Example #1
  * 构造函数
  * @access public
  * @param mixed $tpl
 public function __construct($tpl)
     $this->tplfile = Tiny::app()->getRuntimePath() . $tpl . '.php';
     if (!file_exists($this->tplfile) || filemtime($this->tplfile) < filemtime($tpl)) {
         $file = new File($this->tplfile, 'w+');
         $template = $file->getContents($tpl);
         $t = new Tag();
         $tem = $t->resolve($template);
Example #2
 public static function renderPartial($templateFile, array $vars = null)
     if (!$vars) {
         $vars = array();
     eval('?>' . File::getContents(self::$baseDir . "{$templateFile}.php", $vars));
     $content = ob_get_contents();
     return $content;
 public static function renderPartial($templateFile, array $vars = null)
     if ($vars) {
         foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
             global ${$key};
             ${$key} = $value;
     eval('?>' . File::getContents(self::$baseDir . "{$templateFile}.php", $vars));
     $content = ob_get_contents();
     return $content;
Example #4
  * @covers mychaelstyle\storage\File::__construct
  * @covers mychaelstyle\storage\File::open
  * @covers mychaelstyle\storage\File::write
  * @covers mychaelstyle\storage\File::isOpened
  * @covers mychaelstyle\storage\File::checkOpen
  * @covers mychaelstyle\storage\File::close
  * @covers mychaelstyle\storage\File::commit
  * @covers mychaelstyle\storage\File::clean
  * @covers mychaelstyle\storage\File::initialize
  * @covers mychaelstyle\storage\Storage::commit
  * @covers mychaelstyle\storage\File::remove
  * @covers mychaelstyle\storage\File::getContents
 public function testWriteWithTransaction()
     // remove first
     // create new storage without transaction
     $this->storage = new \mychaelstyle\Storage($this->dsn, $this->options, false);
     $this->object = $this->storage->createFile($this->uri, $this->options, false);
     // none transaxtion
     $expected = $this->test_string;
     $localPath = $this->getLocalPathUsingUri($this->dsn, $this->uri);
     $this->assertLocalWritten($this->dsn, $expected, $this->uri);
     // get contents
     $result = $this->object->getContents();
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     // remove finaly
Example #5
  * Sends the file associated with the given model to the user.
  * @param File $file the file model.
  * @param boolean $terminate whether to terminate the current application after calling this method.
  * @see CHttpRequest::sendFile
 public function sendFile($file, $terminate = true)
     Yii::app()->request->sendFile($file->resolveFilename(), $file->getContents(), $file->mimeType, $terminate);
Example #6
  * @param string $filename
  * @param bool   $result
  * @return $this|Document
 public function loadHTMLFile($filename, &$result = false)
     $file = new File($filename);
     return $this->loadHTML($file->getContents(), $options);
Example #7
  * 处理设定的每一个标签
  * @access public
  * @param mixed $matches
  * @return mixed
 public function translate($matches)
     $suffix = '_' . self::$num++;
     if ($matches[1] !== '/') {
         switch ($matches[2] . $matches[3]) {
             case '$':
                 $str = trim($matches[4]);
                 $data = explode('|', $str);
                 if ($str[0] == '.' || $str[0] == '(') {
                     return $matches[0];
                 $len = count($data);
                 if ($len == 1) {
                     return '<?php echo isset($' . $matches[4] . ')?$' . $matches[4] . ':"";?>';
                 } else {
                     if ($len == 2) {
                         return '<?php echo isset($' . $data[0] . ')?$' . $data[0] . ':' . $data[1] . ';?>';
                     } else {
                         if ($len > 2) {
                             $filter = strtolower($data[$len - 1]);
                             switch ($filter) {
                                 case 'encode':
                                     return '<?php echo isset($' . $data[0] . ')?htmlspecialchars($' . $data[0] . '):' . $data[1] . ';?>';
                                 case 'int':
                                 case 'str':
                                 case 'float':
                                 case 'txt':
                                 case 'sql':
                                 case 'text':
                                     return '<?php echo isset($' . $data[0] . ')?Filter::' . $filter . '($' . $data[0] . '):' . $data[1] . ';?>';
                                     return '<?php echo isset($' . $data[0] . ') && $' . $data[0] . '?' . $data[1] . ':' . $data[2] . ';?>';
             case 'echo:':
                 return '<?php echo ' . rtrim($matches[4], ';/') . ';?>';
             case 'url:':
                 return '<?php echo urldecode(Url::urlFormat("' . trim($matches[4]) . '"));?>';
             case 'if:':
                 return '<?php if(' . $matches[4] . '){?>';
             case 'elseif:':
                 return '<?php }elseif(' . $matches[4] . '){?>';
             case 'else:':
                 return '<?php }else{' . $matches[4] . '?>';
