  * Tries to resolve the PK of a table.
 public function getPk($table)
     if (!empty($this->data[$table])) {
         return $this->data[$table];
     } else {
         $pk = null;
         $db = Database::getObject();
         // 1. Try to get PK info from column information
         $db->query('SHOW COLUMNS FROM <p><table:noquote> WHERE `Key` = "PRI" ', compact("table"));
         if ($db->numRows() > 0) {
             $pk = $db->fetchOne();
         // 2. Try to get auto_increment info from column information
         if ($pk == null) {
             $db->query('SHOW COLUMNS FROM <p><table:noquote> WHERE `Extra` = "auto_increment"', compact("table"));
             if ($db->numRows() > 0) {
                 $pk = $db->fetchOne();
         // 3. Use the first column as PK (important e.q. for views)
         if ($pk == null) {
             $db->query('SHOW COLUMNS FROM <p><table:noquote>', compact("table"));
             if ($db->numRows() > 0) {
                 $pk = $db->fetchOne();
         // Save and return
         $this->data[$table] = $pk;
         return $pk;
 public function __construct()
     $this->db = new FluentPDO(Database::getObject());
     // FPDO debug mode
     if ($this->debug == true) {
         $this->fpdo->debug = function ($query) {
             $data = array('query' => $query->getQuery(false), 'params' => implode(', ', $query->getParameters()), 'rowCount' => $query->getResult() ? $query->getResult()->rowCount() : 0);
     // Entity name
     if ($this->entity == null) {
         $split = explode('\\', get_class($this));
         $this->entity = strtolower(str_replace('Model', '', end($split)));
     // Getting table fields name
     $fields = $this->db->getPDO()->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $this->entity);
     $row = $fields->fetchAll();
     foreach ($row as $key => $field) {
         $this->fields[$field['Field']] = '';
     // Translation tool
     if ($this->translation === null) {
         $this->translation = new Translation(['bundle' => false, 'theme' => 'sybil', 'domain' => 'database']);
 public function main()
     $tpl = Response::getObject()->getTemplate('/Cms/admin/default');
     $tpl->assign('mysql_version', Database::getObject()->version());
 protected function docs()
     $db = Database::getObject();
     $db->query("SELECT id, title, uri FROM <p>page ORDER BY title");
     $tpl = Response::getObject()->appendTemplate("Cms/admin/docs");
     $tpl->assign("data", $db->fetchAll());
 public function load()
     $this->data = array();
     $db = Database::getObject();
     $db->query("SELECT * FROM <p>fields ORDER BY priority");
     while ($row = $db->fetchAssoc()) {
         $this->data[$row['position']][] = $row;
 public function __destruct()
     try {
     } catch (QueryException $e) {
         throw $e;
 private static function getByField($field, $data)
     $user = null;
     $db = Database::getObject();
     $db->query("SELECT * FROM <p>user WHERE <field:noquote> = <data>", compact("field", "data"));
     if ($db->numRows() == 1) {
         $user = new User($db->fetchAssoc());
     return $user;
 protected function show()
     $db = Database::getObject();
     $tpl = Response::getObject()->appendTemplate("Airlines/admin/airports");
     $country = Request::get('country', VAR_NONE, 'Schweiz');
     $tpl->assign('country', $country);
     $db->query("SELECT * FROM <p>airports " . iif(!empty($country), "WHERE land = <country>") . " ORDER BY land, stadt, flughafen", compact("country"));
     $tpl->assign('data', $db->fetchAll());
     $db->query("SELECT DISTINCT land FROM <p>airports ORDER BY land");
     $tpl->assign('countries', $db->fetchAll(null, null, 'land'));
  * Escapces (database specific) chars in a string and removes null bytes.
