Example #1
function updateProcess($id)
    $send = Request::get('send');
    $valid = Validator::make(array('send.title' => 'min:1|slashes', 'send.content' => 'min:1', 'send.keywords' => 'slashes'));
    if (!$valid) {
        throw new Exception("Error Processing Request: " . Validator::getMessage());
    $uploadMethod = Request::get('uploadMethod');
    $loadData = Pages::get(array('where' => "where pageid='{$id}'"));
    if (!isset($loadData[0]['pageid'])) {
        throw new Exception("This page not exists.");
    switch ($uploadMethod) {
        case 'frompc':
            if (Request::hasFile('imageFromPC')) {
                if (Request::isImage('imageFromPC')) {
                    $send['image'] = File::upload('imageFromPC');
        case 'fromurl':
            if (Request::isImage('imageFromUrl')) {
                $url = Request::get('imageFromUrl');
                $send['image'] = File::upload('uploadFromUrl');
    if (!Pages::update($id, $send)) {
        throw new Exception("Error. " . Database::$error);
Example #2
 public static function uploadFromUrl($imgUrl, $shortPath = 'uploads/images/')
     $shortPath = File::uploadFromUrl($imgUrl, $shortPath);
     $result = self::isImage($shortPath);
     if (!$result) {
         return false;
     return $shortPath;
Example #3
  * Delete all image files that match $fileNameRegexp
  * @param string $imagesPath,
  * @param string $fileNameRegexp
 public static function deleteExistingFiles($imagesPath, $fileNameRegexp)
     if (is_dir($imagesPath)) {
         $files = scandir($imagesPath);
         foreach ($files as $fileName) {
             if (preg_match($fileNameRegexp, $fileName)) {
                 @File::remove(rtrim($imagesPath, '/\\') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName);
Example #4
 public static function flush($group = null, $key = null)
     if ($group === null) {
     } else {
         if ($key == null) {
             return File::removeAllFrom(self::$dir . '/' . String::replace('.', '/', $group));
         } else {
             return File::remove(self::$dir . '/' . String::replace('.', '/', $group) . '/' . $key);
Example #5
function updateProcess($id)
    $send = Request::get('send');
    $valid = Validator::make(array('send.title' => 'min:1|slashes', 'send.keywords' => 'slashes', 'tags' => 'slashes', 'send.catid' => 'slashes', 'send.type' => 'slashes', 'send.allowcomment' => 'slashes'));
    if (!$valid) {
        throw new Exception("Error Processing Request. Error: " . Validator::getMessage());
    $uploadMethod = Request::get('uploadMethod');
    $loadData = Post::get(array('where' => "where postid='{$id}'"));
    if (!isset($loadData[0]['postid'])) {
        throw new Exception("This post not exists.");
    switch ($uploadMethod) {
        case 'frompc':
            if (Request::hasFile('imageFromPC')) {
                if (Request::isImage('imageFromPC')) {
                    $send['image'] = File::upload('imageFromPC');
        case 'fromurl':
            if (Request::isImage('imageFromUrl')) {
                $url = Request::get('imageFromUrl');
                $send['image'] = File::upload('uploadFromUrl');
    $send['userid'] = Users::getCookieUserId();
    if (!Request::has('send.catid')) {
        $loadCat = Categories::get(array('limitShow' => 1));
        if (isset($loadCat[0]['catid'])) {
            $send['catid'] = $loadCat[0]['catid'];
    if (!Post::update($id, $send)) {
        throw new Exception("Error. " . Database::$error);
    PostTags::remove($id, " postid='{$id}' ");
    $tags = trim(Request::get('tags'));
    $parse = explode(',', $tags);
    $total = count($parse);
