Example #1

// Ajax Handler
// file configs //
require_once "../inc/config.php";
// db connectors and functions //
require_once "../inc/database.php";
$db = new Database();
// account functions //
require_once "../inc/Accounts.php";
$act = new Accounts();
require_once '../inc/ExchangeAPIs/bitfinex.php';
if ($_REQUEST['doPause'] == 1) {
    // flip the pause/unpause setting on an account //
    $userP = $db->iquery("UPDATE `" . $config['db']['prefix'] . "Users` set status = (CASE\n\t\tWHEN status = 1 THEN 2\n\t\t\tWHEN status = 2 THEN 1\n\t\t\tWHEN status = 9 THEN 8\n\t\t\tWHEN status = 8 THEN 9\n\t\tEND)\n\tWHERE id = '" . $db->escapeStr($_REQUEST['uid']) . "' LIMIT 1");
    if ($userP['num'] > 0) {
        echo '1';
    } else {
        echo '0';
Example #2
 if (strlen($_REQUEST['installAdminUser']) < 3) {
     $warning[] = 'Account Name must be at least 3 characters long';
 if (strlen($_REQUEST['installAdminBFXKey']) != 43) {
     $warning[] = 'Bitfinex API Keys are 43 Characters Long';
 if (strlen($_REQUEST['installAdminBFXSec']) != 43) {
     $warning[] = 'Bitfinex API Secrets are 43 Characters Long';
 // Passwords should never be longer than 72 characters to prevent DoS attacks
 if (strlen($_REQUEST['installAdminPassword']) > 72) {
     $warning[] = 'Passwords must be less than 72 Characters';
 if (count($warning) == 0) {
     // Check it doesn't already exits...
     $userCheck = $db->query("SELECT name, bfxapikey FROM `" . $config['db']['prefix'] . "Users` WHERE (name = '" . $db->escapeStr($_REQUEST['installAdminUser']) . "' OR bfxapikey = '" . $db->escapeStr($_REQUEST['installAdminBFXKey']) . "' ) LIMIT 1");
     if (count($userCheck) == 1) {
         if ($userCheck[0]['name'] == $_REQUEST['installAdminUser']) {
             $warning[] = 'This user name already exists in our database';
         if ($userCheck[0]['bfxapikey'] == $_REQUEST['installAdminBFXKey']) {
             $warning[] = 'This bitfinex key already exists in our database';
 if (count($warning) == 0) {
     // test their bfx key and sec to see if we can pull data //
     $bfxTest = new Bitfinex(0, $_REQUEST['installAdminBFXKey'], $_REQUEST['installAdminBFXSec']);
     $bt = $bfxTest->bitfinex_get('account_infos');
     if ($bt[0]['fees'][0]['pairs'] != '') {
         // looks good //