             case 'set:':
                 return '<?php ' . rtrim($matches[4], ';/') . ';?>';
             case 'while:':
                 return '<?php while(' . $matches[4] . '){?>';
             case 'dump:':
                 return '<pre><?php var_dump(' . $matches[4] . '); ?></pre>';
             case 'list:':
             case 'foreach:':
                 $attr = $this->getAttrs($matches[4]);
                 if (!isset($attr['items'])) {
                     $attr['items'] = '$items';
                 } else {
                     $attr['items'] = $attr['items'];
                 if (!isset($attr['key'])) {
                     $attr['key'] = '$key';
                 } else {
                     $attr['key'] = $attr['key'];
                 if (!isset($attr['item'])) {
                     $attr['item'] = '$item';
                 } else {
                     $attr['item'] = $attr['item'];
                 return '<?php foreach(' . $attr['items'] . ' as ' . $attr['key'] . ' => ' . $attr['item'] . '){?>';
             case 'for:':
                 $attr = $this->getAttrs($matches[4]);
                 if (!isset($attr['item'])) {
                     $attr['item'] = '$i';
                 } else {
                     $attr['item'] = $attr['item'];
                 if (!isset($attr['from'])) {
                     $attr['from'] = 0;
                 if (!isset($attr['to'])) {
                     $attr['to'] = 10;
                 if (!isset($attr['step'])) {
                     $attr['step'] = 1;
                 return '<?php for($total' . $suffix . ' = (int) ceil((' . $attr['step'] . ' > 0 ? ' . $attr['to'] . '+1 - (' . $attr['from'] . ') : ' . $attr['from'] . '-(' . $attr['to'] . ')+1)/abs(' . $attr['step'] . ')),' . $attr['item'] . ' = ' . $attr['from'] . ',$start' . $suffix . '=1 ; $total' . $suffix . '>0 && $start' . $suffix . '<=$total' . $suffix . ' ; ' . $attr['item'] . ' += ' . $attr['step'] . ',$start' . $suffix . ' += 1){?>';
             case 'widget:':
                 $attr = $this->getAttrs($matches[4]);
                 $className = isset($attr['name']) ? $attr['name'] : null;
                 $method = isset($attr['method']) ? $attr['method'] : 'init';
                 $args = isset($attr['args']) ? $attr['args'] : null;
                 $attr['cache'] = isset($attr['cache']) ? "true" : "false";
                 //$cacheTime = isset($attr['cachetime'])?intval($attr['cachetime']):30;
                 $old_char = array(' ne ', ' eq ', ' lt ', ' gt ', ' le ', ' ge ');
                 $new_char = array(' != ', ' = ', ' < ', ' > ', ' <= ', ' >= ');
                 $tem = "<div id='widget_{$className}'><?php \$widget = Widget::createWidget('{$className}');";
                 foreach ($attr as $k => $v) {
                     if ($k != 'name') {
                         $v = str_replace($old_char, $new_char, $v);
                         if (substr($v, 0, 1) == '$') {
                             $tem .= '$widget->' . $k . ' = ' . $v . ';';
                         } else {
                             $tem .= '$widget->' . $k . ' = "' . $v . '";';
                 $tem .= "\$widget->run();?></div>";
                 return $tem;
             case 'query:':
                 $endchart = substr(trim($matches[4]), -1);
                 $attrs = $this->getAttrs(rtrim($matches[4], '/'));
                 if (!isset($attrs['id'])) {
                     $id = '$query';
                 } else {
                     $id = $attrs['id'];
                 if (!isset($attrs['items'])) {
                     $items = '$items';
                 } else {
                     $items = $attrs['items'];
                 $tem = $id . ' = new Query("' . $attrs['name'] . '");';
                 $old_char = array(' ne ', ' eq ', ' lt ', ' gt ', ' le ', ' ge ');
                 $new_char = array(' != ', ' = ', ' < ', ' > ', ' <= ', ' >= ');
                 foreach ($attrs as $k => $v) {
                     if ($k != 'name' && $k != 'id' && $k != 'items') {
                         $tem .= $id . '->' . $k . ' = "' . str_replace($old_char, $new_char, $v) . '";';
                 $tem .= $items . ' = ' . $id . '->find();';
                 if (!isset($attrs['key'])) {
                     $attrs['key'] = '$key';
                 } else {
                     $attrs['key'] = $attrs['key'];
                 if (!isset($attrs['item'])) {
                     $attrs['item'] = '$item';
                 } else {
                     $attrs['item'] = $attrs['item'];
                 if ($endchart == '/') {
                     return '<?php ' . $tem . '?>';
                 } else {
                     return '<?php ' . $attrs['item'] . '=null; ' . $tem . ' foreach(' . $items . ' as ' . $attrs['key'] . ' => ' . $attrs['item'] . '){?>';
             case 'token:':
                 $attr = $this->getAttrs(rtrim($matches[4], '/'));
                 if (isset($attr['key']) && is_string($attr['key'])) {
                     $key = $attr['key'];
                 } else {
