allFiles() public static method

Get all of the files from the given directory (recursive).
public static allFiles ( string $directory, boolean $hidden = false ) : array
$directory string
$hidden boolean
return array
 function makeupPages()
     $pages_path = Manager::getPath('pages');
     if (file_exists($pages_path)) {
         foreach (\File::allFiles($pages_path) as $file) {
             Manager::page(str_replace('.twig', '', $file->getFilename()));
 public function getStartupSeedFiles($db)
     //$db is tenant or craiglorious
     $directory = database_path("seeds/csv_startup_data/" . $db);
     $files = \File::allFiles($directory);
     return $files;
Example #3
 public function __construct()
     // Carbon Language
     // create home page if non exist
     count(Menu::where('slug', '/anasayfa')->get()) == 0 ? Menu::create(['title' => 'Anasayfa', 'slug' => '/anasayfa', 'eng_title' => 'Home', 'eng_slug' => '/home'])->save() : null;
     // create config file if non exist
     !\File::exists(storage_path('.config')) ? \File::put(storage_path('.config'), json_encode(['brand' => 'Brand Name', 'mail' => '*****@*****.**', 'active' => 1, 'eng' => '0', 'one_page' => '0', 'googlemap' => '', 'header' => ''])) : null;
     $this->config = json_decode(\File::get(storage_path('.config')));
     !\File::exists(storage_path('app/custom/css')) ? \File::makeDirectory(storage_path('app/custom/css'), 0755, true) : null;
     !\File::exists(storage_path('app/custom/js')) ? \File::makeDirectory(storage_path('app/custom/js'), 0755, true) : null;
     // get css & js files from custom folder
     // css
     $css = \File::allFiles(storage_path('app/custom/css'));
     if (!empty($css)) {
         foreach ($css as $cs) {
             $this->css[$cs->getCtime()] = $cs->getRelativePathname();
         // sort by date
     // js
     $js = \File::allFiles(storage_path('app/custom/js'));
     if (!empty($js)) {
         foreach ($js as $j) {
             $this->js[$j->getCtime()] = $j->getRelativePathname();
         // sort by date
 public function show($id)
     $classified = Classified::find($id);
     $classifiedCategory = ClassifiedCategory::find($classified->classified_category_id);
     $classifiedImages = array();
     if (File::exists(public_path() . '/uploads/' . $id)) {
         $classifiedImages = File::allFiles(public_path() . '/uploads/' . $id);
     return View::make('classifieds.index', array('classified' => $classified, 'images' => $classifiedImages, 'classifiedCategory' => $classifiedCategory));
 public function run()
     $directory = 'storage/surveyimages';
     $files = File::allFiles($directory);
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $filename = explode("/", $file);
         // echo (string)$filename[2], "\n";
         SurveyImage::firstOrCreate(array('images' => $filename[2]));
Example #6
 public function getLoadImages(Filesystem $filesystem)
     $toJson = [];
     $files = \File::allFiles(public_path('uploads/all/'));
     /** @var \SplFileInfo $file */
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $toJson[] = ['image' => '/uploads/all/' . $file->getBasename(), 'thumb' => '/uploads/all/' . $file->getBasename()];
     return $toJson;
Example #7
  * Get Existing Bill Templates
 protected function getExistingBillTemplates()
     $path = __DIR__ . '/../../../../';
     $billsTypes = \File::allFiles($path . "resources/components/bills");
     $customPath = base_path() . '/resources/views/bills';
     $customBillTypes = \File::isDirectory($customPath) ? \File::allFiles($customPath) : [];
     foreach (array_merge($billsTypes, $customBillTypes) as $billFile) {
         app('veer')->loadedComponents['billsTypes'][array_get(pathinfo($billFile), 'filename')] = array_get(pathinfo($billFile), 'filename');
Example #8
  * @return array
 private function _getBundles()
     $this->comment('Searching files...');
     $bundles = array();
     foreach (\File::allFiles(app_path('views')) as $file) {
         foreach (\Jboysen\LaravelGcc\GCCompiler::findHelperMatches(\File::get($file)) as $bundle) {
             $bundles[] = $bundle;
     return $bundles;
Example #9
 public function getExcel()
     $projects = [];
     $files = File::allFiles(base_path() . '/excelPlace/');
     //$files = file('http://localhost:8888/excelPlace/');
     //return $files;
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if (pathinfo($file)['extension'] == "xlsx" || pathinfo($file)['extension'] == "xls") {
             $projects[pathinfo($file)['filename']] = pathinfo($file)['basename'];
     return $projects;
Example #10
 public function getBrowse()
     if (!Input::has('CKEditor')) {
         return App::abort(403, 'Unauthorized action.');
     $fnnumber = Input::get('CKEditorFuncNum');
