public function onAfterUpload()
     //Get the full path to the image file
     $imagePath = $this->owner->getFullPath();
     if (!file_exists($imagePath)) {
     //Check the extension of the image to make sure we are dealing with a JPEG file
     //We do not need to process PNG images - they do not contain Exchangeable image file format (Exif) data
     $imageFileExt = strtolower(File::get_file_extension($imagePath));
     if (!in_array($imageFileExt, array('jpeg', 'jpg'))) {
     //Read the JPEG image Exif data to get the Orientation value
     $exif = exif_read_data($imagePath);
     $orientation = @$exif['IFD0']['Orientation'];
     if (!$orientation) {
         $orientation = @$exif['Orientation'];
     if (!$orientation) {
     //Create a new image from file
     $source = @imagecreatefromjpeg($imagePath);
     if (!$source) {
     //Modify according to Orientation
     //Replace JPEG at source, thus no other complexities regarding renaming, etc.
     //Note: Replacing an image this way strips any Exif data from the image
     switch ($orientation) {
         case 3:
             $modifiedImage = imagerotate($source, 180, 0);
             imagejpeg($modifiedImage, $imagePath, 100);
             //save output to file system at full quality
         case 6:
             $modifiedImage = imagerotate($source, -90, 0);
             imagejpeg($modifiedImage, $imagePath, 100);
             //save output to file system at full quality
         case 8:
             $modifiedImage = imagerotate($source, 90, 0);
             imagejpeg($modifiedImage, $imagePath, 100);
             //save output to file system at full quality
     //Delete any cached formatted versions of the image.
Example #2
  * Takes the human-readable URL of an embeddable resource and converts it into an
  * Oembed_Result descriptor (which contains a full Oembed resource URL).
  * @param $url Human-readable URL
  * @param $type ?
  * @param $options array Options to be used for constructing the resulting descriptor.
  * @returns Oembed_Result/bool An Oembed descriptor, or false
 public static function get_oembed_from_url($url, $type = false, array $options = array())
     if (!self::is_enabled()) {
         return false;
     // Find or build the Oembed URL.
     $endpoint = self::find_endpoint($url);
     $oembedUrl = false;
     if (!$endpoint) {
         if (self::get_autodiscover()) {
             $oembedUrl = self::autodiscover_from_url($url);
     } elseif ($endpoint === true) {
         $oembedUrl = self::autodiscover_from_url($url);
     } else {
         // Build the url manually - we gave all needed information.
         $oembedUrl = Controller::join_links($endpoint, '?format=json&url=' . rawurlencode($url));
     // If autodescovery failed the resource might be a direct link to a file
     if (!$oembedUrl) {
         if (File::get_app_category(File::get_file_extension($url)) == "image") {
             return new Oembed_Result($url, $url, $type, $options);
     if ($oembedUrl) {
         // Inject the options into the Oembed URL.
         if ($options) {
             if (isset($options['width']) && !isset($options['maxwidth'])) {
                 $options['maxwidth'] = $options['width'];
             if (isset($options['height']) && !isset($options['maxheight'])) {
                 $options['maxheight'] = $options['height'];
             $oembedUrl = Controller::join_links($oembedUrl, '?' . http_build_query($options, '', '&'));
         return new Oembed_Result($oembedUrl, $url, $type, $options);
     // No matching Oembed resource found.
     return false;
  * removes the appendation from the name
  * @param type $filename
  * @param type $appendation
  * @return string
 public static function removeFilenameAppender($filename, $appendation)
     $ext = File::get_file_extension($filename);
     if ($ext != 'unknown') {
         $outstr = substr($filename, 0, -(strlen($ext) + 1));
         $outstr = substr($outstr, 0, -strlen($appendation));
         $outstr .= '.' . $ext;
         return $outstr;
     return $filename;
  * Given a filename and list of files, generate a new filename unique to these files
  * @param string $name
  * @param array $files
  * @return string
 protected function hashedCombinedFilename($combinedFile, $fileList)
     $name = pathinfo($combinedFile, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
     $hash = $this->hashOfFiles($fileList);
     $extension = File::get_file_extension($combinedFile);
     return $name . '-' . substr($hash, 0, 7) . '.' . $extension;
Example #5
  * Generate an image on the specified format. It will save the image
  * at the location specified by cacheFilename(). The image will be generated
  * using the specific 'generate' method for the specified format.
