  * Apply the Revcheck tools recursively on all lang
  * @param $path    The directory from which we start.
  * @param $revType Can be 'new' when we start a new revcheck with a clean database or 'update' when we revcheck just one folder (and all is sub-folders). Default to 'new'
  * @param $revLang The lang we want to apply the recheck. By default, it's 'all' lang available.
  * @return Nothing.
 public function applyRevCheck($path = '/', $revType = 'new', $revLang = 'all')
     $am = AccountManager::getInstance();
     $appConf = $am->appConf;
     $project = $am->project;
     if ($dh = @opendir($appConf[$project]['vcs.path'] . 'en' . $path)) {
         $dirs = array();
         $files = array();
         while (($name = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
             if ($name == '.' || $name == '..') {
             $file = new File('en', $path . $name);
             if (!$this->needParsing($file)) {
             if ($file->isDir) {
                 $dirs[] = $file;
             } elseif ($file->isFile) {
                 $files[] = $file;
         foreach ($files as $f) {
             $en_size = intval(filesize($f->full_path) / 1024);
             $en_date = filemtime($f->full_path);
             $infoEN = $f->getInfo();
             $en_revision = $infoEN['rev'] == 'NULL' ? 'NULL' : $infoEN['rev'];
             $xmlid = $infoEN['xmlid'] == 'NULL' ? 'NULL' : $infoEN['xmlid'];
             $tmp = explode('/', $f->path);
             // Only for Php project
             if ($project == 'PHP') {
                 $check_doc = new ToolsCheckDoc();
                 $ToolsCheckDocResult = $check_doc->checkDoc($infoEN['content'], $f->path);
             } else {
                 $ToolsCheckDocResult['check_oldstyle'] = 'NULL';
                 $ToolsCheckDocResult['check_undoc'] = 'NULL';
                 $ToolsCheckDocResult['check_roleerror'] = 'NULL';
                 $ToolsCheckDocResult['check_badorder'] = 'NULL';
                 $ToolsCheckDocResult['check_noseealso'] = 'NULL';
                 $ToolsCheckDocResult['check_noreturnvalues'] = 'NULL';
                 $ToolsCheckDocResult['check_noparameters'] = 'NULL';
                 $ToolsCheckDocResult['check_noexamples'] = 'NULL';
                 $ToolsCheckDocResult['check_noerrors'] = 'NULL';
             // If the type of this revcheck is an update, we start to remove all reference to this file from...
             if ($revType == 'update') {
                 //... table `files`
                 $query = 'DELETE FROM `files`
                          WHERE `project`="%s" AND
                                `lang`="en" AND
                                `path`="%s" AND
                 $params = array($am->project, $f->path, $f->name);
                 $this->conn->query($query, $params);
                 //... table `errorfiles`
                 $query = 'DELETE FROM `errorfiles`
                          WHERE `project`="%s" AND
                                `lang`="en" AND
                                `path`="%s" AND
                 $params = array($am->project, $f->path, $f->name);
                 $this->conn->query($query, $params);
             // Sql insert.
             $query = 'INSERT INTO `files` (`project`, `lang`, `xmlid`, `path`, `name`, `revision`, `size`, `mdate`, `maintainer`, `status`, `check_oldstyle`,  `check_undoc`, `check_roleerror`, `check_badorder`, `check_noseealso`, `check_noreturnvalues`, `check_noparameters`, `check_noexamples`, `check_noerrors`)
                     VALUES ("%s", "en", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", NULL, NULL, "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s")';
             $params = array($am->project, $xmlid, $f->path, $f->name, $en_revision, $en_size, $en_date, $ToolsCheckDocResult['check_oldstyle'], $ToolsCheckDocResult['check_undoc'], $ToolsCheckDocResult['check_roleerror'], $ToolsCheckDocResult['check_badorder'], $ToolsCheckDocResult['check_noseealso'], $ToolsCheckDocResult['check_noreturnvalues'], $ToolsCheckDocResult['check_noparameters'], $ToolsCheckDocResult['check_noexamples'], $ToolsCheckDocResult['check_noerrors']);
             $this->conn->query($query, $params);
             $error = new ToolsError();
             $error->setParams($infoEN['content'], '', 'en', $f->path, $f->name, '');
             if ($revType == 'update') {
                 // If we are in update, we have 2 case. $revLang can be en or LANG.
