Example #1
  * @brief 외부 http로 요청되는 파일일 경우 파일을 받아와서 저장 후 return
 function getHtmlPage($path, $caching_interval, $cache_file)
     // 캐시 검사
     if ($caching_interval > 0 && file_exists($cache_file) && filemtime($cache_file) + $caching_interval * 60 > time()) {
         $content = FileHandler::readFile($cache_file);
     } else {
         FileHandler::getRemoteFile($path, $cache_file);
         $content = FileHandler::readFile($cache_file);
     // opage controller 생성
     $oOpageController =& getController('opage');
     // 외부 서버의 페이지 일 경우 이미지, css, javascript등의 url을 변경
     $content = $oOpageController->replaceSrc($content, $path);
     // 해당 문서를 utf-8로 변경
     $buff->content = $content;
     $buff = Context::convertEncoding($buff);
     $content = $buff->content;
     // title 추출
     $title = $oOpageController->getTitle($content);
     if ($title) {
     // header script 추출
     $head_script = $oOpageController->getHeadScript($content);
     if ($head_script) {
     // body 내용 추출
     $body_script = $oOpageController->getBodyScript($content);
     if (!$body_script) {
         $body_script = $content;
     return $content;
Example #2
  * Document printing
  * I make it out to find the geulman;;
  * @return void|Object
 function dispDocumentPrint()
     // Bring a list of variables needed to implement
     $document_srl = Context::get('document_srl');
     // module_info not use in UI
     //$oModuleModel = &getModel('module');
     //$module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByDocumentSrl($document_srl);
     // Create the document object. If the document module of basic data structures, write it all works .. -_-;
     $oDocumentModel =& getModel('document');
     // Creates an object for displaying the selected document
     $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($document_srl, $this->grant->manager);
     if (!$oDocument->isExists()) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request');
     // Check permissions
     if (!$oDocument->isAccessible()) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_not_permitted');
     // Information setting module
     //Context::set('module_info', $module_info);	//module_info not use in UI
     // Browser title settings
     Context::set('oDocument', $oDocument);
     Context::set('layout', 'none');
     $this->setTemplatePath($this->module_path . 'tpl');
  * @brief 트랙백 발송
 function procTrackbackSend()
     // 게시물 번호와 발송하려는 엮인글 주소를 구함
     $document_srl = Context::get('target_srl');
     $trackback_url = Context::get('trackback_url');
     $charset = Context::get('charset');
     if (!$document_srl || !$trackback_url || !$charset) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request');
     // 로그인 정보 구함
     $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
     if (!$logged_info->member_srl) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_not_permitted');
     // 게시물의 정보를 구해와서 있는지 여부와 권한을 체크
     $oDocumentModel =& getModel('document');
     $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($document_srl);
     if (!$oDocument->isExists()) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request');
     if ($oDocument->getMemberSrl() != $logged_info->member_srl) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_not_permitted');
     // 현재 글이 있는 모듈의 타이틀 지정
     $oModuleModel =& getModel('module');
     $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByModuleSrl($oDocument->get('module_srl'));
     // 엮인글 발송
     return $this->sendTrackback($oDocument, $trackback_url, $charset);
Example #4
  * @brief Initialization
 function init()
     // Stop if already installed.
     if (Context::isInstalled()) {
         return $this->stop('msg_already_installed');
     // Set the browser title.
     // Specify the template path.
     $this->setTemplatePath($this->module_path . 'tpl');
     // Check the environment.
