final function validate(Form $owner)
     $value = @$_REQUEST[$this->GetName()];
     if ($this->getFilterContainer()->validate($value)) {
         $errors = $this->getFilterContainer()->getErrors();
         foreach ($errors as $error) {
             $owner->addError($error, true);
 public function onChangeLoginFormSubmit(Form $form)
     if (!$form->isValid()) {
     if ($form['old_password']->getValue() !== Environment::expand('%adminPassword%')) {
         $form->addError(__('Bad old password.'));
     $content = "<?php\nreturn " . var_export(array('username' => $form['username']->getValue(), 'password' => $form['new_password']->getValue()), TRUE) . ";\n";
     if (!@file_put_contents(Environment::expand('%adminLoginFile%'), $content)) {
         $form->addError(__('Cannot write new login settings.'));
     adminlog::log(__('Changed login credentials, logging out'));
  * Creates a new model.
  * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
 public function actionNew()
     $model = new Form();
     // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
     // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
     if (isset($_POST['Form'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['Form'];
         $model->TABLE_NAME = str_replace(' ', '_', $model->FORM_NAME);
         $model->TABLE_NAME = strtoupper($model->TABLE_NAME);
         if (!Yii::app()->db->schema->getTable($model->TABLE_NAME)) {
             if ($model->save()) {
                 Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->createTable($model->TABLE_NAME, array('ID' => 'pk', 'FORM_ID' => 'INT(10)', 'CREATED_BY' => 'VARCHAR(255)', 'LAST_MODIFIED_BY' => 'VARCHAR(255)', 'CREATED_DATE' => 'TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT "0000-00-00 00:00:00"', 'LAST_MODIFIED_DATE' => 'TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT "0000-00-00 00:00:00" ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'));
                 $this->redirect(array('fields/index', 'form' => $model->FORM_ID));
         } else {
             $model->addError('TABLE_NAME', 'Table "' . $model->TABLE_NAME . '" already used. Pick a new table name.');
     $this->render('new', array('model' => $model));
Example #4
  * @abstract Add a new page
  * @access public
 public function add()
     $form = new Form('pages');
     // process the form if submitted
     if ($form->isSubmitted()) {
         $form->setCurrentValue('page_sort_order', $model->quickValue('SELECT MAX(page_sort_order) FROM pages', 'MAX(page_sort_order)') + 1);
         // form field validation
         if (!$form->isFilled('page_title')) {
             $form->addError('page_title', 'You must enter a page title.');
         // if we have no errors, save the record
         if (!$form->error()) {
             // set the link text field to the page title if blank
             if (!$form->isFilled('page_link_text')) {
                 $form->setCurrentValue('page_link_text', $form->cv('page_title'));
             return $form->save();
     return false;
 public function onTitlePageFormSubmit(Form $form)
     if (!$form->isValid()) {
     $content = "<?php\nreturn ";
     $content .= var_export($form['content']->getValue(), TRUE);
     $content .= ";";
     if (!@file_put_contents('safe://' . Environment::expand('%titlePageFile%'), $content)) {
         $form->addError(__('Cannot write to file.'));
     adminlog::log(__('Updated title page'), $form['content']->getValue());
 public function onSendMailFormSubmit(Form $form)
     if (!$form->isValid()) {
     $active = FALSE;
     try {
         $active = TRUE;
         mapper::order_emails()->insertOne(array('order_id' => $form['order_id']->getValue(), 'subject' => $form['subject']->getValue(), 'body' => $form['body']->getValue()));
         $mail = new Mail();
         $mail->setFrom(Environment::expand('%shopName% <%shopEmail%>'))->addTo($form['to']->getValue())->setSubject($form['subject']->getValue())->setBody($form['body']->getValue())->send();
         adminlog::log(__('Sent e-mail to "%s" with subject "%s"'), $form['to']->getValue(), $form['subject']->getValue());
     } catch (RedirectingException $e) {
         throw $e;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($active) {
         $form->addError(__('Cannot send e-mail.'));
Example #7
  * Submits the form data to the API and returns info for use by register()!
  * Should an error occur will this method append an error message to the form's error collection.
