Example #1
 // Validate the webhook. This is a special case where we verify newly created webhooks.
 case 'hook.verify':
     PodioHook::validate($_POST['hook_id'], array('code' => $_POST['code']));
     // An item was created
 // An item was created
 case 'item.create':
     $string = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " item.create webhook received. ";
     $string .= "Post params: " . print_r($_POST, true) . "\n";
     $item_id = (int) $_POST['item_id'];
     // get item
     $item = PodioItem::get($item_id);
     $item_file = $item->files[0];
     $file = PodioFile::get($item_file->file_id);
     $mimetype = $file->mimetype;
     // validate mime and get reader
     $reader_name = $controller->getReaderByMime($mimetype);
     if ($reader_name) {
         file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/temp/' . $item_file->name, $file->get_raw());
         $file_name_exploded = explode('.', $item_file->name);
         $file_name_no_ext = $file_name_exploded[0];
         // Creating the new document...
         $phpWord = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\PhpWord();
         // Read contents
         $source = __DIR__ . '/temp/' . $item_file->name;
         $phpWord = \PhpOffice\PhpWord\IOFactory::load($source, $reader_name);
         //Save pdf file
         $xmlWriter = \PhpOffice\PhpWord\IOFactory::createWriter($phpWord, 'PDF');
         $xmlWriter->save(__DIR__ . '/temp/' . $file_name_no_ext . '.pdf');
         $uploadedFile = PodioFile::upload(__DIR__ . '/temp/' . $file_name_no_ext . '.pdf', $file_name_no_ext . '.pdf');