  * @param string $format Name of the format to generate.
  * @param string $arg1 Argument to pass to the generate method.
  * @param string $arg2 A second argument to pass to the generate method.
 function generateFormattedImage($format, $arg1 = null, $arg2 = null)
     $cacheFile = $this->cacheFilename($format, $arg1, $arg2);
     $gd = new GD($this->URL);
     if ($gd->hasGD()) {
         $generateFunc = "generate{$format}";
         if ($this->hasMethod($generateFunc)) {
             $gd = $this->{$generateFunc}($gd, $arg1, $arg2);
             if ($gd) {
                 $bucket = $this->getUploadBucket();
                 // TODO create bucket if it does not exist
                 // $this->S3->putBucket($bucket, S3::ACL_PUBLIC_READ);
                 $tempFile = tempnam(getTempFolder(), 's3images') . File::get_file_extension($cacheFile);
                 $this->S3->putObjectFile($tempFile, $bucket, '_resampled/' . basename($cacheFile), S3::ACL_PUBLIC_READ);
         } else {
             USER_ERROR("Image::generateFormattedImage - Image {$format} function not found.", E_USER_WARNING);
Example #6
  * Get the MIME type based on a file's extension.
  * If the finfo class exists in PHP, and the file actually exists, then use that
  * extension, otherwise fallback to a list of commonly known MIME types.
  * @uses finfo
  * @param string $filename Relative path to filename from project root, e.g. "mysite/tests/file.csv"
  * @return string MIME type
 public static function get_mime_type($filename)
     // If the finfo module is compiled into PHP, use it.
     $path = BASE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename;
     if (class_exists('finfo') && file_exists($path)) {
         $finfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
         return $finfo->file($path);
     // Fallback to use the list from the HTTP.yml configuration and rely on the file extension
     // to get the file mime-type
     $ext = File::get_file_extension($filename);
     // Get the mime-types
     $mimeTypes = Config::inst()->get('HTTP', 'MimeTypes');
     // The mime type doesn't exist
     if (!isset($mimeTypes[$ext])) {
         return 'application/unknown';
     return $mimeTypes[$ext];
Example #7
  * Return the extension of the file based on its name.
  * This function is  meant to mimic the equivalent for File.
  * @return string File extension
 public function getExtension()
     return File::get_file_extension($this->getField('Name'));
  * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
  * @return SS_HTTPResponse|void
 public function upload(SS_HTTPRequest $request)
     if ($this->isDisabled() || $this->isReadonly() || !$this->canUpload()) {
         return $this->httpError(403);
     // Protect against CSRF on destructive action
     $token = $this->getForm()->getSecurityToken();
     if (!$token->checkRequest($request)) {
         return $this->httpError(400);
     // Get form details
     $name = $this->getName();
     $postVars = $request->postVar($name);
     // Save the temporary file into a File object
     $uploadedFiles = $this->extractUploadedFileData($postVars);
     $return = array('error' => 'The file upload was not successful');
     $uploadedFile = reset($uploadedFiles);
     $strClass = CloudinaryFile::GetCloudinaryFileForFile($uploadedFile['name']);
     $arrOptions = array();
     if ($strClass == 'CloudinaryVideo') {
         $arrOptions['resource_type'] = 'video';
     } elseif ($strClass == 'CloudinaryFile') {
         $arrOptions['resource_type'] = 'raw';
         $arrOptions['format'] = File::get_file_extension($uploadedFile['name']);
     $arrUploaderDetails = \Cloudinary\Uploader::upload($uploadedFile['tmp_name'], $arrOptions);
     if ($arrUploaderDetails && is_array($arrUploaderDetails)) {
         if ($strClass == 'CloudinaryFile') {
             $arrPieces = explode('.', $arrUploaderDetails['public_id']);
             $strPublicID = isset($arrPieces[0]) ? $arrPieces[0] : '';
             $strFormat = isset($arrPieces[1]) ? $arrPieces[1] : '';
         } else {
             $strPublicID = $arrUploaderDetails['public_id'];
             $strFormat = $arrUploaderDetails['format'];