    $insertData = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
        $insertData[$i]['title'] = trim($parse[$i]);
        $insertData[$i]['postid'] = $id;
Example #6
 public static function add($f)
     $foo = new Upload($f);
     if ($foo->uploaded) {
     if ($foo->processed) {
         $fname = $foo->file_src_name_body;
         $fpath = TMPFILES . DS . $fname;
         $zip = new ZipArchive();
         $res = $zip->open(TMPFILES . DS . $foo->file_src_name);
         if ($res === TRUE) {
             $zip->extractTo($fpath . DS);
             $pack = json_decode(file_get_contents($fpath . DS . 'package.json'), true);
             if (count($pack['controllers']) > 0) {
                 foreach ($pack['controllers'] as $c) {
                     File::copy($fpath . DS . 'controllers' . DS . $c, CONTROLLERS . DS . $c);
             if (count($pack['views']) > 0) {
                 foreach ($pack['views'] as $c) {
                     File::copy($fpath . DS . 'views' . DS . $c, VIEWS . DS . $c);
             if (count($pack['langs']) > 0) {
                 foreach ($pack['langs'] as $c) {
                     File::copy($fpath . DS . 'lang' . DS . $c, LANGS . DS . $c);
             if (count($pack['libs']) > 0) {
                 foreach ($pack['libs'] as $c) {
                     File::copy($fpath . DS . 'lib' . DS . $c, LIB . DS . $c);
             if (count($pack['filters']) > 0) {
                 foreach ($pack['filters'] as $c) {
                     File::copy($fpath . DS . 'filters' . DS . $c, FILTER . DS . $c);
             File::copy($fpath . DS . 'package.json', CONFPLUGINS . DS . $pack['name'] . '.json');
             File::copy($fpath . DS . 'routes.php', ROOT . DS . "routes" . DS . $pack['name'] . '.routes.php');
             File::remove(TMPFILES . DS . $foo->file_src_name);
         } else {
             return false;
     return true;
Example #7
  * @covers mychaelstyle\storage\File::rollback
  * @covers mychaelstyle\storage\Storage::rollback
  * @covers mychaelstyle\storage\File::initialize
  * @covers mychaelstyle\storage\File::clean
  * @covers mychaelstyle\storage\File::remove
  * @covers mychaelstyle\storage\File::isOpened
  * @covers mychaelstyle\storage\File::checkOpen
 public function testRollback()
     // remove first
     // create new storage without transaction
     $this->storage = new \mychaelstyle\Storage($this->dsn, $this->options, false);
     $this->object = $this->storage->createFile($this->uri, $this->options, false);
     // none transaxtion
     $expected = $this->test_string;
     $localPath = $this->getLocalPathUsingUri($this->dsn, $this->uri);
function updateProcess($id)
    $update = Request::get('update');
    $valid = Validator::make(array('update.title' => 'required|min:1|slashes', 'update.parentid' => 'slashes'));
    if (!$valid) {
        throw new Exception("Error Processing Request: " . Validator::getMessage());
    if (Request::hasFile('image')) {
        if (Request::isImage('image')) {
            $update['image'] = File::upload('image');
            $loadData = Categories::get(array('where' => "where catid='{$id}'"));
            if (isset($loadData[0]['catid'])) {
    Categories::update($id, $update);
Example #9
  * Move file.
  * @param string $source
  * @param string $target
  * @param bool $mode (default = 0 = self::$DEFAULT_MODE)
 public static function move($source, $target, $mode = 0666)
     $rp_target = realpath($target);
     if ($rp_target && realpath($source) == $rp_target) {
         throw new Exception('same source and target', "mv [{$source}] to [{$target}]");
     File::copy($source, $target, $mode);
Example #10
  * Remove directory.