                 // If revLang is en, we must re-check all available language to reflect changes.
                 if ($revLang == 'en') {
                     $ExistingLanguage = $this->getExistingLanguage();
                 } else {
                     $ExistingLanguage[] = array("code" => $revLang);
             } else {
                 // If this is not an update, we check all languages
                 $ExistingLanguage = $this->getExistingLanguage();
             foreach ($ExistingLanguage as $lang) {
                 $lang = $lang["code"];
                 // We skip en language
                 if ($lang == 'en') {
                 $lang_file = new File($lang, $f->path . $f->name);
                 // If the type of this revcheck is an update, we start be delete all reference to this file in table...
                 if ($revType == 'update') {
                     // ... `file`
                     $query = 'DELETE FROM `files`
                              WHERE `project`="%s" AND
                                    `lang`="%s" AND
                                    `path`="%s" AND
                     $params = array($project, $lang, $lang_file->path, $lang_file->name);
                     $this->conn->query($query, $params);
                     //... table `errorfiles`
                     $query = 'DELETE FROM `errorfiles`
                              WHERE `project`="%s" AND
                                    `lang`="%s" AND
                                    `path`="%s" AND
                     $params = array($project, $lang, $lang_file->path, $lang_file->name);
                     $this->conn->query($query, $params);
                 if ($lang_file->exist()) {
                     // Initial revcheck method
                     $size = intval(filesize($lang_file->full_path) / 1024);
                     $date = filemtime($lang_file->full_path);
                     $size_diff = $en_size - $size;
                     $date_diff = intval((time() - $en_date) / 86400) - intval((time() - $date) / 86400);
                     $infoLANG = $lang_file->getInfo();
                     $revision = $infoLANG['en-rev'] == 'NULL' ? 'NULL' : $infoLANG['en-rev'];
                     $maintainer = $infoLANG['maintainer'] == 'NULL' ? 'NULL' : $infoLANG['maintainer'];
                     $status = $infoLANG['status'] == 'NULL' ? 'NULL' : $infoLANG['status'];
                     $xmlid = $infoLANG['xmlid'] == 'NULL' ? 'NULL' : $infoLANG['xmlid'];
                     $reviewed = $infoLANG['reviewed'] == 'NULL' ? 'NULL' : $infoLANG['reviewed'];
                     $reviewed_maintainer = $infoLANG['reviewed_maintainer'] == 'NULL' ? 'NULL' : $infoLANG['reviewed_maintainer'];
                     $query = 'INSERT INTO `files` (`project`, `lang`, `xmlid`, `path`, `name`, `revision`, `en_revision`, `reviewed`, `reviewed_maintainer`, `size`, `size_diff`, `mdate`, `mdate_diff`, `maintainer`, `status`)
                             VALUES ("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s")';
                     $params = array($project, $lang, $xmlid, $lang_file->path, $lang_file->name, $revision, $en_revision, $reviewed, $reviewed_maintainer, $size, $size_diff, $date, $date_diff, $maintainer, $status);
                     $this->conn->query($query, $params);
                     // Check for error in this file ONLY if this file is uptodate
                     if ($revision == $en_revision &&  $revision != 0 ) {
                         $error = new ToolsError();
                             $infoEN['content'], $infoLANG['content'],
                             $lang, $lang_file->path, $lang_file->name, $maintainer
                 } else {
                     $query = 'INSERT INTO `files` (`project`, `lang`, `path`, `name`, `size`)
                             VALUES ("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s")';
                     $params = array($project, $lang, $lang_file->path, $lang_file->name, $en_size);
                     $this->conn->query($query, $params);
         foreach ($dirs as $d) {
             $this->applyRevCheck($d->path, $revType, $revLang);
Example #2
         case 2:
         case 5:
             $error = lng('UPLOAD_FAIL');
         case 6:
             $error = lng('DEL_FAIL');
         case 7:
             $error = lng('FILE_EXIST');
     if ($result > 0 and $result != 7) {
         aExit($result, $error);
     $file_info = $file->getInfo();
     $ajax_message['file_id'] = $file_info['id'];
     $ajax_message['file_name'] = $file_info['name'];
     $ajax_message['file_size'] = $file_info['size'];
     $ajax_message['file_html'] = $file->Show();
     aExit($result, $error);
 case 'like':
     $id = Filter::input('id', 'post', 'int');
     $type = Filter::input('type', 'post', 'int');
     $dislike = Filter::input('dislike', 'post', 'bool');
     if (!$type or !$id) {
     if (empty($user)) {
         aExit(3, 'Like not authed');
  * Save a file. The new file have an extension like ".new", and is saved in the same folder as the original.
