  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function rollback()
Example #2
     $ok = false;
     $msg = "Could not setup Project object.";
     SystemEvent::raise(CINTIENT_LOG_SEVERITY_ERROR, $msg, "Installer");
     sendResponse($ok, $msg);
 if (!SystemSettings::install()) {
     $ok = false;
     $msg = "Could not setup SystemSettings object.";
     SystemEvent::raise(CINTIENT_LOG_SEVERITY_ERROR, $msg, "Installer");
     sendResponse($ok, $msg);
 // Everything ok!!!
 if (!Database::endTransaction()) {
     $ok = false;
     $msg = "Problems commiting all changes to the database.";
     SystemEvent::raise(CINTIENT_LOG_SEVERITY_ERROR, $msg, "Installer");
     sendResponse($ok, $msg);
 $settings = SystemSettings::load();
 $settings->setSetting(SystemSettings::VERSION, CINTIENT_INSTALLER_VERSION);
 if (!$upgrade) {
     // Root user account
     $user = new User();
     $user->setNotificationEmails($get['email'] . ',');
     $user->setName('Administrative Account');
Example #3
 protected function _save($force = false)
     if (!$this->_autoSave) {
         return true;
     if (!$this->hasChanged()) {
         if (!$force) {
             return false;
         SystemEvent::raise(SystemEvent::DEBUG, "Forced object save.", __METHOD__);
     if (!Database::beginTransaction()) {
         return false;
     // The following is a workaround on the fact that the translation of this
     // serialized object to the database gets all broken, due to the fact of PHP
     // introducing NULL bytes around the '*' that is prepended before protected
     // variable members, in the serialized mode. This method replaces those
     // problematic NULL bytes with an identifier string '~~NULL_BYTE~~',
     // rendering serialization and unserialization of these specific kinds of
     // object safe. Credits to travis@travishegner.com on:
     // http://pt.php.net/manual/en/function.serialize.php#96504
     $serializedIntegrationBuilder = str_replace("", CINTIENT_NULL_BYTE_TOKEN, serialize($this->getIntegrationBuilder()));
     $serializedDeploymentBuilder = str_replace("", CINTIENT_NULL_BYTE_TOKEN, serialize($this->getDeploymentBuilder()));
     $sql = 'REPLACE INTO project' . ' (id,avatar,datecreation,' . ' description,title,visits,integrationbuilder,deploymentbuilder,status,' . ' releaselabel,statsnumbuilds,scmpassword,scmusername,workdir,' . ' scmremoterepository,scmconnectortype,scmcheckchangestimeout,' . ' datecheckedforchanges, specialtasks, optionreleasepackage,' . ' scmenvvars)' . " VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
     $specialTasks = @serialize($this->getSpecialTasks());
     if ($specialTasks === false) {
         $specialTasks = serialize(array());
     $val = array($this->getId(), $this->getAvatar(), $this->getDateCreation(), $this->getDescription(), $this->getTitle(), $this->getVisits(), $serializedIntegrationBuilder, $serializedDeploymentBuilder, $this->getStatus(), $this->getReleaseLabel(), $this->getStatsNumBuilds(), $this->getScmPassword(), $this->getScmUsername(), $this->getWorkDir(), $this->getScmRemoteRepository(), $this->getScmConnectorType(), $this->getScmCheckChangesTimeout(), $this->getDateCheckedForChanges(), $specialTasks, $this->getOptionReleasePackage(), $this->getScmEnvVars());
     if ($this->_id === null) {
         if (!($id = Database::insert($sql, $val)) || !is_numeric($id)) {
             SystemEvent::raise(SystemEvent::ERROR, "Problems saving project to db.", __METHOD__);
             return false;
     } else {
         if (!Database::execute($sql, $val)) {
             SystemEvent::raise(SystemEvent::ERROR, "Problems saving project to db.", __METHOD__);
             return false;
     // The project users
     // Reset it
     foreach ($this->_users as $projectUser) {
         if (!$projectUser->save(true)) {
             SystemEvent::raise(SystemEvent::ERROR, "Problems saving project to db.", __METHOD__);
             return false;
     if (!Database::endTransaction()) {
         SystemEvent::raise(SystemEvent::ERROR, "Something occurred while finishing transaction. The project might not have been saved. [ID={$this->getId()}]", __METHOD__);
         return false;
     #if DEBUG
     SystemEvent::raise(SystemEvent::DEBUG, "Saved project. [PID={$this->getId()}] [TITLE={$this->getTitle()}]", __METHOD__);
     return true;