  * @param string $path
  * @param boolean $must_exist (default = true)
 public static function remove($path, $must_exist = true)
     if ($path != trim($path)) {
         throw new Exception('no leading or trailing whitespace allowed in path', $path);
     if (substr($path, -1) == '/') {
         throw new Exception('no trailing / allowed in path', $path);
     if (!$must_exist && !FSEntry::isDir($path, false)) {
     if (FSEntry::isLink($path, false)) {
     $entries = Dir::entries($path);
     foreach ($entries as $entry) {
         if (FSEntry::isFile($entry, false)) {
         } else {
     if (!rmdir($path) || FSEntry::isDir($path, false)) {
         throw new Exception('remove directory failed', $path);
Example #11
  * Remove a directory contents but not the directory itself
  * @param   string  $path
  * @param   array   $logs   Logs registry passed by reference
  * @return  bool
 public static function purge($path = null, array &$logs = array())
     if (is_null($path)) {
         return null;
     if (file_exists($path) && is_dir($path)) {
         $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST | \FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO | \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
         foreach ($iterator as $item) {
             if (in_array($item->getFilename(), array('.', '..'))) {
             $_path = $item->getRealpath();
             if (array_key_exists($_path, $logs)) {
                 return false;
             if ($item->isDir()) {
                 if (false === ($ok = self::remove($_path, $logs))) {
                     $logs[$_path] = sprintf('Can not remove diretory "%s".', $_path);
             } else {
                 if (false === ($ok = File::remove($_path, $logs))) {
                     $logs[$_path] = sprintf('Can not unlink file "%s".', $_path);
         return $ok;
     } else {
         $logs[$path] = sprintf('Directory "%s" not found.', $path);
     return false;
Example #12
 function importAnnotationsAndDocuments()
     $this->Round = $this->Project->Round;
     $this->Document = $this->Project->Document;
     $this->UsersRound = $this->Project->User->UsersRound;
     $this->AnnotatedDocument = $this->Round->AnnotatedDocument;
     $this->Type = $this->Project->Type;
     $this->Annotation = $this->Type->Annotation;
     $maxAnnotation = $this->Annotation->find('first', array('recursive' => -1, 'fields' => 'id', 'order' => 'id DESC'));
     if (isset($maxAnnotation['Annotation']['id'])) {
         $maxAnnotation = $maxAnnotation['Annotation']['id'];
     } else {
         $maxAnnotation = 0;
     $maxType = $this->Project->Type->find('first', array('recursive' => -1, 'fields' => 'id', 'order' => 'id DESC'));
     if (isset($maxType['Type']['id'])) {
         $maxType = $maxType['Type']['id'];
     } else {
         $maxType = 0;
     if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) {
         App::uses('Folder', 'Utility');
         App::uses('File', 'Utility');
         App::uses('CakeTime', 'Utility');
         $scriptTimeLimit = Configure::read('scriptTimeLimit');
         $users = $this->request->data['User']['User'];
         //App::import('Vendor', 'htmLawed', array('file' => 'htmLawed' . DS . 'htmLawed.php'));
         $zipFile = new File($this->request->data['Project']['File']['tmp_name'], false, 0777);
         $projectName = ucwords(pathinfo($this->request->data['Project']['File']['name'], PATHINFO_FILENAME));
         if ($zipFile->exists() && !empty($users)) {
             $filesAllowed = Configure::read('filesAllowed');
             $zip = new ZipArchive();
             if (!$zip->open($zipFile->pwd(), ZipArchive::CREATE)) {
                 throw new Exception("Failed to open Zip archive\n");
             $path = Configure::read('uploadFolder');
             $path = $path . uniqid();
             //creamos la carpeta de descarga para el usuario si no existe
             $extractFolder = new Folder($path, true, 0700);
             // I am deleting this file
             $rounds = array();
             $db = $this->Project->getDataSource();
             $db->query("ALTER TABLE annotations AUTO_INCREMENT = {$maxAnnotation}");
             $db->execute("LOCK TABLES " . $this->Annotation->table . " " . $this->Type->table . " WRITE");
             $db->useNestedTransactions = false;
             if ($this->Project->save(array('Project' => array("title" => $projectName, "description" => ""), "User" => array('User' => $users)))) {
                 //creamos round de anotacion automatica
                 if (!$this->Round->save(array('Round' => array("title" => "Round for job " . date("Y/m/d"), "project_id" => $this->Project->id, "description" => "-", 'ends_in_date' => date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+30 day")), 'trim_helper' => true, 'whole_word_helper' => true, 'punctuation_helper' => true, 'start_document' => 0, 'end_document' => 0, 'is_visible' => 0)))) {
