Example #1
// $Revision$
require_once "../php-marc/php-marc.php";
// Other way to access file
/*$string = file("example.mrc");
$file = new USMARC($string[0]);*/
// Open file
$file = new File("example.mrc");
// Read next record
$record = $file->next();
// Create new field
$field = new Field("245", "", "", array("a" => "Mumin"));
// Add subfield
$field->add_subfields(array("b" => "Det Osynliga Barnet"));
// Other ways to update field
$field->update(array("ind2" => "1", "b" => "Vinter i Mumindalen", "c" => "Tove Jansson"));
// Replace existing field
$existing =& $record->field("245");
$clone = $field->make_clone();
// Change some more
$clone->update(array("a" => "Muminsagor", "b" => "Muminpappans memoarer"));
// And append to record
// Some output
print "<pre>";
print $record->formatted();
print "\n\n";
print $file->raw[0];