         $arrData = array('Title' => $uploadedFile['name'], 'FileName' => $uploadedFile['name'], 'PublicID' => $strPublicID, 'Version' => $arrUploaderDetails['version'], 'Signature' => $arrUploaderDetails['signature'], 'URL' => $arrUploaderDetails['url'], 'SecureURL' => $arrUploaderDetails['secure_url'], 'FileType' => $arrUploaderDetails['resource_type'], 'FileSize' => $arrUploaderDetails['bytes'], 'Format' => $strFormat);
         if ($strClass == 'CloudinaryImage') {
             $arrData = array_merge($arrData, array('Width' => $arrUploaderDetails['width'], 'Height' => $arrUploaderDetails['height']));
         } else {
             if ($strClass == 'CloudinaryVideo') {
                 $arrData = array_merge($arrData, array('Width' => $arrUploaderDetails['width'], 'Height' => $arrUploaderDetails['height'], 'Duration' => $arrUploaderDetails['duration'], 'BitRate' => $arrUploaderDetails['bit_rate'], 'FrameRate' => $arrUploaderDetails['frame_rate']));
         $file = new $strClass($arrData);
         $return = $this->encodeCloudinaryAttributes($file);
     $response = new SS_HTTPResponse(Convert::raw2json(array($return)));
     $response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
     if (!empty($return['error'])) {
     return $response;
  * Indexes a DataObject.
  * File objects have text extracted from them using subclasses of the 
  * ZendSearchLuceneTextExtractor class.  Any number of text extractors can
  * attempt to scan a file of any given extension; the first successful one 
  * will be used.
  * If the dataobject has a function called Link(), this will be added as an 
  * unindexed field. 
  * @param   DataObject  $object     The DataObject to index.  If the DataObject
  *                                  does not have the ZendSearchLuceneSearchable
  *                                  extension, it is not indexed.
 public static function index($object)
     if (!Object::has_extension($object->ClassName, 'ZendSearchLuceneSearchable')) {
     $index = self::getIndex();
     // Remove currently indexed data for this object
     $doc = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document();
     if ($object->is_a('File')) {
         // Files get text extracted if possible
         if ($object->class == 'Folder') {
         // Loop through all file text extractors...
         foreach (self::getTextExtractorClasses() as $extractor_class) {
             $extensions = new ReflectionClass($extractor_class);
             $extensions = $extensions->getStaticPropertyValue('extensions');
             if (!in_array(strtolower(File::get_file_extension($object->Filename)), $extensions)) {
             // Try any that support the given file extension
             $content = call_user_func(array($extractor_class, 'extract'), Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $object->Filename);
             if (!$content) {
             // Use the first extractor we find that gives us content.
             $doc = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document();
             $field = Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('body', $content, ZendSearchLuceneSearchable::$encoding);
     // Index the fields we've specified in the config
     $fields = array_merge($object->getExtraSearchFields(), $object->getSearchFields());
     foreach ($fields as $fieldName) {
         $field_config = $object->getLuceneFieldConfig($fieldName);
         // Normal database field or function call
         $field = self::getZendField($object, $fieldName);
         if (isset($field_config['boost'])) {
             $field->boost = $field_config['boost'];
         if (!$field) {
     // Add URL if we have a function called Link().  We didn't use the
     // extraSearchFields mechanism for this because it's not a property on
     // all objects, so this is the most sensible place for it.
     if (method_exists(get_class($object), 'Link') && !in_array('Link', $fields)) {
         $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::UnIndexed('Link', $object->Link()));
  * Given a file and filename, ensure that file renaming / replacing rules are satisfied
  * If replacing, this method may replace $this->file with an existing record to overwrite.
