Example #1
include 'database.php';
$database = new Database();
// // echo "string";
// //todo: Make it so there is only one of a brick and if a user posts a brick with the same one it will give a link to the brick
// // class addBrick{
if (isset($_POST['upvote'])) {
    $brickId = $_POST['id'];
    # code...
    header("Location: proposeSolution.php?id=" . $brickId);
} elseif (isset($_POST['downvote'])) {
    # code...
    $brickId = $_POST['id'];
    header("Location: proposeSolution.php?id=" . $brickId);
} else {
    echo "<h3>You are in a restricted area your access has been recorded and reported. Please Leave</h3>";