\n            ";
     $clause = "\n            c.manager_id=pe.user_id AND b.datetime BETWEEN CONCAT(pe.`start`,' 00:00:00') AND CONCAT(IFNULL(pe.`end`,DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y-%m-%d')),' 23:59:59')\n            ";
     $params = ['since' => date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime('first day of this month', strtotime($this->start . '-01'))), 'till' => date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('last day of this month', strtotime($this->start . '-01'))), 'department_id' => $this->departments];
     foreach ($this->users as $key => $curr) {
         $params['uid' . $key] = $curr;
     $group = "pe.department_id, DATE_FORMAT(b.datetime,'%Y-%m')";
     return $this->PreSetCalculate(\Model::admin('Balance')->buildOrderStatistics(compact("selectWrapper", "select", "from", "clause", "params", "group")));
Example #6
 public function calculate()
     if (empty($this->ids)) {
         return FALSE;
     $selectWrapper = "\n            ROUND(retailAmount) cnt\n            ";
     $select = "\n            pd.id department_id, DATE_FORMAT(b.datetime,'%Y-%m') date\n            ";
     $from = "\n            INNER JOIN representative r ON r.city_id=o.city_id\n            INNER JOIN pm_department pd ON r.id=pd.point_id\n            ";
     $clause = "\n            pd.id IN (:department_id:)\n            ";
     $params = ['since' => $this->start_day . ' 00:00:00', 'till' => $this->end_day . ' 23:59:59', 'department_id' => $this->departments];
     $group = "pd.id, DATE_FORMAT(b.datetime,'%Y-%m')";
             return [15 => ['cnt' => 159900, 'date' => '2015-12', 'department_id' => 15],
                     23 => ['cnt' => 157900, 'date' => '2015-12', 'department_id' => 23],
                     24 => ['cnt' => 1349900, 'date' => '2015-12', 'department_id' => 24]
     return $this->PreSetCalculate(\Model::admin('Balance')->buildOrderStatistics(compact("selectWrapper", "select", "from", "clause", "params", "group")));
Example #7
 public function calculate()
     if (empty($this->ids)) {
         return FALSE;
     if ($this->start < '2015-11') {
         $query = $this->db->newStatement("\n                SELECT ROUND(SUM(a.profit)) cnt, DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m') date, a.creator_id user_id\n                FROM (\n                    (SELECT op1.manager_id, op1.creator_id, o1.owner_id, op1.status_date, op1.warehouse_id,\n                        op1.quantity*(op1.price-op1.purchase_price-op1.transport_charges)*IF(o1.user_id=3199,0.5,1) profit\n                    FROM order_position op1\n                    INNER JOIN `order` o1\n                    ON o1.id=op1.order_id\n                    WHERE op1.status_id=(SELECT id FROM order_status WHERE code='IS_TRANSFERED'))\n                    UNION ALL\n                    (SELECT op2.manager_id manager_id, IF(pctp.manager_id=0,op2.creator_id,pctp.manager_id) creator_id, o2.owner_id, op2.status_date, op2.warehouse_id,\n                        IF(pctp.change_type_id IN (11,61),0,pctp.amount) profit\n                    FROM order_position op2\n                    INNER JOIN price_change_to_position pctp ON pctp.order_position_id=op2.id AND !pctp.deactivated AND !op2.client_price\n                    INNER JOIN price_change_type pct ON pctp.change_type_id=pct.id\n                    INNER JOIN `order` o2 ON o2.id=op2.order_id\n                    WHERE op2.status_id=(SELECT id FROM order_status WHERE code='IS_TRANSFERED'))\n                ) a\n                WHERE a.owner_id=:oid: AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m')>=:f:\n                AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m')<=:t: AND a.creator_id IN (:uids:) \n                GROUP BY a.creator_id, DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m')          \n\n            ");
         $query->setInteger('oid', OWNER_ID);
         $query->setVarChar('f', $this->start);
         $query->setVarChar('t', $this->end);
         $query->setArray('uids', $this->ids);
         return $this->PreSetCalculate($query->getAllRecords());
     } else {
         $selectWrapper = "\n                ROUND(profit) cnt\n                ";
         $select = "\n                op.creator_id user_id, DATE_FORMAT(b.datetime,'%Y-%m') date\n                ";