  * If renaming, a new value for $filename may be returned
  * @param string $filename
  * @return string $filename A filename safe to write to
  * @throws Exception
 protected function resolveExistingFile($filename)
     // Create a new file record (or try to retrieve an existing one)
     if (!$this->file) {
         $fileClass = File::get_class_for_file_extension(File::get_file_extension($filename));
         $this->file = Object::create($fileClass);
     // Skip this step if not writing File dataobjects
     if (!$this->file instanceof File) {
         return $filename;
     // Check there is if existing file
     $existing = File::find($filename);
     // If replacing (or no file exists) confirm this filename is safe
     if ($this->replaceFile || !$existing) {
         // If replacing files, make sure to update the OwnerID
         if (!$this->file->ID && $this->replaceFile && $existing) {
             $this->file = $existing;
             $this->file->OwnerID = Member::currentUserID();
         // Filename won't change if replacing
         return $filename;
     // if filename already exists, version the filename (e.g. test.gif to test-v2.gif, test-v2.gif to test-v3.gif)
     $renamer = $this->getNameGenerator($filename);
     foreach ($renamer as $newName) {
         if (!File::find($newName)) {
             return $newName;
     // Fail
     $tries = $renamer->getMaxTries();
     throw new Exception("Could not rename {$filename} with {$tries} tries");
Example #11
  * Gets the category of this file type. Borrowed from {@see File}
  * @return string
 public function appCategory()
     $ext = File::get_file_extension($this->Name);
     switch ($ext) {
         case "aif":
         case "au":
         case "mid":
         case "midi":
         case "mp3":
         case "ra":
         case "ram":
         case "rm":
         case "mp3":
         case "wav":
         case "m4a":
         case "snd":
         case "aifc":
         case "aiff":
         case "wma":
         case "apl":
         case "avr":
         case "cda":
         case "mp4":
         case "ogg":
             return "audio";
         case "mpeg":
         case "mpg":
         case "m1v":
         case "mp2":
         case "mpa":
         case "mpe":
         case "ifo":
         case "vob":
         case "avi":
         case "wmv":
         case "asf":
         case "m2v":
         case "qt":
             return "mov";
         case "arc":
         case "rar":
         case "tar":
         case "gz":
         case "tgz":
         case "bz2":
         case "dmg":
         case "jar":
         case "ace":
         case "arj":
         case "bz":
         case "cab":
             return "zip";
         case "bmp":
         case "gif":
         case "jpg":
         case "jpeg":
         case "pcx":
         case "tif":
         case "png":
         case "alpha":
         case "als":
         case "cel":
         case "icon":
         case "ico":
         case "ps":
             return "image";
  * Loads the temporary file data into a File object
  * @param array $tmpFile Temporary file data
  * @param string $error Error message
  * @return AssetContainer File object, or null if error
 protected function saveTemporaryFile($tmpFile, &$error = null)
     // Determine container object
     $error = null;
     $fileObject = null;
     if (empty($tmpFile)) {
         $error = _t('UploadField.FIELDNOTSET', 'File information not found');
         return null;
     if ($tmpFile['error']) {
         $error = $tmpFile['error'];
         return null;
     // Search for relations that can hold the uploaded files, but don't fallback
     // to default if there is no automatic relation
     if ($relationClass = $this->getRelationAutosetClass(null)) {
         // Allow File to be subclassed
         if ($relationClass === 'File' && isset($tmpFile['name'])) {
             $relationClass = File::get_class_for_file_extension(File::get_file_extension($tmpFile['name']));
         // Create new object explicitly. Otherwise rely on Upload::load to choose the class.