     $path = public_path() . '\\assets\\ckeditor\\upload\\thumbnail';
     $allfiles = File::allFiles($path);
     $files = array();
     foreach ($allfiles as $file) {
         array_push($files, basename((string) $file));
     return View::make('faq.filebrowse')->with(compact('files', 'fnnumber'));
 public function run()
     $dir = dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__)));
     $dir = $dir . "\\makeyourikorma\\public\\img\\uniques\\";
     echo "Directorio de iamgenes unicas: {$dir} \n";
     $file_set = File::allFiles($dir);
     foreach ($file_set as $file) {
         $filename = (string) $file;
         $type = explode("\\", dirname($filename));
         $type = $type[count($type) - 1];
         $uri = str_replace("\\", '/', explode('img', $filename)[1]);
         $uri = 'img' . $uri;
         \DB::table('uniqueImages')->insert(array('route' => $uri, 'type' => $type));
Example #12
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function handle()
     if (is_dir(app_path('Http/Forms'))) {
         foreach (\File::allFiles(app_path('Http/Forms')) as $f) {
             $class = \App::getNamespace() . 'Http\\Forms\\' . str_replace('.php', '', $f->getFilename());
     //добавим геттеры в контейнеры
     //добавим сеттеры в контейнеры
     foreach (Register::$containers as $container) {
         foreach ($this->form_element_methods_get as $method) {
             $params = $this->getMethodParams($container, $method);
             $this->putPhpDoc($container, 'string', $method, $params);
         foreach ($this->form_element_methods_set as $method) {
             $params = $this->getMethodParams($container, $method);
             $this->putPhpDoc($container, $container, $method, $params);
     //добавим элементы в контейнеры
     $i = 0;
     foreach (Register::$elements as $name => $data) {
         $this->info(++$i . ') ' . $name);
         $class = Arr::get($data, 'class');
         foreach (Register::$containers as $container) {
             $params = $this->getMethodParams($class, 'laraform');
             $method = \Illuminate\Support\Str::camel('put_' . $name);
             $this->putPhpDoc($container, $class, $method, $params);
         foreach ($this->form_element_methods_get as $method) {
             $params = $this->getMethodParams($class, $method);
             $this->putPhpDoc($class, 'string', $method, $params);
         foreach ($this->form_element_methods_set as $method) {
             $params = $this->getMethodParams($class, $method);
             $this->putPhpDoc($class, $class, $method, $params);
     $data = $this->ret;
     $content = \View::make('quickform::ide-helper', ['data' => $data, 'tab' => "\t"]);
     file_put_contents(base_path() . '/_ide_helper_laraform.php', $content);
     $this->info('IDE helper сгенерирован для ' . count($this->classes) . ' элементов');
Example #13
  * lists all files in a public folder
  * @param string
  * @return array lists all files
 public static function listPublicFiles($dir_rel, $prefix_url = false)
     $list_files = array();
     $dir_rel = '/' . $dir_rel;
     $dir_abs = public_path() . $dir_rel;
     if (\File::exists($dir_abs)) {
         $files = \File::allFiles($dir_abs);
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $filename = (string) $dir_rel . $file->getRelativePathName();
             if ($prefix_url) {
                 $filename = \Config::get('app.url') . $filename;
             $list_files[] = $filename;
     return $list_files;
 public function run()
     $dir = dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__)));
     $dir = $dir . "\\makeyourikorma\\public\\img\\variants\\";
     echo "Directorio de iamgenes con variantes: {$dir} \n";
     $file_set = File::allFiles($dir);
     foreach ($file_set as $file) {
         $filename = (string) $file;
         $uri = str_replace("\\", '/', explode('img', $filename)[1]);
         $uri = 'img' . $uri;
         $id_color = explode("\\", $filename);
         $id_color = $id_color[count($id_color) - 1];
         $id_color = explode('.', $id_color);
         $id = $id_color[0];
         $id_color = $id_color[1];
         \DB::table('variantImages')->insert(array('route' => $uri, 'id_color' => $id_color, 'image_id' => $id));
Example #15
 protected function setup()
     $basePath = 'views/backend/';
     $path = app_path($basePath);
     $files = File::allFiles($path);
     $arr = array();
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $filename = str_replace($path, '', str_replace('.tpl', '', (string) $file));
         $tmp = array_filter(explode('/', $filename));
         $content = File::get((string) $file, '');
         $html = trim(preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', preg_replace('/<!-- (.*)-->/Uis', '', $content)));