         $clause = "\n                op.creator_id IN (:user_id:)\n                ";
         $params = ['since' => date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime('first day of this month', strtotime($this->start . '-01'))), 'till' => date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('last day of this month', strtotime($this->start . '-01'))), 'user_id' => $this->ids];
         $group = "op.creator_id, DATE_FORMAT(b.datetime,'%Y-%m')";
         return $this->PreSetCalculate(\Model::admin('Balance')->buildOrderStatistics(compact("selectWrapper", "select", "from", "clause", "params", "group")));
 public function calculate()
     if (empty($this->ids)) {
         return FALSE;
     if ($this->start < '2015-11') {
         $query = $this->db->newStatement("\n                SELECT ROUND(SUM(a.profit)) cnt, DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m') date, u.id user_id\n                FROM (\n                    (SELECT op1.manager_id, op1.creator_id, o1.owner_id, op1.status_date, op1.warehouse_id,\n                        op1.quantity*IF(os.code='IS_RETURNED',-op1.price,op1.price)*IF(o1.user_id=3199,0.5,1) profit, op1.operator_status_id\n                    FROM order_position op1\n                    INNER JOIN `order` o1 ON o1.id=op1.order_id\n                    INNER JOIN order_status os ON os.id=op1.status_id\n                    WHERE os.code IN ('IS_RETURNED','IS_TRANSFERED'))\n                    UNION ALL\n                    (SELECT op2.manager_id manager_id, IF(pctp.manager_id=0,op2.creator_id,pctp.manager_id) creator_id, o2.owner_id, op2.status_date, op2.warehouse_id,\n                        IF(os.code='IS_RETURNED',-pctp.amount,pctp.amount) profit, op2.operator_status_id\n                    FROM order_position op2\n                    INNER JOIN price_change_to_position pctp ON pctp.order_position_id=op2.id AND !pctp.deactivated AND !op2.client_price\n                    INNER JOIN price_change_type pct ON pctp.change_type_id=pct.id\n                    INNER JOIN `order` o2 ON o2.id=op2.order_id\n                    INNER JOIN order_status os ON os.id=op2.status_id\n                    WHERE os.code IN ('IS_RETURNED','IS_TRANSFERED'))\n                ) a\n                LEFT OUTER JOIN user u ON u.id IN (:uids:) \n                LEFT OUTER JOIN employee_data ed ON ed.user_id=a.operator_status_id\n                LEFT OUTER JOIN warehouse w ON w.id=ed.point_id\n                WHERE a.owner_id=:oid: AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m')>=:f:\n                AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m')<=:t: AND (\n                    a.creator_id IN (4980,7586) OR\n                    w.city_id=63 AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m')>='2013-10'\n                )\n                GROUP BY u.id, DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m')\n            ");
         $query->setInteger('oid', OWNER_ID);
         $query->setVarChar('f', $this->start);
         $query->setVarChar('t', $this->end);
         $query->setArray('uids', $this->ids);
         return $this->PreSetCalculate($query->getAllRecords());
     } else {
         $selectWrapper = "\n                ROUND(profit*0.1) cnt\n                ";
         $select = "\n                DATE_FORMAT(b.datetime,'%Y-%m') date\n                ";
         $clause = "\n                o.city_id=63\n                ";
         $params = ['since' => date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime('first day of this month', strtotime($this->start . '-01'))), 'till' => date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('last day of this month', strtotime($this->start . '-01')))];
         $group = "DATE_FORMAT(b.datetime,'%Y-%m')";
         return $this->PreSetCalculate(\Model::admin('Balance')->buildOrderStatistics(compact("selectWrapper", "select", "clause", "params", "group")));
 public function calculate()
     if (empty($this->ids)) {
         return FALSE;
     if ($this->start < '2015-11') {
