private function glossarize($action, $dbname, $id_glossary, $usermail)
     $error = '';
     $dm = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine.odm.mongodb.document_manager');
     $configuration = $dm->getConnection()->getConfiguration();
     $glossary = $dm->getRepository('PlantnetDataBundle:Glossary')->findOneBy(array('id' => $id_glossary));
     if (!$glossary) {
         $error = 'Unable to find Glossary entity.';
     $collection = $glossary->getCollection();
     if (!$collection) {
         $error = 'Unable to find Glossary entity.';
     if ($action == 'syn') {
         $csv = __DIR__ . '/../Resources/uploads/' . $collection->getAlias() . '/glossary_syn.csv';
         if (file_exists($csv)) {
             $handle = fopen($csv, "r");
             $field = fgetcsv($handle, 0, ";");
             $csv_error = false;
             if (!isset($field[0]) || empty($field[0])) {
                 $csv_error = true;
             if (!isset($field[1]) || empty($field[1])) {
                 $csv_error = true;
             if (!$csv_error) {
                 $i = 0;
                 $batch_size = 100;
                 \MongoCursor::$timeout = -1;
                 while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 0, ';')) !== false) {
                     $def_word = isset($data[0]) ? trim($data[0]) : '';
                     $cur_encoding = mb_detect_encoding($def_word);
                     if ($cur_encoding == "UTF-8" && mb_check_encoding($def_word, "UTF-8")) {
                         $def_word = $def_word;
                     } else {
                         $def_word = utf8_encode($def_word);
                     $syn_word = isset($data[1]) ? trim($data[1]) : '';
                     $cur_encoding = mb_detect_encoding($syn_word);
                     if ($cur_encoding == "UTF-8" && mb_check_encoding($syn_word, "UTF-8")) {
                         $syn_word = $syn_word;
                     } else {
                         $syn_word = utf8_encode($syn_word);
                     if ($def_word && $syn_word) {
                         $definition = $dm->getRepository('PlantnetDataBundle:Definition')->findOneBy(array('' => $glossary->getId(), 'name' => $def_word));
                         if ($definition) {
                             if (!$definition->getHaschildren()) {
                             $synonym = new Definition();
                             if ($i >= $batch_size) {
                                 $i = 0;
                                 $glossary = $dm->getRepository('PlantnetDataBundle:Glossary')->findOneBy(array('id' => $id_glossary));
                 $glossary = $dm->getRepository('PlantnetDataBundle:Glossary')->findOneBy(array('id' => $id_glossary));
             } else {
                 $error = 'Error in Glossary Syn file.';
         } else {
             $error = 'Unable to find Glossary Syn file.';
         $message = $error;
         if (empty($message)) {
             $message = 'Synonyms were created successfully.';
         $message_mail = \Swift_Message::newInstance()->setSubject('Publish : task ended')->setFrom($this->getContainer()->getParameter('from_email_adress'))->setTo($usermail)->setBody($message . $this->getContainer()->get('templating')->render('PlantnetDataBundle:Backend\\Mail:task.txt.twig'));
         $spool = $this->getContainer()->get('mailer')->getTransport()->getSpool();
         $transport = $this->getContainer()->get('swiftmailer.transport.real');
     } elseif ($action == 'unsyn') {