Example #1
function setUserReported($contentOriginTable, $contentID, $isAdmin)
    // get the ID of the user who was reported
    $reportedUserID = Database::selectFirst("SELECT user_id FROM " . $contentOriginTable . " WHERE id = " . intval($contentID));
    $reportedUserID = $reportedUserID['user_id'];
    // get the ID of the message thread that the user was reported in
    if ($contentOriginTable == 'messages') {
        $messageID = $contentID;
    } elseif ($contentOriginTable == 'comments') {
        $messageID = Database::selectFirst("SELECT message_id FROM comments WHERE id = " . $contentID);
        $messageID = $messageID['message_id'];
    } else {
        // we can't handle this request
        respond(array('status' => 'bad_request'));
        // prevent IDE warnings
    // mark the user as reported and possibly ban them temporarily
    $possibleWriteLockEnd = time() + 3600 * 24 * 5;
    $timesReported = $isAdmin ? 2 : 1;
    Database::update("UPDATE users SET reported_count = reported_count+" . $timesReported . ", write_lock_until = IF(reported_count >= 3, " . intval($possibleWriteLockEnd) . ", write_lock_until), reported_count = IF(reported_count >= 3, 1, reported_count) WHERE id = " . $reportedUserID);
    // send a notice to the violating user
    Database::insert("INSERT INTO subscriptions (message_id, user_id, degree, reasonForBan, counter) VALUES (" . intval($messageID) . ", " . $reportedUserID . ", 3, 1, 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE reasonForBan = 1, counter = 1");
Example #2
require_once __DIR__ . '/../base.php';
    // initialization
    $user = init($_POST);
    // force authentication
    $userID = auth($user['username'], $user['password'], false);
    // check if required parameters are set
    if (isset($_POST['contentType']) && isset($_POST['contentID'])) {
        $contentID = intval(base64_decode(trim($_POST['contentID'])));
        if ($_POST['contentType'] == 'message') {
            $authorID = Database::selectFirst("SELECT user_id FROM messages WHERE id = " . intval($contentID));
            if (isset($authorID['user_id']) && $authorID['user_id'] != $userID) {
                Database::insert("INSERT INTO connections (from_user, type, to_user, time_inserted) VALUES (" . intval($userID) . ", 'block', " . intval($authorID['user_id']) . ", " . time() . ") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE type = VALUES(type)");
            respond(array('status' => 'ok'));
        } elseif ($_POST['contentType'] == 'comment') {
            $authorID = Database::selectFirst("SELECT user_id FROM comments WHERE id = " . intval($contentID));
            if (isset($authorID['user_id']) && $authorID['user_id'] != $userID) {
                Database::insert("INSERT INTO connections (from_user, type, to_user, time_inserted) VALUES (" . intval($userID) . ", 'block', " . intval($authorID['user_id']) . ", " . time() . ") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE type = VALUES(type)");
            respond(array('status' => 'ok'));
        } else {
            respond(array('status' => 'bad_request'));
    } else {
        respond(array('status' => 'bad_request'));
} else {
    respond(array('status' => 'bad_request'));
Example #3
function getDegree($userID, $messageID)
    $degree = Database::selectFirst("SELECT degree FROM feeds WHERE user_id = " . intval($userID) . " AND message_id = " . intval($messageID));
    // if there is already an existing connection (degree available)
    if (isset($degree['degree'])) {
        // return this degree
        return $degree['degree'];
    } else {
        // otherwise default to degree 3 (no direct connection anymore but worldwide)
        return 3;
Example #4
 public static function getRepositoryRole($userID, $repositoryID)
     $role = Database::selectFirst("SELECT role FROM roles WHERE userID = " . intval($userID) . " AND repositoryID = " . intval($repositoryID));
     if (empty($role)) {
         return Repository::ROLE_NONE;
     } else {
         return $role['role'];
Example #5
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}.
require_once __DIR__ . '/../base.php';
    // initialization
    $user = init($_GET);
    // force authentication
    $userID = auth($user['username'], $user['password'], false);
    // check if required parameters are set
    if (isset($_GET['messageID'])) {
        $messageID = intval(base64_decode(trim($_GET['messageID'])));
        $isFavorited = Database::selectFirst("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM favorites WHERE user_id = " . intval($userID) . " AND message_id = " . intval($messageID));
        $isSubscribed = Database::selectFirst("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM subscriptions WHERE message_id = " . intval($messageID) . " AND user_id = " . intval($userID));
        respond(array('status' => 'ok', 'isFavorited' => isset($isFavorited['COUNT(*)']) && $isFavorited['COUNT(*)'] > 0, 'isSubscribed' => isset($isSubscribed['COUNT(*)']) && $isSubscribed['COUNT(*)'] > 0));
    } else {
        respond(array('status' => 'bad_request'));
} else {
    respond(array('status' => 'bad_request'));
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}.