     $oInstallController = getController('install');
     self::$checkEnv = $oInstallController->checkInstallEnv();
     if (self::$checkEnv) {
Example #5
  * @brief Initialization
 function init()
     // Set browser title
     // Specify the template path
     $this->setTemplatePath($this->module_path . 'tpl');
     // Error occurs if already installed
     if (Context::isInstalled()) {
         return $this->stop('msg_already_installed');
     // Install a controller
     $oInstallController = getController('install');
     $this->install_enable = $oInstallController->checkInstallEnv();
     // If the environment is installable, execute installController::makeDefaultDirectory()
     if ($this->install_enable) {
Example #6
  * Trackbacks sent
  * @return object
 function procTrackbackSend()
     // Yeokingeul to post numbers and shipping addresses Wanted
     $document_srl = Context::get('target_srl');
     $trackback_url = Context::get('trackback_url');
     $charset = Context::get('charset');
     if (!$document_srl || !$trackback_url || !$charset) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request');
     // Login Information Wanted
     $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
     if (!$logged_info->member_srl) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_not_permitted');
     // Posts of the information obtained permission to come and check whether
     $oDocumentModel =& getModel('document');
     $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($document_srl);
     if (!$oDocument->isExists() || !$oDocument->getSummary()) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request');
     if ($oDocument->getMemberSrl() != $logged_info->member_srl) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_not_permitted');
     // Specify the title of the module, the current article
     $oModuleModel =& getModel('module');
     $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByModuleSrl($oDocument->get('module_srl'));
     // Shipping yeokingeul
     $output = $this->sendTrackback($oDocument, $trackback_url, $charset);
     if ($output->toBool() && !in_array(Context::getRequestMethod(), array('XMLRPC', 'JSON'))) {
         global $lang;
     return $output;
Example #7
  * @brief 문서 인쇄 기능
  * 해당 글만 찾아서 그냥 출력해버린다;;
 function dispDocumentPrint()
     // 목록 구현에 필요한 변수들을 가져온다
     $document_srl = Context::get('document_srl');
     // document 객체를 생성. 기본 데이터 구조의 경우 document모듈만 쓰면 만사 해결.. -_-;
     $oDocumentModel =& getModel('document');
     // 선택된 문서 표시를 위한 객체 생성
     $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($document_srl, $this->grant->manager);
     if (!$oDocument->isExists()) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request');
     // 권한 체크
     if (!$oDocument->isAccessible()) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_not_permitted');
     // 브라우저 타이틀 설정
     Context::set('oDocument', $oDocument);
     Context::set('layout', 'none');
     $this->setTemplatePath($this->module_path . 'tpl');
  * @brief 글감 수집기 팝업
 function dispMaterialPopup()
     global $lang;
     $mid = Context::get('mid');
     $auth = Context::get('auth');
     Context::set('site_module_info', null);
     $oMaterialModel =& getModel('material');
     $oModuleModel =& getModel('module');
     $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByMid($mid, $site_srl = 0);
     $module_srl = $module_info->module_srl;
     $member_srl = $oMaterialModel->getMemberSrlByAuth($auth);
     if (!$member_srl) {
         Context::set('error', true);
     // 템플릿 변수
     $objects = explode("\t", Context::get('objects'));
     $images = explode("\t", Context::get('images'));
     $objects = array_unique($objects);
     $images = array_unique($images);
     $img = array();
     foreach ($images as $key => $image) {
         if (preg_match('/\\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png)(\\?.*|)$/i', $image)) {
             $img[] = $image;
     Context::set('objects', $objects);
     Context::set('images', $img);
     if (!Context::get('title')) {
         Context::set('title', Context::get('url'));
     // 템플릿 지정
     Context::addJsFilter($this->module_path . 'tpl/filter', 'insert_material.xml');

if (!defined('__XE__')) {
if ($called_position != "before_display_content") {
// 컨텐츠를 표시하는 시점에 호출되어야 합니다.
$title = Context::getBrowserTitle() . ' ' . $addon_info->title_sep . ' ' . $addon_info->homepage_title;
// 문서의 제목을 가져옵니다.
$title = htmlspecialchars($title);
// 이스케이프는 언제 어디서나 필수!
// 설정.
Example #10
 function dispSocialxeTextyleTool()
     // 텍스타일의 최신 버전이 아니면 직접 처리
     $oTextyleView =& getView('textyle');
     if (!method_exists($oTextyleView, 'initTool')) {
         $oTextyleModel =& getModel('textyle');
         $site_module_info = Context::get('site_module_info');
         $textyle = $oTextyleModel->getTextyle($site_module_info->index_module_srl);
         Context::set('textyle', $textyle);
         Context::set('custom_menu', $oTextyleModel->getTextyleCustomMenu());
         $template_path = sprintf("%stpl", $oTextyleView->module_path);
         if ($_COOKIE['tclnb']) {
         } else {
         // browser title 지정
         Context::setBrowserTitle($textyle->get('browser_title') . ' - admin');
         Context::addHtmlHeader('<link rel="shortcut icon" href="' . $textyle->getFaviconSrc() . '" />');
     // 설정 정보를 받아옴
     Context::set('config', $this->config);
     // 서비스 목록
     $provider_list = $this->providerManager->getFullProviderList();
     Context::set('provider_list', $provider_list);
     // 템플릿 파일 지정
     $this->setTemplatePath($this->module_path . 'tpl');
Example #11
  * @brief 초기화
 function init()
     // template path 지정
     $this->setTemplatePath($this->module_path . 'tpl');
     // 접속 사용자에 대한 체크
     $oMemberModel =& getModel('member');
     $logged_info = $oMemberModel->getLoggedInfo();
