Example #1
  * add uuids to tl_gallery_creator_pictures version added in 4.8.0
 public static function addUuids()
     // add field
     if (!\Database::getInstance()->fieldExists('uuid', 'tl_gallery_creator_pictures')) {
         \Database::getInstance()->query("ALTER TABLE `tl_gallery_creator_pictures` ADD `uuid` BINARY(16) NULL");
     $objDB = \Database::getInstance()->execute("SELECT * FROM tl_gallery_creator_pictures WHERE uuid IS NULL");
     while ($objDB->next()) {
         if ($objDB->path == '') {
         if (is_file(TL_ROOT . '/' . $objDB->path)) {
         } else {
         $oFile = new \File($objDB->path);
         $fileModel = $oFile->getModel();
         if (\Validator::isUuid($fileModel->uuid)) {
             \Database::getInstance()->prepare("UPDATE tl_gallery_creator_pictures SET uuid=? WHERE id=?")->execute($fileModel->uuid, $objDB->id);
             $_SESSION["TL_CONFIRM"][] = "Added a valid file-uuid into tl_gallery_creator_pictures.uuid ID " . $objDB->id . ". Please check if all the galleries are running properly.";
 protected static function addCssFileToGroup($path, $groupId)
     // create Files Model
     $objFile = new \File($path);
     if (!in_array(strtolower($objFile->extension), array('css', 'less'))) {
         return false;
     $objFileModel = new ExtCssFileModel();
     $objFileModel->pid = $groupId;
     $objFileModel->tstamp = time();
     $objNextSorting = \Database::getInstance()->prepare("SELECT MAX(sorting) AS sorting FROM tl_extcss_file WHERE pid=?")->execute($groupId);
     $objFileModel->sorting = intval($objNextSorting->sorting) + 64;
     $objFileModel->src = $objFile->getModel()->uuid;
     return $objFileModel;
  * Get the meta file
  * @return \File|null
  * @throws \Exception
 public function getMetaFile()
     $folder = $this->getAlbumFolder();
     if ($folder === null) {
         return null;
     $file = new \File($folder->path . '/' . $this->metaFileName . '.json');
     // Synchronize the file with database
     if ($file->getModel() === null) {
     return $file;
 protected function createSingleFile($varValue)
     if ($this->sourceDir === null || $this->targetDir === null || $varValue == '') {
         return false;
     $objSourceDir = \FilesModel::findByUuid($this->sourceDir);
     if ($objSourceDir === null) {
         return false;
     $objTargetDir = \FilesModel::findByUuid($this->targetDir);
     if ($objTargetDir === null) {
         return false;
     $strRelFile = $objSourceDir->path . '/' . ltrim($varValue, '/');
     if (is_dir(TL_ROOT . '/' . $strRelFile) || !file_exists(TL_ROOT . '/' . $strRelFile)) {
         return null;
     $objFile = new \File($strRelFile);
     $objFile->copyTo($objTargetDir->path . '/' . $objFile->name);
     $objModel = $objFile->getModel();
     return $objModel->uuid;
  * Generate the meta information for a given file
  * @param $objFile
  * @return array The meta information with i18n support
 protected function getMetaFromFile(\File $objFile)
     global $objPage;
     $objModel = $objFile->getModel();
     $arrMeta = $this->getMetaData($objModel->meta, $objPage->language);
     if (empty($arrMeta) && $objPage->rootFallbackLanguage !== null) {
         $arrMeta = $this->getMetaData($objModel->meta, $objPage->rootFallbackLanguage);
     // Use the file name as title if none is given
     if ($arrMeta['title'] == '') {
         $arrMeta['title'] = specialchars($objFile->basename);
     return $arrMeta;
 protected function createEnclosures(&$objItem)
     if ($this->sourceDir === null || $this->targetDir === null) {
         return false;
     $objSourceDir = \FilesModel::findByUuid($this->sourceDir);
     if ($objSourceDir === null) {
         return false;
     $objTargetDir = \FilesModel::findByUuid($this->targetDir);
     if ($objTargetDir === null) {
         return false;
     $arrSource = deserialize($objItem->enclosure, true);
     $arrTarget = array();
     foreach ($arrSource as $strFile) {
         $strRelFile = $objSourceDir->path . '/' . ltrim($strFile, '/');
         if (is_dir(TL_ROOT . '/' . $strRelFile) || !file_exists(TL_ROOT . '/' . $strRelFile)) {
         $objFile = new \File($strRelFile);
         $objFile->copyTo($objTargetDir->path . '/' . $objFile->name);
         $objModel = $objFile->getModel();
         $arrTarget[] = $objModel->uuid;
     if (!empty($arrTarget)) {
         $objItem->addEnclosure = true;
         $objItem->enclosure = $arrTarget;
  * Upload a file, store to $strUploadFolder and create database entry
  * @param $arrFile         The $_FILES array
  * @param $strUploadFolder The upload target folder within contao files folder
  * @param $strField
  * @return array|bool Returns array with file information on success. Returns false if no valid file, file cannot be moved or destination lies outside the
  *                    contao upload directory.
 protected function uploadFile($arrFile, $strUploadFolder, $strField)
     if (!$arrFile['error']) {
         $error = false;
         $strTempFile = $arrFile['tmp_name'];
         $arrPath = pathinfo($arrFile['name']);
         $strTargetFileName = standardize($arrPath['filename']) . '_' . uniqid() . '.' . strtolower($arrPath['extension']);
         $strTargetFile = $strUploadFolder . '/' . $strTargetFileName;
         if (!move_uploaded_file($strTempFile, TL_ROOT . '/' . $strTargetFile)) {
             $error =& $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['moveUploadFile'];
         $arrData = array('filename' => $strTargetFileName, 'filenameOrig' => $arrFile['name']);
         if (!$error) {
             try {
                 // add db record
                 $objFile = new \File($strTargetFile);
                 $strUuid = $objFile->getModel()->uuid;
             } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
                 $error =& $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['outsideUploadDirectory'];
         if (!$error && $objFile instanceof \File) {
             $error = $this->validateUpload($objFile);
             // upload_path_callback
             if (is_array($this->validate_upload_callback)) {
                 foreach ($this->validate_upload_callback as $callback) {
                     if (!class_exists($callback[0])) {
                     $objCallback = \System::importStatic($callback[0]);
                     if (!method_exists($objCallback, $callback[1])) {
                     if ($errorCallback = $objCallback->{$callback[1]}($objFile, $this)) {
                         $error = $errorCallback;
                         // stop validation on first error
         if ($error === false && ($arrInfo = $this->objUploader->prepareFile($strUuid)) !== false) {
             $arrData = array_merge($arrData, $arrInfo);
             return $arrData;
         $arrData['error'] = $error;
         // remove invalid files from tmp folder
         if ($objFile instanceof \File) {
         return $arrData;
     return array('error' => $arrFile['error'], 'filenameOrig' => $arrFile['name']);