         $query = $this->db->newStatement("\n                SELECT ROUND(SUM(a.profit*0.1)) cnt, DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m') date, pe.department_id\n                FROM (\n                    (SELECT op1.manager_id, op1.creator_id, o1.owner_id, op1.status_date, op1.warehouse_id,\n                        op1.quantity*(op1.price-op1.purchase_price-op1.transport_charges)*IF(o1.user_id=3199,0.5,1) profit\n                    FROM order_position op1\n                    INNER JOIN `order` o1 ON o1.id=op1.order_id\n                    WHERE op1.status_id=(SELECT id FROM order_status WHERE code='IS_TRANSFERED'))\n                    UNION ALL\n                    (SELECT op2.manager_id manager_id, IF(pctp.manager_id=0,op2.creator_id,pctp.manager_id) creator_id, o2.owner_id, op2.status_date, op2.warehouse_id,\n                        IF(pctp.change_type_id IN (11,61),0,pctp.amount) profit\n                    FROM order_position op2\n                    INNER JOIN price_change_to_position pctp ON pctp.order_position_id=op2.id AND !pctp.deactivated AND !op2.client_price\n                    INNER JOIN price_change_type pct ON pctp.change_type_id=pct.id\n                    INNER JOIN `order` o2 ON o2.id=op2.order_id\n                    WHERE op2.status_id=(SELECT id FROM order_status WHERE code='IS_TRANSFERED'))\n                ) a\n                INNER JOIN pm_employee pe ON pe.user_id=a.manager_id AND pe.department_id IN (:department_id:)\n                WHERE a.owner_id=:oid: AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m')>=:f:\n                AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m')<=:t: AND (\n                    a.manager_id IN (2519,4688) OR\n                    a.manager_id=5239 AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m')<'2013-02' OR\n                    a.manager_id IN (3660) AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m')>='2013-10' OR\n                    a.manager_id IN (10529) AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m')>='2014-05'\n                )\n                GROUP BY pe.department_id, DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m')\n            ");
         $query->setInteger('oid', OWNER_ID);
         $query->setVarChar('f', $this->start);
         $query->setVarChar('t', $this->end);
         $query->setArray('department_id', $this->departments);
         return $this->PreSetCalculate($query->getAllRecords());
     } else {
         $selectWrapper = "\n                ROUND(profit*0.1) cnt\n                ";
         $select = "\n                pe.department_id, DATE_FORMAT(b.datetime,'%Y-%m') date\n                ";
         $from = "\n                INNER JOIN pm_employee pe ON pe.user_id=op.manager_id AND pe.department_id IN (:department_id:) AND pe.`start`<=DATE_FORMAT(:till:,'%Y-%m-%d') AND (pe.`end`>=DATE_FORMAT(:since:,'%Y-%m-%d') OR pe.`end` IS NULL)\n                ";
         $clause = "b.datetime BETWEEN CONCAT(pe.`start`,' 00:00:00') AND CONCAT(IFNULL(pe.`end`,DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y-%m-%d')),' 23:59:59')";
         $params = ['since' => date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime('first day of this month', strtotime($this->start . '-01'))), 'till' => date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('last day of this month', strtotime($this->start . '-01'))), 'department_id' => $this->departments];
         $group = "pe.department_id, DATE_FORMAT(b.datetime,'%Y-%m')";
         return $this->PreSetCalculate(\Model::admin('Balance')->buildOrderStatistics(compact("selectWrapper", "select", "from", "clause", "params", "group")));
Example #10
 public function getByAll($date = null, $count_month = 24)
     if (!$date) {
         $date = date($this->format_date);
     $count_month = $count_month ? $count_month : 24;
     $end = $date;
     $cdate = new \DateTime($end);
     $cdate->sub(new \DateInterval('P' . $count_month . 'M'));
     $start = $cdate->format($this->format_date);
     $select = "\n            DATE_FORMAT(b.datetime,'%Y-%m') month\n            ";
     $params = ['since' => $start . ' 00:00:00', 'till' => $end . ' 23:59:59'];
     $group = "DATE_FORMAT(b.datetime,'%Y-%m-01')";
     $all = \Model::admin('Balance')->buildOrderStatistics(compact("select", "params", "group"));
     foreach ($all as $sheet) {
         $return[$sheet['month']] = $sheet;
     return $return;