Example #1
# get the blueprint for this item
$bpid = $ft->dbh->_select_one('SELECT blueprinttypeid FROM tbl:blueprints WHERE producttypeid = ?', array($itemid));
if (!is_numeric($bpid) || $bpid <= 0) {
    return $ft->errorpage('Sorry, we couldn\'t find a blueprint for that object.');
# FIXME: get this from the database
$cost = array(34 => 1, 35 => 3, 36 => 5.5, 37 => 100, 38 => 500, 39 => 4000);
# populate the blueprint object
$bpobj = new Item();
$bpobj->item_id = $bpid;
# now get what goes into this
$res = array();
$total = 0;
$mats = $ft->dbh->_select_rows_as_objects('SELECT m.* FROM tbl:manufacturing m, tbl:itemtypes i, tbl:itemgroups g ' . 'WHERE m.typeid = ? AND i.typeid = m.requiredtypeid AND i.groupid = g.groupid AND g.categoryid != 16', array($bpobj->item_id));
foreach ($mats as $mat) {
    $newobj = new Item();
    $newobj->item_id = $mat->requiredtypeid;
    $qty = $mat->quantity;
    $costpu = $cost[$mat->requiredtypeid];
    $qrow = $costpu * $qty;
    $total += $qrow;
    array_push($res, array($qty, $newobj, $costpu, $qrow));
# show the page
$ft->assign('blueprint', $bpobj);
$ft->assign('materials', $res);
$ft->assign('total', $total);
$ft->title('Item Viewer');