  * @param string Variable to check
  * @return string Checked variable
 public static function saveDb($var)
     if (is_array($var)) {
         foreach ($var as $key => $value) {
             $var[$key] = self::saveDb($value);
     } else {
         $var = self::removeNullByte($var);
         $var = Database::getObject()->escapeString($var);
     return $var;
 public function login($email, $pw, $pwIsHashed = false)
     if (!$pwIsHashed) {
         $pw = Hash::generate($pw);
     $db = Database::getObject();
     $db->query("SELECT * FROM <p>user WHERE email = <email> AND pw = <pw> AND active = '1'", compact("email", "pw"));
     if ($db->numRows() == 1) {
         $my = $db->fetchAssoc();
         $this->setCookie($email, $pw);
         return new User($my);
     } else {
         return $this->loginAsGuest();
 public function load()
     $this->data = array('permissions' => array(), 'guest' => 0, 'titles' => array());
     $db = Database::getObject();
     $db->query("SELECT * FROM <p>group");
     while ($row = $db->fetchAssoc()) {
         $id = $row['id'];
         $this->data['titles'][$id] = $row['title'];
         if ($row['registered'] == 0) {
             $this->data['guest'] = $id;
         $this->data['permissions'][$id] = $row;
 public function suggest()
     $data = array();
     $id = Request::get(1, VAR_INT);
     $q = Request::get('q');
     $q = SystemEnvironment::fromUtf8($q);
     $db = Database::getObject();
     $db->query("SELECT * FROM <p>fields WHERE id = <id:int>", compact("id"));
     if ($db->numRows() == 1) {
         $field = CustomField::constructObject($db->fetchAssoc());
         if ($field instanceof CustomAutoCompleteTextField) {
             $data = $field->getList($q);
     Response::getObject()->sendHeader('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=' . Config::get('intl.charset'));
     echo implode("\n", $data);
 private function custom_pages()
     $uri = Request::get(0, VAR_URI);
     $db = Database::getObject();
     $db->query("SELECT title, content FROM <p>page WHERE uri = <uri>", compact("uri"));
     if ($db->numRows() != 1) {
     } else {
         $data = $db->fetchAssoc();
         echo $this->parse($data['content']);
 public function update()
     $data = array('time' => time(), 'settings' => serialize($this->settings), 'sid' => $this->sid, 'uid' => $this->me->getId());
     Database::getObject()->query("UPDATE <p>session SET visit = <time:int>, settings = <settings>, user_id = <uid:int> WHERE sid = <sid>", $data);
     if ($data['uid'] > 0) {
         Database::getObject()->query("UPDATE <p>user SET lastvisit = <time:int> WHERE id = <uid:int>", $data);
 public static function checkPW($pw)
     $db = Database::getObject();
     $data = array('id' => Me::get()->getId(), 'pw' => Hash::generate($pw));
     $db->query("SELECT id FROM <p>user WHERE id = <id:int> AND pw = <pw> AND active = '1' LIMIT 1", $data);
     return $db->numRows() == 1;
 public function add()
     if ($this->edit(0)) {
         $id = Database::getObject()->insertId();
         return iif($id > 0, $id, 0);
     } else {
         return 0;
 public static function getAverageFields(CustomDataPosition $pos, array $params = array())
     $filter = new CustomDataFilter($pos);
     $fields = $pos->getFieldsForClassPath(self::$classPath);
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $fieldName = Sanitize::saveDb($field->getFieldName());
         $filter->fieldCalculation($fieldName, "AVG({$fieldName})");
     foreach ($params as $field => $value) {
         $filter->condition($field, $value);
     $result = $filter->execute();
     if ($result) {
         $data = new CustomData($pos);
         $row = Database::getObject()->fetchAssoc($result);
         if ($row) {
             $data = new CustomData($pos);
             $data->set($row, true, $fields);
             return $data->getFields(array_keys($fields));
     return array();
 public function edit()
     $id = Request::get(1, VAR_INT);
     $isSent = Request::get(2, VAR_URI) == 'send';
     $db = Database::getObject();
     $db->query("SELECT * FROM <p>fields WHERE id = <id:int>", compact("id"));
     if ($db->numRows() == 0) {
         CmsPage::error('Das Feld wurde leider nicht gefunden.');
     } else {
         $field = CustomField::constructObject($db->fetchAssoc());
         $_positions = $this->getPositions();
         $positions = Core::constructObjectArray($_positions);
         // Fill data array with the default (currently saved) data
         $permissions = $field->getPermissions();
