  * @param Form $form
  * @return string
 public function generateFormID($form)
     if ($id = $form->getHTMLID()) {
         return Convert::raw2htmlid($id);
     return Convert::raw2htmlid(get_class($form) . '_' . str_replace(array('.', '/'), '', $form->getName()));
  * Get form fields for manipulating the current order,
  * according to the responsibilty of this component.
  * @param Order $order
  * @param Form  $form
  * @return FieldList
 public function getFormFields(Order $order, Form $form = null)
     $gateway = $this->getGateway($order);
     if (!$this->isBraintree) {
         return parent::getFormFields($order);
     // Generate the token for the javascript to use
     $clientToken = $gateway->clientToken()->send()->getToken();
     // Generate the standard set of fields and allow it to be customised
     $fields = FieldList::create([BraintreeHostedField::create('number', _t('BraintreePaymentCheckoutComponent.CardNumber', 'Debit/Credit Card Number')), BraintreeHostedField::create('cvv', _t('BraintreePaymentCheckoutComponent.CVV', 'Security Code')), BraintreeHostedField::create('expirationDate', _t('BraintreePaymentCheckoutComponent.ExpirationDate', 'Expiration Date (MM/YYYY)'))]);
     if ($this->config()->use_placeholders) {
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             if ($field->Title()) {
                 $field->setAttribute('placeholder', $field->Title())->setTitle(null);
     $this->extend('updateFormFields', $fields);
     // Generate a basic config and allow it to be customised
     $config = ['id' => $form ? $form->getHTMLID() : 'PaymentForm_OrderForm', 'hostedFields' => $this->getFieldConfig($fields)];
     $this->extend('updateBraintreeConfig', $config);
     $rawConfig = json_encode($config);
     $rawConfig = $this->injectCallbacks($rawConfig);
     $this->extend('updateRawBraintreeConfig', $rawConfig);
     // Finally, add the javascript to the page
     Requirements::customScript("braintree.setup('{$clientToken}', 'custom', {$rawConfig});", 'BrainTreeJS');
     return $fields;
  * @param Form $form
  * @return string
 public function generateFormID($form)
     if ($id = $form->getHTMLID()) {
         return Convert::raw2htmlid($id);
     $reflection = new ReflectionClass($form);
     $shortName = str_replace(array('.', '/'), '', $form->getName());
     return Convert::raw2htmlid($reflection->getShortName() . '_' . $shortName);
  * Get form fields for manipulating the current order,
  * according to the responsibility of this component.
  * @param Order $order
  * @param Form  $form
  * @return FieldList
 public function getFormFields(Order $order, Form $form = null)
     $gateway = $this->getGateway($order);
     if (!$this->isBraintree) {
         return parent::getFormFields($order);
     // Generate the token for the javascript to use
     $clientToken = $gateway->clientToken()->send()->getToken();
     // Generate the standard set of fields and allow it to be customised
     $fields = FieldList::create([LiteralField::create('BraintreePlaceholder', '<div id="braintree-ui"></div>'), HiddenField::create('payment_method_nonce', '', '')->setAttribute('data-braintree', 'nonce')]);
     $this->extend('updateFormFields', $fields);
     // Generate a basic config and allow it to be customised
     $config = ['id' => $form ? $form->getHTMLID() : 'PaymentForm_OrderForm', 'container' => 'braintree-ui'];
     $this->extend('updateBraintreeConfig', $config);
     $rawConfig = json_encode($config);
     $rawConfig = $this->injectCallbacks($rawConfig);
     $this->extend('updateRawBraintreeConfig', $rawConfig);
     // Finally, add the javascript to the page
     Requirements::customScript("braintree.setup('{$clientToken}', 'dropin', {$rawConfig});", 'BraintreeJS');
     return $fields;