  * @HERE : The new file no more have an extension '.new'. Now, it's saved into 'module-name-'new folder, with the same folder's hierarchie
 public function saveFile()
     $am = AccountManager::getInstance();
     $tx = new ToolsXmllint();
     if (!$am->isLogged()) {
         return JsonResponseBuilder::failure();
     $filePath = $this->getRequestVariable('filePath');
     $fileName = $this->getRequestVariable('fileName');
     $fileLang = $this->getRequestVariable('fileLang');
     $type = $this->hasRequestVariable('type') ? $this->getRequestVariable('type') : 'file';
     $emailAlert = $this->hasRequestVariable('emailAlert') ? $this->getRequestVariable('emailAlert') : '';
     // Clean up path
     $filePath = str_replace('//', '/', $filePath);
     // Extract lang from path
     if ($fileLang == 'all') {
         $t = explode('/', $filePath);
         $fileLang = $t[0];
         $filePath = '/' . implode('/', $t);
     // Remove \
     $fileContent = $this->getRequestVariable('fileContent');
     // Replace   by space
     $fileContent = str_replace(" ", "", $fileContent);
     // We check the Xml consistence only for .xml file
     if (substr($fileName, -3) == 'xml') {
         $xmlError = $tx->checkForError($fileContent);
         if ($xmlError != 'no_error') {
             return JsonResponseBuilder::failure(array('XmlError' => $xmlError));
     // Get file object
     $file = new File($fileLang, $filePath . $fileName);
     // Rules to allow this file to be saved or not.
     if ($infoModified = $file->isModified()) {
         $infoModified = json_decode($infoModified);
         // If the user who have modified this file isn't the current one
         if ($am->userID == $infoModified->userID) {
             // We can modify it, it's mine ;)
         } else {
             // If the current user have karma, he can modify it.
             if ($am->haveKarma) {
                 // The current user can modify it
             } else {
                 // We must trow an error. We can't modify it.
                 return JsonResponseBuilder::failure(array('type' => 'save_you_cant_modify_it'));
     // Detect encoding
     $charset = $file->getEncoding($fileContent);
     // If the new charset is set to utf-8, we don't need to decode it
     if ($charset != 'utf-8') {
         $fileContent = iconv("UTF-8", $charset, $fileContent);
     // We detect tab caracters and trow an error if we find one.