         $dotpath = implode('.', $tmp);
         array_set($arr, $dotpath, $html);
     $contents = 'var TPL = ' . json_encode($arr);
     $response = Response::make($contents, 200);
     $response->header('Content-Type', 'application/javascript');
     return $response;
  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     //        Eloquent::unguard();
     DB::statement("ALTER TABLE avatars AUTO_INCREMENT=1");
     $dirUploads = public_path(env('UPLOAD_PICTURES', 'uploads'));
     $files = File::allFiles($dirUploads);
     foreach ($files as $file) {
     $products = Product::all();
     foreach ($products as $product) {
         $uri = str_random(12) . '_370x235.jpg';
         $fileName = file_get_contents('');
         $pathDirectory = $dirUploads . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $uri;
         FILE::put($pathDirectory, $fileName);
         $mime = mime_content_type($dirUploads . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $uri);
         Picture::create(['product_id' => $product->id, 'uri' => $uri, 'title' => $this->facker->name, 'mime' => $mime, 'size' => 200]);
  * Copies file from one destination to another
  * @param $destination
  * @param $source
  * @return bool
 protected function copy($destination, $source)
     if (file_exists($source)) {
         if (is_dir($source)) {
             $files = \File::allFiles($source);
             foreach ($files as $file) {
                 $fileName = $file->getFilename();
                 if ($file->getRelativePath() == "") {
                     $this->copyFileTo($destination, $source . '/' . $fileName);
                 } else {
                     $this->copyFileTo($destination . '/' . $file->getRelativePath(), $source . '/' . $file->getRelativePath() . '/' . $fileName);
             return true;
         $this->copyFileTo($destination, $source);
         return true;
     return false;
Example #18
 function css()
     $ret = [];
     $prefix = 'blocks/' . $this->name . '/';
     $suffix_breakpoints = Manager::getUrl($prefix);
     $dir_breakpoints = Manager::getPath($prefix);
     if (file_exists($dir_breakpoints)) {
         foreach (\File::allFiles($dir_breakpoints) as $css) {
             $fn = $css->getFilename();
             $size = (int) $fn;
             if ($size) {
                 $ret[$size] = $suffix_breakpoints . $fn;
     if (file_exists(Manager::getPath($prefix . 'block.css'))) {
         $ret[] = Manager::getUrl($prefix . 'block.css');
     return $ret;
 public function createSeeders()
     //i need a list of seeders...
     $db = 'craiglorious';
     $db = 'tenant';
     $seed_file = database_path("seeds/" . $db . "/" . ucfirst($db) . "DatabaseSeeder.php");
     $directory = database_path("migrations/" . $db);
     $output_file_path = database_path("seeds/" . $db . "/tables/");
     $seeders = '';
     $files = \File::allFiles($directory);
     $seeder_file_names = [];
     $calls = '';
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         //get the name and make it a seeder...
         $seeder_name = basename((string) $file, '.php');
         $seeder_parts = explode('_', $seeder_name);
         $name = '';
         for ($i = 5; $i < sizeof($seeder_parts) - 1; $i++) {
             $name .= ucfirst($seeder_parts[$i]);
         $name .= 'TableSeeder';
         if ($name != 'PasswordResetsTableSeeder') {
             $calls .= '$this->call(\'' . $name . '\');' . PHP_EOL;
             $seeder_file_names[] = $name;
     $file_contents = file_get_contents($seed_file);
     $file_contents = str_replace("REPLACE;", $calls, $file_contents);
     file_put_contents($seed_file, $file_contents);
     foreach ($seeder_file_names as $name) {
         $template = "<?php\n\tuse Illuminate\\Database\\Seeder;\n\t\t\n\tclass " . $name . " extends Seeder \n\t{\n\t\tpublic function run()\n\t\t{\n\t\t}\n\t}";
         $output_file = $output_file_path . $name . '.php';
         //dd($output_file . PHP_EOL . $template);
         file_put_contents($output_file, $template);
Example #20
 public function listPages($page_path = '')
     $paths = \Config::get('view.paths');
     $path = $paths[0] . '/' . $this->viewPath();
     if (!empty($page_path)) {
         $path .= '/' . $page_path;
     $files = \File::allFiles($path);
     $pages = [];
     $ignore_paths = $this->config('ignore_paths', []);
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $page = $file->getRelativePathname();
         $exts = \View::getExtensions();
         foreach ($exts as $ext => $name) {
             if (strpos($page, $ext) !== false) {
                 $page = str_replace('.' . $ext, '', $page);
         if (!in_array($page, $ignore_paths)) {
             $pages[] = $page;
     return $pages;
Example #21