require_once __DIR__ . '/../base.php';
    // initialization
    $user = init($_GET);
    // prepare username and password for internal usage with the database
    $usernameEscaped = Database::escape(makeHash($user['username']));
    $passwordEscaped = Database::escape(makeHash($user['password']));
    // get the user whose phone number we want to prepare for verification
    $verifyUser = Database::selectFirst("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = "******" AND password IS NOT NULL AND password != " . $passwordEscaped);
    // if an existing user with the given username could be found (whose password is set but not the given one)
    if (isset($verifyUser['id'])) {
        // search for other verification requests which may still be open for this user
        $openRequests = Database::selectFirst("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM verifications WHERE user_id = " . intval($verifyUser['id']) . " AND time_until > " . time());
        // if the user has fewer than 50 open verification requests (we allow some for failed attempts)
        if (isset($openRequests['COUNT(*)']) && $openRequests['COUNT(*)'] < 50) {
            $verificationCode = md5(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(128));
            $validUntilTime = time() + 3600 * 12;
            $success = Database::insert("INSERT INTO verifications (user_id, new_password, verification_code, time_created, time_until) VALUES (" . intval($verifyUser['id']) . ", " . $passwordEscaped . ", " . Database::escape($verificationCode) . ", " . time() . ", " . $validUntilTime . ")");
            if ($success) {
                respond(array('status' => 'ok', 'apiPhoneNumber' => CONFIG_API_PHONE_NUMBER, 'verificationCode' => $verificationCode, 'validUntil' => $validUntilTime));
            } else {
                respond(array('status' => 'bad_request'));
        } else {
            respond(array('status' => 'bad_request'));
    } else {
        respond(array('status' => 'bad_request'));
Example #7
require_once __DIR__ . '/../base.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../base_crypto.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/classes/UserIDsInThread.php';
    // initialization
    $user = init($_GET);
    // force authentication
    $userID = auth($user['username'], $user['password'], false);
    // check if required parameters are set
    if (isset($_GET['messageID'])) {
        $messageID = intval(base64_decode(trim($_GET['messageID'])));
        // prepare temporary array for comments
        $comments = array();
        // get the parent message's data
        $parentMessageData = Database::selectFirst("SELECT user_id FROM messages WHERE id = " . intval($messageID));
        if (empty($parentMessageData)) {
            $parentMessageData = array('user_id' => NULL);
        // get the public IDs for all users in this comments thread
        $publicUserIDs = UserIDsInThread::get($messageID);
        // mark this comments thread as read
        Database::update("UPDATE subscriptions SET counter = 0 WHERE message_id = " . intval($messageID) . " AND user_id = " . intval($userID));
        // check if the authenticating user is an admin user
        $isAdmin = in_array($userID, unserialize(CONFIG_ADMIN_USER_IDS));
        // get the comments for the given message
        $commentsQuery = "SELECT id, user_id, text_encrypted, comment_secret, private_to_user, time_inserted FROM comments WHERE message_id = " . intval($messageID);
        // the content must either not have been deleted (flagged through reports) or the authenticating user must be the author of the content themself
        $commentsQuery .= " AND (deleted = 0 OR user_id = " . intval($userID) . ")";
        // unless the authenticating user has administrator privileges and those permissions allow the inspection of private conversations
        if (!$isAdmin || !CONFIG_ADMINS_READ_PRIVATE) {
Example #8
                        $msg = array('id' => base64_encode($item['message_id']), 'degree' => $item['degree'], 'colorHex' => $item['color_hex'], 'patternID' => $item['pattern_id'], 'text' => $textDecrypted, 'topic' => $item['topic'], 'favoritesCount' => $item['favorites_count'], 'commentsCount' => $item['comments_count'], 'countryISO3' => $item['country_iso3'], 'time' => $item['time_published']);
                        // if location data is available
                        if (isset($item['geo_lat']) && isset($item['geo_long'])) {
                            $msg['location'] = array('lat' => $item['geo_lat'], 'long' => $item['geo_long']);
                        // if in subscriptions mode return whether the author was banned for this message thread
                        if ($_GET['mode'] == 'subscriptions') {
                            $msg['reasonForBan'] = isset($item['reasonForBan']) && $item['reasonForBan'] == 1;
                        // add the message to the list
                        $messages[] = $msg;
        // only if this is the first page
        if ($startIndex == 0) {
            // get the number of new subscription updates
            $subscriptionUpdates = Database::selectFirst("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM subscriptions WHERE user_id = " . intval($userID) . " AND counter > 0");
            $subscriptionUpdates = isset($subscriptionUpdates['COUNT(*)']) ? $subscriptionUpdates['COUNT(*)'] : 0;
        } else {
            // don't return any number for the subscription updates
            $subscriptionUpdates = -1;
        respond(array('status' => 'ok', 'messages' => $messages, 'subscriptionUpdates' => $subscriptionUpdates));
    } else {
        respond(array('status' => 'bad_request'));
} else {
    respond(array('status' => 'bad_request'));
Example #9
    // if a hexadecimal hash (32+ chars) is found
    if (preg_match('/[abcdef0-9]{32,}/is', $text, $subpattern)) {
        // return the extracted hash
        return $subpattern[0];
    } else {
        // return an empty string because we didn't find the hash
        return '';
$incomingSignature = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_TWILIO_SIGNATURE']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_TWILIO_SIGNATURE'] : '';
$requiredSignature = getTwilioSignature(getTwilioEndpoint(), CONFIG_TWILIO_AUTH_CODE, $_POST);
if (hash_equals($incomingSignature, $requiredSignature)) {
    if (isset($_POST['From']) && isset($_POST['Body'])) {
        $incomingCode = extractHexHash($_POST['Body']);
        // try to find an open request with the given verification code
        $openRequest = Database::selectFirst("SELECT user_id, new_password FROM verifications WHERE verification_code = " . Database::escape($incomingCode) . " AND time_until > " . time());
        // if an open request with the given code has been found
        if (isset($openRequest['user_id']) && isset($openRequest['new_password'])) {
            $usernameByPhoneNumber = makeHash(clientHash(trim($_POST['From'])));
            // set the new password for the user if the actual phone number matches the pretended phone number (contained in the username)
            Database::update("UPDATE users SET password = "******" WHERE id = " . intval($openRequest['user_id']) . " AND username = "******"UPDATE verifications SET time_until = 0 WHERE user_id = " . intval($openRequest['user_id']));
// overwrite the response type header
header('Content-type: application/xml; charset=utf-8');
// send an empty response for the Twilio API (do nothing) and exit
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>';
echo '<Response></Response>';