     if (strstr("\t", $fileContent)) {
         return JsonResponseBuilder::failure(array('type' => 'tabs_found'));
     // Get revision
     $info = $file->getInfo($fileContent);
     if ($type == 'file') {
         $er = $file->save($fileContent);
         $isError = is_array($er) && empty($er['state']);
         if (!$isError) {
             $r = RepositoryManager::getInstance()->addProgressWork($file, $info['rev'], $info['en-rev'], $info['reviewed'], $info['reviewed_maintainer'], $info['maintainer']);
             return JsonResponseBuilder::success(array('id' => $r, 'lang' => $fileLang, 'revision' => $info['rev'], 'en_revision' => $info['en-rev'], 'maintainer' => $info['maintainer'], 'reviewed' => $info['reviewed'], 'reviewed_maintainer' => $info['reviewed_maintainer']));
         } else {
             return JsonResponseBuilder::failure(array('type' => 'fs_error'));
     } else {
         if ($type == 'trans') {
             // We must ensure that this folder exist localy
             if ($file->folderExist()) {
                 $er = $file->save($fileContent);
                 if ($er['state']) {
                     $r = RepositoryManager::getInstance()->addProgressWork($file, $info['rev'], $info['en-rev'], $info['reviewed'], $info['reviewed_maintainer'], $info['maintainer'], 'new');
                     return JsonResponseBuilder::success(array('id' => $r, 'lang' => $fileLang, 'revision' => $info['rev'], 'en_revision' => $info['en-rev'], 'maintainer' => $info['maintainer'], 'reviewed' => $info['reviewed'], 'reviewed_maintainer' => $info['reviewed_maintainer']));
                 } else {
                     return JsonResponseBuilder::failure(array('type' => 'fs_error'));
             } else {
                 return JsonResponseBuilder::failure();
 private function getOutputId()
     // The output file name is the first ID of the file
     $file = explode('/', $this->path);
     $lang = $file[0];
     $path = implode('/', $file);
     $fileInfo = new File($lang, $path);
     $info = $fileInfo->getInfo();
     $xmlIDs = explode('|', $info['xmlid']);
     $xmlID = $xmlIDs[0];
     return $xmlID;
Example #5
 public function Create($post_name, $user_id, $id_word = null, $id_rewrite = false)
     $user_id = (int) $user_id;
     if (!POSTGood($post_name, self::$formats)) {
         return 1;
     if ($id_word and !preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\$/", $id_word)) {
         return 3;
     $new_file_info = POSTSafeMove($post_name, $this->base_dir);
     if (!$new_file_info) {
         return 2;
     $way = $this->base_dir . $new_file_info['tmp_name'];
     $hash = md5_file($this->base_dir . $new_file_info['tmp_name']);
     $sql_part = $id_word ? " OR `id_word`=:id_word" : '';
     $data = $id_word ? array('id_word' => $id_word) : false;
     $line = getDB()->fetchRow("SELECT `id` FROM `{$this->db}` " . "WHERE `hash`='" . $hash . "'" . $sql_part, $data, 'num');
     if ($line) {
         $file_similar = new File($line[0]);
         $similar_info = $file_similar->getInfo();
         if ($similar_info['hash'] == $hash) {
             if (file_exists($way)) {
             $this->id = $similar_info['id'];
             $this->user_id = $similar_info['user_id'];
             $this->id_word = $similar_info['id_word'];
             $this->name = $similar_info['name'];
             $this->size = $similar_info['size'];
             $this->hash = $similar_info['hash'];
             $this->downloads = $similar_info['downloads'];
             $this->way = $file_similar->getWay();
             return 7;
         } else {
             if (!$id_rewrite) {
                 if (file_exists($way)) {
                 return 4;
             } else {
                 if (!$file_similar->Delete()) {
                     return 6;
     $sql = "INSERT INTO {$this->db} (id_word, user_id, way, name, size, hash) " . "VALUES (:id_word, :user_id, :fway, :fname, :fsize, '{$hash}')";
     $result = getDB()->ask($sql, array('id_word' => $id_word ? $id_word : '', 'user_id' => $user_id, 'fway' => $new_file_info['tmp_name'], 'fname' => $new_file_info['name'], 'fsize' => $new_file_info['size_mb']));
     if ($result) {
         $this->id = getDB()->lastInsertId();
         $this->user_id = $user_id;
         $this->id_word = $id_word ? $id_word : '';
         $this->way = $way;
         $this->name = $new_file_info['name'];
         $this->size = $new_file_info['size_mb'];
         $this->hash = $hash;
         $this->downloads = 0;
     } else {
         if (file_exists($way)) {
         return 5;
     return 0;
Example #6
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * @param string $locale
  * @return array
 public function getInfo($locale = null)
     $info = parent::getInfo($locale);
     $info['sizes'] = array();
     $sizes = $this->getImageSizeCollection();
     foreach ($sizes as $size) {
         $sizeName = $size->getName();
         $info['sizes'][$sizeName] = array('id' => $sizeName, 'width' => $size->getWidth(), 'height' => $size->getHeight());
     $info['sizes']['original'] = array('id' => 'original', 'width' => $this->getWidth(), 'height' => $this->getHeight());
     return $info;