| Application Routes
| Here is where you can register all of the routes for an application.
//foreach ( File::allFiles(__DIR__ . '/Routes') as $partial ) {
//	require_once $partial->getPathname();
| API Application Routes
| Here is where you can register all of the routes for an api application.
foreach (File::allFiles(__DIR__ . '/Routes') as $partial) {
    require_once $partial->getPathname();

| Application Routes
| Here is where you can register all of the routes for an application.
| It's a breeze. Simply tell Laravel the URIs it should respond to
| and give it the controller to call when that URI is requested.
foreach (File::allFiles(__DIR__ . "/Routes") as $routesPartial) {
    require_once $routesPartial->getPathname();
Example #23
<div class="title-bar">
  <div class="title">
    <h3>Do pobrania</h3>

$directory = "resources/download";
$files = File::allFiles($directory);
foreach ($files as $file) {
    //echo (string)$file, "\n";
  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     $algorithmsXmls = File::allFiles(public_path() . '/algorithms');
     foreach ($algorithmsXmls as $algorithmsXml) {
         $dom = new DomDocument();
         $root = $dom->documentElement;
         $modality = Modality::whereName($root->getAttribute('modality'))->first();
         if (empty($modality)) {
             throw new Exception("Could not find modality! ({$algorithmsXml})");
         $protocolName = $root->getAttribute('protocol');
         $protocol = Protocol::whereName($protocolName)->whereModalityId($modality->Id)->first();
         if (empty($protocol)) {
             \Log::warning("Could not find protocol! ({$algorithmsXml})");
         $arguments = [];
         $parameters = [];
         $description = "";
         foreach ($root->childNodes as $node) {
             if (get_class($node) == 'DOMText') {
             switch ($node->nodeName) {
                 case 'arguments':
                     foreach ($node->childNodes as $argument) {
                         if (get_class($argument) == 'DOMText') {
                         $arguments[] = ['Name' => $argument->getAttribute('name')];
                 case 'parameters':
                     foreach ($node->childNodes as $parameter) {
                         if (get_class($parameter) == 'DOMText') {
                         $parameters[] = ['Name' => $parameter->getAttribute('name'), 'Type' => $parameter->getAttribute('type'), 'Value' => $parameter->hasAttribute('value') ? $parameter->getAttribute('value') : null];
                 case 'description':
                     $description = $node->textContent;
                     throw new Exception("Unrecognized entry in algorithm XML - {$node->nodeName}! ({$algorithmsXml})");
         $algorithm = new Algorithm();
         $algorithm->content = $description;
         $resultName = $root->getAttribute('result');
         $resultType = $root->getAttribute('type');
         $result = Parameter::whereName($resultName)->first();
         if (empty($result)) {
             $result = Parameter::create(['Name' => $resultName, 'Type' => $resultType]);
         foreach ($arguments as $argument) {
         foreach ($parameters as $parameter) {
Example #25