                     $db->execute("UNLOCK TABLES");
                     throw new Exception("Round work can not be saved");
                 array_push($rounds, $this->Round->id);
                 foreach ($users as $user) {
                     foreach ($rounds as $round) {
                         if (!$this->UsersRound->save(array('state' => 0, 'round_id' => $round, 'user_id' => $user))) {
                             $db->execute("UNLOCK TABLES");
                             throw new Exception("This UsersRound can not be save:" . $fileName);
                 $typesText = new File($extractFolder->pwd() . DS . 'types.txt', false, 0644);
                 if (!$typesText->exists()) {
                     $db->execute("UNLOCK TABLES");
                     throw new Exception("types.txt not exist in zip file");
                 $count = new File($extractFolder->pwd() . DS . 'count.txt', false, 0644);
                 if (!$count->exists()) {
                     $db->execute("UNLOCK TABLES");
                     throw new Exception("count.txt not exist in zip filer");
                 $typesText = $typesText->read();
                 $count = $count->read();
                 $count = intval($count) + 1;
                 //buscamos la anotacion final con dicho Id si ya existe no se puede crear el proyecto
                 $existLastId = $this->Annotation->find('count', array('recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => array('id' => $count)));
                 $existInitialId = $this->Annotation->find('count', array('recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => array('id' => $count - ($count - $maxAnnotation))));
                 if ($existInitialId > 0) {
                     $db->execute("UNLOCK TABLES");
                     throw new Exception("the first id already exist in Marky");
                 if ($existLastId > 0) {
                     $db->execute("UNLOCK TABLES");
                     throw new Exception("the last id already exist in Marky");
                 $types = preg_split("/[\r\n]+/", trim($typesText));
                 $typesMap = array();
                 $defaultColors = Configure::read('defaultColors');
                 $colorCont = 0;
                 foreach ($types as $type) {
                     $type = explode("\t", $type);
                     if (sizeof($type) > 1) {
                         $typeName = $type[0];
                         $typeId = $type[1];
                         $typeName = str_replace(' ', '_', $typeName);
                         if (!empty($defaultColors[$colorCont])) {
                             $color = $defaultColors[$colorCont];
                         } else {
                             $color = array(rand(50, 255), rand(50, 255), rand(50, 255));
                         if ($this->Type->save(array('Type' => array('id' => $typeId, 'name' => $typeName, 'project_id' => $this->Project->id, 'colour' => $color[0] . ',' . $color[1] . ',' . $color[2] . ',1'), 'Round' => array('Round' => $rounds)))) {
                             $typesMap[$typeName] = $this->Type->id;
                         } else {
                             $db->execute("UNLOCK TABLES");
                             //                            debug($types);
                             //                            debug($this->Project->Type->validationErrors);
                             throw new Exception("This type can not be save" . $type);
                     } else {
                         $db->execute("UNLOCK TABLES");
                         //                            debug($types);
                         //                            debug($this->Project->Type->validationErrors);
                         throw new Exception("This type can not be save" . $type);
                 $files = $extractFolder->find('.*.html', true);
                 if (empty($files)) {
                     $db->execute("UNLOCK TABLES");
                     throw new Exception("The html documents can not be read");
                 //$config = array('cdata' => 1, 'safe' => 1, 'keep_bad' => 6, 'no_depreca ted_attr' => 2, 'valid_xhtml' => 1, 'abs_url' => 1);
                 $annotationsAcumulate = array();
                 foreach ($files as $file) {
                     $fileName = substr($file, 0, strrpos($file, '.'));
                     $file = new File($extractFolder->pwd() . DS . $file);
                     if ($file->readable()) {
                         //$content = '<p>' . preg_replace("/\.\s*\n/", '.</p><p>', $file->read()) . '</p>';
                         $content = $file->read();
                         if (strlen($content) > 1) {
