	 * Format the route and params as a url path
	 * Save the result to a local cache so we're only looking this up once per model type
	 * @return string
	public function getPathFormat()
		if ( $this->_pathFormat === null )
			$routeParams= array();
			foreach( $this->params as $key=>$attribute )
				$routeParams[ $key ] = $this->formatParam( $attribute );
			$this->_pathFormat = Controller::absoluteUrl($this->route, $routeParams);
			// NOTE +++++++++++++
			// When unit testing, if you don't have a SERVER_NAME defined, the
			// absolute url will fail, so toggle this on instead if including that test
			//$this->_pathFormat = Yii::app()->createUrl($this->route, $routeParams);			
		return $this->_pathFormat;