  * @param Form $form
  * @return mixed
 protected function registerUserUsingForm($form)
     $values = $form->getData();
     $userApi = $this->getUserApi();
     $result = false;
     try {
         $result = $userApi->register($values);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $form->addError(new FormError('An error occurred while registering you: ' . $e->getMessage()));
     return $result;
Example #8
  * @abstract Edits an event recprd
  * @param integer $id
  * @access public
 public function edit($id = false)
     $form = new Form('courses', $id);
     // grab existing groups settings
     $model = model()->open('course_groups_link');
     $model->where('course_id', $id);
     $group_records = $model->results();
     $groups = array();
     if ($group_records) {
         foreach ($group_records as $course_record) {
             $groups[] = $course_record['group_id'];
     $form->addField('groups', $groups, $groups);
     // proces the form if submitted
     if ($form->isSubmitted()) {
         // validation
         if (!$form->isFilled('title')) {
             $form->addError('title', 'You must enter a course title.');
         // if we have no errors, process sql
         if (!$form->error()) {
             if ($res_id = $form->save($id)) {
                 $id = $id ? $id : $res_id;
                 // update course groups
                 $model->delete('course_groups_link', $id, 'course_id');
                 $groups = $form->cv('groups');
                 foreach ($groups as $group) {
                     $sql = sprintf('INSERT INTO course_groups_link (course_id, group_id) VALUES ("%s", "%s")', $id, $group);
                 // if successful insert, redirect to the list
                 sml()->say('The course has successfully been saved.');
     $data['form'] = $form;
     template()->addView(template()->getTemplateDir() . DS . 'header.tpl.php');
     template()->addView(template()->getModuleTemplateDir() . DS . 'edit.tpl.php');
     template()->addView(template()->getTemplateDir() . DS . 'footer.tpl.php');
Example #9
  * The callback used by the form class. This callback is only called when
  * the add or edit controller actions are performed. 
  * @param array $data The data from the form
  * @param Form $form an instance of the form
  * @param mixed $c Specific data from the form, this normally includes an instance of the controller
  * @param boolean $redirect If true the controller redirects the page after execution
  * @see ModelController::$callbackFunction
  * @return boolean
 public static function callback($data, &$form, $c, $redirect = true, &$id = null)
     switch ($c["action"]) {
         case "add":
             $return = $c["instance"]->model->setData($data);
             if ($return === true) {
                 $id = $c["instance"]->model->save();
                 User::log($c["success_message"], $data);
                 if ($redirect) {
                     Application::redirect($c["instance"]->urlPath . "?notification=" . urlencode($c["success_message"]));
                 } else {
                     return true;
             } else {
                 $fields = array_keys($return["errors"]);
                 foreach ($fields as $field) {
                     foreach ($return["errors"][$field] as $error) {
                         $element = $c["form"]->getElementByName($field);
                         $element->addError(str_replace("%field_name%", $element->getLabel(), $error));
                 foreach ($return['errors'] as $fieldName => $error) {
                     $form->addError(str_replace("%field_name%", str_replace('_', ' ', $fieldName), $error));
         case "edit":
             $return = $c["instance"]->model->setData($data, $c["key_field"], $c["key_value"]);
             if ($return === true) {
                 $c["instance"]->model->update($c["key_field"], $c["key_value"]);
                 User::log($c["success_message"], $data);
                 if ($redirect) {
                     Application::redirect($c["instance"]->urlPath . "?notification=" . urlencode($c["success_message"]));
                 } else {
                     return true;
             } else {
                 $fields = array_keys($return["errors"]);
                 self::$pendingErrors = $return['errors'];
                 foreach ($fields as $field) {
                     foreach ($return["errors"][$field] as $error) {
                         $element = $c["form"]->getElementByName($field);
                         $element->addError(str_replace("%field_name%", $element->getLabel(), $error));
                 foreach ($return['errors'] as $fieldName => $error) {
                     $form->addError(str_replace("%field_name%", str_replace('_', ' ', $fieldName), $error));
 public function onImportManufacturersFormSubmit(Form $form)
     if (!$form->isValid()) {
     // read imported manufacturers
     if (!($handle = @fopen('safe://' . $form['file']->getValue()->getTemporaryFile(), 'r'))) {
         $form->addError(__('Cannot read file.'));
     $import = array();
     while (($_ = fgetcsv($handle)) !== FALSE) {
         $manufacturer = array();
         list(, $manufacturer['name'], $manufacturer['nice_name']) = $_;
         $import[] = $manufacturer;
     adminlog::log(__('About to import manufacturers'));
     $manufacturers_added = 0;
     // import them
     foreach ($import as $manufacturer) {
         if (($_ = mapper::manufacturers()->findByNiceName($manufacturer['nice_name'])) === NULL) {
     adminlog::log(__('Added %d new manufacturers'), $manufacturers_added);
Example #11
  * @covers Form::setErrorCode
 public function testSetErrorCode()
     $this->myForm->setErrorCode('fail', 'This field is required');
     $this->assertEquals('This field is required', $this->myForm->getError(0));