                             $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                             $document = $this->Document->find('first', array('recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => array('external_id' => $fileName)));
                             if (empty($document)) {
                                 if (!$this->Document->save(array('Document' => array('external_id' => $fileName, 'title' => $fileName, 'html' => strip_tags($content), 'created' => $date), 'Project' => array('Project' => $this->Project->id)))) {
                                     $db->execute("UNLOCK TABLES");
                                     throw new Exception("This Document can not be save:" . $fileName);
                             } else {
                                 $this->Document->id = $document['Document']['id'];
                                 if (!$this->Document->save(array('Document' => array('id' => $this->Document->id), 'Project' => array('Project' => $this->Project->id)))) {
                                     $db->execute("UNLOCK TABLES");
                                     throw new Exception("This Document - Project can not be save");
                             $annotations = $this->getAnnotations($content, $typesMap, $this->Document->id);
                             $tam = count($annotations);
                             $modes = Configure::read('annotationsModes');
                             //                                $results = gzdeflate($content, 9);
                             foreach ($users as $user) {
                                 foreach ($rounds as $round) {
                                     if (!$this->AnnotatedDocument->save(array('text_marked' => $content, 'document_id' => $this->Document->id, 'mode' => $modes["AUTOMATIC"], 'round_id' => $round, 'user_id' => $user))) {
                                         $db->execute("UNLOCK TABLES");
                                         throw new Exception("This UsersRound can not be save:" . $fileName);
                                     if (!empty($annotations)) {
                                         for ($index = 0; $index < $tam; $index++) {
                                             $annotations[$index]['user_id'] = $user;
                                             $annotations[$index]['round_id'] = $round;
                                             ////                                                if ($round == $this->Round->id) {
                                             //////                                                    $annotations[$index]['id'] = $maxAnnotation;
                                             //////                                                    $maxAnnotation++;
                                             ////                                                }
                                         $annotationsAcumulate = array_merge($annotationsAcumulate, $annotations);
                             if (count($annotationsAcumulate) > 500) {
                                 if (!$this->Project->Type->Annotation->saveMany($annotationsAcumulate)) {
                                     $db->execute("UNLOCK TABLES");
                                     throw new Exception("Annotations can not be save");
                                 $annotationsAcumulate = array();
                 if (count($annotationsAcumulate) > 0) {
                     if (!$this->Annotation->saveMany($annotationsAcumulate)) {
                         $db->execute("UNLOCK TABLES");
                         throw new Exception("Annotations can not be save");
                 //                    throw new Exception;
                 $db->execute("UNLOCK TABLES");
                 $this->Session->setFlash(__('Project has been created with documents imported'), 'success');
                 $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
         } else {
             $this->Session->setFlash(__('Choose almost one user and one file'));
     $userConditions = array('group_id' => 2);
     $users = $this->Project->User->find('list', array('conditions' => $userConditions));
     $this->set(compact('users', 'maxAnnotation', 'maxType'));
Example #13
 public function remove($id)
     try {
         $user = User::find(Session::uid());
         if (!$user->getId()) {
             throw new Exception('Not enough rights');
         $file = new File();
         if ($file->getWorkitem()) {
             $workitem = WorkItem::getById($file->getWorkitem());
             $userInvolved = $user->getId() == $file->getUserid() || $user->getId() == $workitem->getCreatorId() || $user->getId() == $workitem->getMechanicId() || $user->getId() == $workitem->getRunnerId();
         } else {
             $userInvolved = false;
         if (!$user->isRunner() && !$user->isPayer() && !$userInvolved) {
             throw new Exception('Permission denied');