foreach (File::allFiles(__DIR__ . '/Acme/Filters') as $partial_route) {
    require $partial_route->getPathname();
Example #26
  * Get templates for a given type. These templates are stored in a template directory. The name for this template dir
  * is defined in the config file.
  * @param $templateType
  * @return array with template names.
 public function getTemplates($templateType)
     $templates = array();
     // always add a please select option
     $templates[""] = \Lang::get("");
      * Get templates for template type. If template type is "blocks", we expect the user to have a directory "blocks" in his template folder.
      * The "blocks" folder contains templates for Blocks.
     $templatesFolder = \Pageblok::getTemplatesPath() . "/" . $templateType;
     // TODO: check if directory exists for given template type, otherwise select template from main template folder
     $themeFolder = \Config::get('pageblok::settings.theme');
     $templateFolder = \Config::get('pageblok::settings.templates');
     // get all templates from templates folder
     $templateList = \File::allFiles($templatesFolder);
     // first template option is NO TEMPLATE
     $templates[""] = \Lang::get('');
     foreach ($templateList as $template) {
         $fileNameWithoutExtension = substr($template->getFileName(), 0, strpos($template->getFileName(), '.blade.php'));
         // construct fully qualified laravel view name
         $qualifiedTemplateName = "pageblok::" . $themeFolder . '.' . $templateFolder . '.' . $templateType . '.' . $fileNameWithoutExtension;
         // place it in a array
         $templates[$qualifiedTemplateName] = $fileNameWithoutExtension;
     return $templates;
Example #27
  * Minify all css files
  * @param  string  $destination
  * @return void
 public function minify($destination = null)
     $buffer = '';
     $destination = $destination ?: $this->_app['config']->get('lessy::destination');
     $root = $this->_app['path'] . '/';
     if (empty($destination)) {
         $destination = '../public/assets/css';
     $destination = $root . $destination;
     foreach (\File::allFiles($destination) as $File) {
         $buffer .= \File::get($File->getPathname());
     $buffer = preg_replace('!/\\*[^*]*\\*+([^/][^*]*\\*+)*/!', '', $buffer);
     $buffer = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t", '  ', '    ', '     '), '', $buffer);
     $buffer = preg_replace(array('(( )+{)', '({( )+)'), '{', $buffer);
     $buffer = preg_replace(array('(( )+})', '(}( )+)', '(;( )*})'), '}', $buffer);
     $buffer = preg_replace(array('(;( )+)', '(( )+;)'), ';', $buffer);
     \File::put($destination . '/styles.min.css', $buffer);
Example #28
 private function checkMigrationName($class_name)
     $file_name = snake_case($class_name);
     $all_migrations = \File::allFiles(base_path() . '/database/migrations');
     foreach ($all_migrations as $file) {
         if (strpos($file->getBasename(), $file_name) !== false) {
             return false;
     return true;
Example #29
$pageVariables = $pagesRepository->findTemplateVariables($pageTemplates);
$aboutPageData = ['variables' => $pageVariables, 'templates' => $pageTemplates, 'page' => $page, 'data' => []];
foreach ($pageVariables as $variable) {
    $aboutPageData['data'][$variable] = isset(${$variable}) ? ${$variable} : 'undefined';
// print out the pages.about template... it will be a <script> tag
// we will include it into the Templates JST below, it is treated
// differently because of the php dynamic content it provides
print view('devise::admin.pages.about', $aboutPageData)->render();

// handlebar templates are injected into our javascript
// via the following code
$templateDir = public_path() . '/packages/devisephp/cms/js/app/editor/templates';
$templates = $files = File::allFiles($templateDir);

foreach ($templates as $template) {
		<script type="text/x-handlebars-template" id="<?php 
    echo relativeFileNameFromTemplate($template);
    echo file_get_contents($template);

$picturesPath String
$pictures = File::allFiles($picturesPath);

<div class="slider-container slider-navigation_">
	<ul class="slider-nav">
$selectorCounter = 0;
@foreach($pictures as $key=>$picture)
$test = preg_match('/^\\d/', $picture->getFilename());
  @if( !$test )
  	<li class="slider-nav__item">
	    <a id="carousel-selector-{{$selectorCounter}}" class="@if($selectorCounter==0) selected @endif">
	    <img src="{{asset($picturesPath.'80x60_'.$picture->getFilename())}}" class="img-responsive"></a>