public function __construct()
      * This can cause minor errors (eg if a user sent a file that is not a video).
      * So we hide the errors if we are not in development mode.
     if (!isDebug()) {
      * Check if the video album ID is valid. The value must be numeric.
      * This test is necessary because when the selection exists but that no option is available (this can when a user wants to add a video but he has no album)
      * the return value is of type "string" and the value is "1".
     if (!is_numeric($this->httpRequest->post('album_id'))) {
         \PFBC\Form::setError('form_video', t('Please add a category before you add a video.'));
         // Stop execution of the method.
     $sAlbumTitle = $this->httpRequest->post('album_title');
     $iAlbumId = (int) $this->httpRequest->post('album_id');
     /** Default URL Thumbnail **/
     $sThumb = '';
     if ($this->httpRequest->postExists('embed_code')) {
         $sEmbedUrl = $this->httpRequest->post('embed_code');
         if (!($sFile = (new V\Api())->getVideo($sEmbedUrl))) {
             \PFBC\Form::setError('form_video', t('Oops, the link of the video looks bad? Check that the link is correct.'));
         if (!($oInfo = (new V\Api())->getInfo($sEmbedUrl))) {
             \PFBC\Form::setError('form_video', t('Unable to retrieve information from the video. Are you sure that the URL of the video is correct?'));
         $sTitle = $this->httpRequest->postExists('title') && $this->str->length($this->str->trim($this->httpRequest->post('title'))) > 2 ? $this->httpRequest->post('title') : ($oInfo->getTitle() ? $oInfo->getTitle() : t('Untitled'));
         $sDescription = $this->httpRequest->postExists('description') ? $this->httpRequest->post('description') : ($oInfo->getDescription() ? $oInfo->getDescription() : '');
         $sDuration = $oInfo->getDuration() ? $oInfo->getDuration() : '0';
         // Time in seconds
         if (!$sFile) {
             \PFBC\Form::setError('form_video', t('Invalid Api Video Type! Choose from Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion and Metacafe.'));
     } elseif (!empty($_FILES['video']['tmp_name'])) {
         $oVideo = new V\Video($_FILES['video'], 2500, 2500);
         if (!$oVideo->validate()) {
             \PFBC\Form::setError('form_video', Form::wrongVideoFileTypeMsg());
         } elseif (!$oVideo->check()) {
             \PFBC\Form::setError('form_video', t('File exceeds maximum allowed video filesize of %0%!', F\Various::bytesToSize($oVideo->getMaxSize())));
         } else {
             // It creates a nice title if no title is specified.
             $sTitle = $this->httpRequest->postExists('title') && $this->str->length($this->str->trim($this->httpRequest->post('title'))) > 2 ? $this->httpRequest->post('title') : $this->str->upperFirst(str_replace(array('-', '_'), ' ', str_ireplace(PH7_DOT . $oVideo->getExt(), '', escape($_FILES['video']['name'], true))));
             $sDescription = $this->httpRequest->post('description');
             $sDuration = $oVideo->getDuration();
             $sPath = PH7_PATH_PUBLIC_DATA_SYS_MOD . 'video/file/' . $this->session->get('member_username') . PH7_DS . $iAlbumId . PH7_DS;
             $sFileName = Various::genRnd($oVideo->getFileName(), 20);
             $sThumb = $sFileName . '.jpg';
             $sThumb1 = $sFileName . '-1.jpg';
             $sThumb2 = $sFileName . '-2.jpg';
             $sThumb3 = $sFileName . '-3.jpg';
             $sThumb4 = $sFileName . '-4.jpg';
             $sFile = $sFileName;
             $oVideo->thumbnail($sPath . $sThumb, 1, 320, 240);
             $oVideo->thumbnail($sPath . $sThumb1, 4, 320, 240);
             $oVideo->thumbnail($sPath . $sThumb2, 6, 320, 240);
             $oVideo->thumbnail($sPath . $sThumb3, 8, 320, 240);
             $oVideo->thumbnail($sPath . $sThumb4, 10, 320, 240);
             $oVideo->rename($sPath . $sFile . '.webm');
             $oVideo->rename($sPath . $sFile . '.mp4');
             //$oVideo->save($sPath . $sFile); // Original file type
     } else {
         \PFBC\Form::setError('form_video', t('You must choose a type of video!'));
     $iApproved = DbConfig::getSetting('videoManualApproval') == 0 ? '1' : '0';
     (new VideoModel())->addVideo($this->session->get('member_id'), $iAlbumId, $sTitle, $sDescription, $sFile, $sThumb, $sDuration, $this->dateTime->get()->dateTime('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $iApproved);
     /* Clean VideoModel Cache */
     (new Framework\Cache\Cache())->start(VideoModel::CACHE_GROUP, null, null)->clear();
     $sModerationText = t('Your video has been received! But it will be visible once approved by our moderators. Please do not send a new video because this is useless!');
     $sText = t('Your video has been added successfully!');
     $sMsg = $iApproved == '0' ? $sModerationText : $sText;
     Header::redirect(Uri::get('video', 'main', 'album', $this->session->get('member_username') . ',' . $sAlbumTitle . ',' . $iAlbumId), $sMsg);