                     $key = '';
                 return "<input type='hidden' name='tiny_token_" . $key . "' value='<?php echo Tiny::app()->getToken(\"" . $key . "\");?>'/>";
             case 'debug:':
                 $matches[4] = rtrim($matches[4], ';/');
                 if ($matches[4] != '') {
                     return '<pre>' . $matches[4] . ' = <?php var_dump(' . $matches[4] . ');?></pre>';
                 } else {
                     return '<?php $debug = new Debug(); $out = get_defined_vars(); $debug->out($out); $debug->display();?>';
             case 'code:':
                 return '<?php ' . $matches[4];
             case 'require:':
             case 'include:':
                 $fileName = trim($matches[4]);
                 $viewfile = Tiny::app()->getViewPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->viewPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName;
                 $runfile = Tiny::app()->getRuntimePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->viewPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName;
                 if (!file_exists($runfile) || filemtime($runfile) < filemtime($viewfile)) {
                     $file = new File($runfile, 'w+');
                     $template = $file->getContents($viewfile);
                     $t = new Tag();
                     $tem = $t->resolve($template, dirname($viewfile));
                 return '<?php include("' . trim($matches[4]) . '")?>';
                 return $matches[0];
     } else {
         if ($matches[2] == 'code') {
             return '?>';
         } else {
             if ($matches[2] != 'widget') {
                 return '<?php }?>';
  * 渲染文件视图
  * @access public
  * @param mixed $view
  * @param mixed $data
  * @param bool $return
  * @return mixed
 public function render($view, $data = null, $return = false)
     $viewfile = $this->getViewFile($view) . $this->templateExt;
     $runfile = Tiny::app()->getRuntimePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->getId() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $view . $this->scriptExt;
     if (is_file($viewfile)) {
         $layoutfile = $this->getLayoutFile() . $this->templateExt;
         if (file_exists($layoutfile)) {
             $layoutexists = true;
         } else {
             $layoutexists = false;
         if (!file_exists($runfile) || filemtime($runfile) < filemtime($viewfile) || $layoutexists && filemtime($runfile) < filemtime($layoutfile)) {
             $file = new File($runfile, 'w+');
             $template = $file->getContents($viewfile);
             $t = new Tag();
             $tem = $t->resolve($template, dirname($view));
             if ($layoutexists) {
                 $theme_str = $t->resolve(file_get_contents($layoutfile));
                 $tem = str_replace("{__viewcontents}", $tem, $theme_str);
         echo $this->renderExecute($runfile, $data);
     } else {
         Tiny::Msg($this, '请求的页面不存在!', 404);
Example #9
 public function testPutGetContents()
     $this->assertEquals(2, File::putContents($this->path, 'Oo'));
     $this->assertEquals('Oo', File::getContents($this->path));
Example #10
  * Read the contents of a csv file, and throw a RuntimeException if it cannot be done.
  * @param string $filename The path to the file
  * @return array The data read from the file
 public static function getContents($filename)
     $contents = File::getContents($filename);
     # Remove any trailing blank lines
     $contents = rtrim($contents);
     # Break up the file by newlines
     $data = explode("\n", $contents);
     # Trim each line
     $data = array_map("trim", $data);
     # Convert each line to an array
     $data = array_map("str_getcsv", $data);
     return $data;
Example #11
  * 渲染
  * @access public
  * @param mixed $viewFile
  * @param bool $return
  * @return mixed
 public function renderInternal($viewFile, $return = false)
     $data = $this->properties;
     if (is_array($data)) {
         extract($data, EXTR_PREFIX_SAME, 'data');
     $tplfile = $this->getViewFile($viewFile);
     if (file_exists($tplfile)) {
         $runfile = Tiny::app()->getRuntimePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'widgets/' . $viewFile . '.php';
         if (!file_exists($runfile) || filemtime($runfile) < filemtime($tplfile)) {
             $file = new File($runfile, 'w+');
             $template = $file->getContents($tplfile);
             $t = new Tag();
             $tem = $t->resolve($template);
         header("Content-type: text/html; charset=" . $this->encoding);
         if ($return) {
             require $runfile;
             return ob_get_clean();
         } else {
             require $runfile;
     } else {
         if ($this->id != Tiny::app()->getId()) {
             trigger_error("{$this->id}Widget->{$this->getAction()}() not exists", E_USER_ERROR);
         } else {
             Tiny::msg('', '无法找到请求的页面', 404);
Example #12
  * Get the contents of this file
  * @return string File contents
 public function getContents()
     return $this->originalFile->getContents();