         $success = $file->remove();
         return $this->setOutput(array('success' => true, 'message' => 'Attachment removed'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return $this->setOutput(array('success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage()));
Example #14
  * @description Base method for remove
  * @param bool $force
  * @param null | string $path
  * @throws \Exception
 private function removeBase($force = false, $path = null)
     if (empty($path)) {
         $path = $this->path;
     if (is_file($path)) {
         $file = new File($path);
     } else {
         $folderContents = glob($path . "/*");
         if ($force == false && count($folderContents) > 0) {
             throw new \Exception("Failed to remove. Folder is not empty. Use the method \"Folder::removeForce()\"");
         foreach ($folderContents as $folderContent) {
             $this->removeBase($force, $folderContent);
         if ($this->isset) {
Example #15
  * Remove directory
  * @param boolean $recursive (empty directory contents and remove)
  * @return boolean
 public function remove($recursive = false)
     if (!$this->__isDir()) {
         return false;
     if (!$recursive) {
         if (!@rmdir($this->_path)) {
             $this->error = parent::_getLastError();
             return false;
         return true;
     // recursive remove
     foreach ($this->read(false, true) as $asset) {
         if ($asset['type'] === 'dir') {
             $dir = new Directory($this->_path . $asset['name'], false);
             if (!$dir->remove(true)) {
                 $this->error = 'Failed to remove subdirectory \'' . $dir->getPath() . '\' (' . $dir->error . '), try elevated chmod';
                 return false;
         } else {
             $file = new File($this->_path . $asset['name'], false);
             if (!$file->remove()) {
                 $this->error = 'Failed to remove file \'' . $file->getPath() . '\' (' . $file->error . '), try elevated chmod';
                 return false;
     return $this->remove();
     // finally remove base directory
Example #16
  * Download $remote_path directory recursive as $local_path.
  * @throws
  * @param string $remote_path
  * @param string $local_path
  * @return vector<string>
 public function getDir($remote_path, $local_path)
     $entries = $this->ls($remote_path);
     Dir::create($local_path, 0, true);
     foreach ($entries as $path => $info) {
         if ($info['type'] === 'f') {
             $this->get($path, $local_path . '/' . $info['name']);
         } else {
             if ($info['type'] === 'l') {
                 if (FSEntry::isLink($local_path . '/' . $info['name'], false)) {
                     File::remove($local_path . '/' . $info['name']);
                 print "link: " . $info['link'] . " - " . $local_path . '/' . $info['name'] . "\n";
                 FSEntry::link($info['link'], $local_path . '/' . $info['name'], false);
             } else {
                 if ($info['type'] === 'd') {
                     $this->getDir($path, $local_path . '/' . $info['name']);
Example #17
  * Recursively Remove directories if the system allows.
  * @param string $path Path of directory to delete
  * @return boolean Success
  * @link http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-utility-libraries/file-folder.html#Folder::delete
 public function delete($path = null)
     if (!$path) {
         $path = $this->pwd();
     if (!$path) {
         return null;
     $path = Folder::slashTerm($path);
     if (is_dir($path)) {
         try {
             $directory = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::CURRENT_AS_SELF);
             $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($directory, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             return false;
         /** @var RecursiveDirectoryIterator $item */
         foreach ($iterator as $item) {
             $filePath = $item->getPathname();
             if ($item->isFile() || $item->isLink()) {
                 if (@File::remove($filePath)) {
                     $this->_messages[] = sprintf('%s removed', $filePath);
                 } else {
                     $this->_errors[] = sprintf('%s NOT removed', $filePath);
             } elseif ($item->isDir() && !$item->isDot()) {
                 if (@rmdir($filePath)) {
                     $this->_messages[] = sprintf('%s removed', $filePath);
                 } else {
                     $this->_errors[] = sprintf('%s NOT removed', $filePath);
                     return false;
         $path = rtrim($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
         if (@rmdir($path)) {
             $this->_messages[] = sprintf('%s removed', $path);
         } else {
             $this->_errors[] = sprintf('%s NOT removed', $path);
             return false;
     return true;