function write_rss()
    global $post_data;
    $item = array('guid', 'title', 'pubDate', 'link', 'description');
    $rss_filename = 'rss-blogfeed.xml';
    // Check if RSS file exist
    if (file_exists($rss_file) && filesize($rss_file) != 0) {
        $rss_update = new DOMDocument();
    } else {
        try {
            $rss_file = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
            $rss_file->formatOutput = true;
            //Create the rss tag and set the version 2.0
            $rss_tag = $rss_file->crateElement('rss');
            $rss_attr = $rss_file->createAttribute('version');
            $rss_attr->value = '2.0';
            //Append attribute to rss tag
            //Create channel
            $channel_element = $rss_file->createElement('channel');
            //Create channel children and append to it.
            foreach ($channel as $channel_tag) {
                $t_chan = $rss_file->createElement($channel_tag);
            //Create item
            $item_element = $rss_file->createElement('item');
            //Create item children and append to it
            foreach ($item as $item_tag) {
                $t_item = $rss_file->createElement($item_tag);
            //Append item to channel
            //Append channel to rss
            //Append rss to file
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            // Log error if failing