         $data = array('name' => $field->getName(), 'description' => $field->getDescription(), 'priority' => $field->getPriority(), 'position' => $field->getPosition()->getClassPath(), 'type' => $field->getClassPath(), 'read' => $permissions['read'], 'write' => $permissions['write']);
         foreach ($field->getParamsData() as $key => $value) {
             $data[$key] = $value;
         $error = array();
         if ($isSent) {
             // Base options for every field
             $options = array_merge($this->getValidator(), array('position' => array(Validator::MESSAGE => 'Der Anzeigeort ist ungültig.', Validator::LIST_CS => $_positions)), $field->getValidationParams(false));
             if (count($error) == 0) {
                 $this->injectDataToField($field, $data);
                 if ($field->update()) {
                     CmsPage::ok("Das Feld wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.");
                 } else {
                     $error[] = 'Das Feld konnt leider nicht aktualisiert werden.';
             if (count($error) > 0) {
         $tpl = Response::getObject()->appendTemplate("/Cms/admin/fields_edit");
         $tpl->assign('field', $field, false);
         $tpl->assign('positions', $positions, false);
         $tpl->assign('data', $data);
         $tpl->assign('baseUri', $this->getBaseURI());
 public function formatDataForDb($value)
     if ($value !== null && $this->usePk()) {
         list($table, $column) = explode('.', $this->params['source']);
         $pkName = $this->getPkName();
         $db = Database::getObject();
         $db->query("SELECT <pkName:noquote> FROM <p><table:noquote> WHERE <column:noquote> = <value> LIMIT 1", compact("table", "column", "value", "pkName"));
         if ($db->numRows() == 1) {
             $value = $db->fetchOne();
     return $value;
 public function execute()
     $vars = array('table' => $this->position->getDbTable());
     $fields = $this->buildFields($vars);
     $where = '';
     if ($this->conditions != null) {
         $where = 'WHERE ' . $this->buildWhere($this->conditions, $vars);
     $join = '';
     if (count($this->join) > 0) {
         $join = $this->buildJoins($vars);
     $order = '';
     if (count($this->order) > 0) {
         $order = 'ORDER BY ' . $this->buildOrder($vars);
     $group = '';
     if (count($this->group) > 0) {
         $group = 'GROUP BY ' . $this->buildGroup($vars);
     $limit = $this->buildLimit($vars);
     return Database::getObject()->query("SELECT {$fields} FROM <p><table:noquote> {$join} {$where} {$group} {$order} {$limit}", $vars);
 protected function members()
     $db = Database::getObject();
     $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <p>user");
     $pp = Config::get('pagination.admin');
     $pg = new Pagination($pp, $db->fetchOne());
     $offset = $pg->getOffset();
     $db->query("SELECT * FROM <p>user ORDER BY surname, forename LIMIT <offset:int>, <pp:int>", compact("offset", "pp"));
     $data = array();
     while ($row = $db->fetchAssoc()) {
         $row['group'] = UserUtils::getGroupName($row['group_id']);
         $data[] = $row;
     $tpl = Response::getObject()->appendTemplate("Cms/admin/members");
     $tpl->assign("pages", $pg->build(), false);
     $tpl->assign("data", $data);
// Load the class manager for autoload support

// Register autoloader

 // Store temporary entries (Registry like) - Namespace: temp
Config::setConfigHandler(new TempConfig(), 'temp');
// Load/Write entries from a native php array in file data/config.php - Namespace: base
Config::setConfigHandler(new PHPConfig(VISCACHA_CONFIG_FILE), 'base');
// Load/Write entries from a database table named config - Namespace: core
// Config::setConfigHandler(new DBConfig('config'), 'core');

// set the script start and cwd to temp config
Config::set('temp.benchmark.start', $scriptStart);
Config::set('temp.system.cwd', getcwd()); // see FileSystem::resetWorkdingDir() for more information

// Set up database connection
if (Config::get('base.database.enabled') == true) {
	$db = Database::getObject(Config::get('base.database.driver'));
	Core::storeObject($db, 'DB');
 public function remove()
     $db = Database::getObject();
     try {
         // Löschen in Felder-Tabelle
         $db->query("DELETE FROM <p>fields WHERE id = <id:int>", array('id' => $this->id));
         if ($this->getDbDataType() != null) {
             // Spalte löschen aus Daten-Tabelle
             $alter = array('table' => $this->position->getDbTable(), 'field' => $this->getFieldName());
             $db->query("ALTER TABLE <p><table:noquote> DROP <field:noquote>", $alter);
             // Default value?
         return true;
     } catch (QueryException $e) {
         return false;