         $fileObject = Object::create($relationClass);
         if (!$fileObject instanceof DataObject || !$fileObject instanceof AssetContainer) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid asset container {$relationClass}");
     // Get the uploaded file into a new file object.
     try {
         $this->upload->loadIntoFile($tmpFile, $fileObject, $this->getFolderName());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // we shouldn't get an error here, but just in case
         $error = $e->getMessage();
         return null;
     // Check if upload field has an error
     if ($this->upload->isError()) {
         $error = implode(' ' . PHP_EOL, $this->upload->getErrors());
         return null;
     // return file
     return $this->upload->getFile();
 public function saveInto(DataObjectInterface $record)
     if (!isset($_FILES[$this->name])) {
         return false;
     $fileClass = File::get_class_for_file_extension(File::get_file_extension($_FILES[$this->name]['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
     if ($this->relationAutoSetting) {
         // assume that the file is connected via a has-one
         $objectClass = $record->hasOne($this->name);
         if ($objectClass === 'File' || empty($objectClass)) {
             // Create object of the appropriate file class
             $file = Object::create($fileClass);
         } else {
             // try to create a file matching the relation
             $file = Object::create($objectClass);
     } else {
         if ($record instanceof File) {
             $file = $record;
         } else {
             $file = Object::create($fileClass);
     $this->upload->loadIntoFile($_FILES[$this->name], $file, $this->getFolderName());
     if ($this->upload->isError()) {
         return false;
     if ($this->relationAutoSetting) {
         if (!$objectClass) {
             return false;
         $file = $this->upload->getFile();
         $record->{$this->name . 'ID'} = $file->ID;
     return $this;
 public function onAfterUpload()
     if (!Config::inst()->get('Image', 'magnific_auto_rotate')) {
     $imagePath = $this->owner->getFullPath();
     $imageFileExt = strtolower(File::get_file_extension($imagePath));
     if (!in_array($imageFileExt, array('jpeg', 'jpg'))) {
     $orientation = $this->getExifOrientation();
     if (!$orientation) {
     $source = @imagecreatefromjpeg($imagePath);
     if (!$source) {
     switch ($orientation) {
         case 3:
             $modifiedImage = imagerotate($source, 180, 0);
             imagejpeg($modifiedImage, $imagePath, 100);
         case 6:
             $modifiedImage = imagerotate($source, -90, 0);
             imagejpeg($modifiedImage, $imagePath, 100);
         case 8:
             $modifiedImage = imagerotate($source, 90, 0);
             imagejpeg($modifiedImage, $imagePath, 100);
  * Return path and type of given combined file
  * @param string|array $file Either a file path, or an array spec
  * @return array array with two elements, path and type of file
 protected function parseCombinedFile($file)
     // Array with path and type keys
     if (is_array($file) && isset($file['path']) && isset($file['type'])) {
         return array($file['path'], $file['type']);
     // Extract value from indexed array
     if (is_array($file)) {
         $path = array_shift($file);
         // See if there's a type specifier
         if ($file) {
             $type = array_shift($file);
             return array($path, $type);
         // Otherwise convent to string
         $file = $path;
     $type = File::get_file_extension($file);
     return array($file, $type);
Example #16
  * Validate that this DBFile accepts this filename as valid
  * @param string $filename
  * @throws ValidationException
  * @return bool
 protected function isValidFilename($filename)
     $extension = strtolower(File::get_file_extension($filename));
     // Validate true if within the list of allowed extensions
     $allowed = $this->getAllowedExtensions();
     if ($allowed) {
         return in_array($extension, $allowed);
     // If no extensions are configured, fallback to global list
     $globalList = File::config()->allowed_extensions;
     if (in_array($extension, $globalList)) {
         return true;
     // Only admins can bypass global rules
     return !File::config()->apply_restrictions_to_admin && Permission::check('ADMIN');
  * Get file extension
  * @return string
 public function getExtension()
     $extension = File::get_file_extension($this->getName());
     return strtolower($extension);
 public function testGetExtension()
     $this->assertEquals('', File::get_file_extension('myfile'), 'No extension');
     $this->assertEquals('txt', File::get_file_extension('myfile.txt'), 'Simple extension');
     $this->assertEquals('gz', File::get_file_extension('myfile.tar.gz'), 'Double-barrelled extension only returns last bit');