     // 관리자가 아니면 금지
     if ($logged_info->is_admin != 'Y') {
         return $this->stop("msg_is_not_administrator");
     // 관리자용 레이아웃으로 변경
     // 설치된 모듈 목록 가져와서 적절히 분리
     $oModuleModel =& getModel('module');
     $installed_module_list = $oModuleModel->getModulesXmlInfo();
     $installed_modules = $package_modules = array();
     $package_idx = 0;
     foreach ($installed_module_list as $key => $val) {
         if ($val->module == 'admin' || !$val->admin_index_act) {
         // action 정보 구함
         $action_spec = $oModuleModel->getModuleActionXml($val->module);
         $actions = array();
         if ($action_spec->default_index_act) {
             $actions[] = $action_spec->default_index_act;
         if ($action_spec->admin_index_act) {
             $actions[] = $action_spec->admin_index_act;
         if ($action_spec->action) {
             foreach ($action_spec->action as $k => $v) {
                 $actions[] = $k;
         $obj = null;
         $obj->category = $val->category;
         $obj->title = $val->title;
         $obj->description = $val->description;
         $obj->index_act = $val->admin_index_act;
         if (in_array(Context::get('act'), $actions)) {
             $obj->selected = true;
         // 패키지 모듈
         if ($val->category == 'package') {
             if ($package_idx == 0) {
                 $obj->position = "first";
             } else {
                 $obj->position = "mid";
             $package_modules[] = $obj;
             if ($obj->selected) {
                 Context::set('package_selected', true);
             // 일반 모듈
         } else {
             $installed_modules[] = $obj;
         if ($obj->selected) {
             Context::set('selected_module_category', $val->category);
             Context::set('selected_module_info', $val);
     if (count($package_modules)) {
         $package_modules[count($package_modules) - 1]->position = 'end';
     Context::set('package_modules', $package_modules);
     Context::set('installed_modules', $installed_modules);
     $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
     Context::set('time_zone_list', $GLOBALS['time_zone']);
     Context::set('time_zone', $GLOBALS['_time_zone']);
     Context::set('use_rewrite', $db_info->use_rewrite == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N');
     Context::set('use_optimizer', $db_info->use_optimizer != 'N' ? 'Y' : 'N');
     Context::set('qmail_compatibility', $db_info->qmail_compatibility == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N');
     Context::set('use_db_session', $db_info->use_db_session == 'N' ? 'N' : 'Y');
     Context::set('use_ssl', $db_info->use_ssl ? $db_info->use_ssl : "none");
     if ($db_info->http_port) {
         Context::set('http_port', $db_info->http_port);
     if ($db_info->https_port) {
         Context::set('https_port', $db_info->https_port);
     Context::setBrowserTitle("XE Admin Page");
 function dispTextyle()
     $oTextyleModel =& getModel('textyle');
     $oTextyleController =& getController('textyle');
     $oDocumentModel =& getModel('document');
     $args->category_srl = Context::get('category_srl');
     $args->search_target = Context::get('search_target');
     $args->search_keyword = Context::get('search_keyword');
     $args->module_srl = $this->module_srl;
     $args->site_srl = $this->site_srl;
     $args->page = Context::get('page');
     $args->page = $args->page > 0 ? $args->page : 1;
     Context::set('page', $args->page);
     // set category
     $category_list = $oDocumentModel->getCategoryList($this->module_srl);
     Context::set('category_list', $category_list);
     $document_srl = Context::get('document_srl');
     if ($document_srl) {
         $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($document_srl, false, false);
         if ($oDocument->isExists()) {
             if ($oDocument->get('module_srl') != $this->module_info->module_srl) {
                 return $this->stop('msg_invalid_request');
             Context::setBrowserTitle($this->textyle->get('browser_title') . ' »  ' . $oDocument->getTitle());
             // meta keywords category + tag
             $tag_array = $oDocument->get('tag_list');
             if ($tag_array) {
                 $tag = htmlspecialchars(join(', ', $tag_array));
             } else {
                 $tag = '';
             $category_srl = $oDocument->get('category_srl');
             if ($tag && $category_srl > 0) {
                 $tag = $category_list[$category_srl]->title . ', ' . $tag;
             Context::addHtmlHeader(sprintf('<meta name="keywords" content="%s" />', $tag));
             if ($this->grant->manager) {
         } else {
             Context::set('document_srl', '', true);
             $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument(0, false, false);
     if (!$document_srl) {
         if ($args->category_srl || $args->search_target && $args->search_keyword) {
             $args->list_count = 10;
             $output = $oDocumentModel->getDocumentList($args, false, false);
             $document_list = $output->data;
             Context::set('page_navigation', $output->page_navigation);
             Context::set('document_list', $document_list);
     if ((!$oDocument || !$oDocument->isExists()) && !$document_list) {
         $args->list_count = 1;
         $output = $oDocumentModel->getDocumentList($args, false, false);
         if ($output->data && count($output->data)) {
             $oDocument = array_pop($output->data);
     if ($oDocument && $oDocument->isExists()) {
         $args->document_srl = $oDocument->document_srl;
         $output = executeQuery('textyle.getNextDocument', $args);
         if ($output->data->document_srl) {
             Context::set('prev_document', new documentItem($output->data->document_srl, false));
         $output = executeQuery('textyle.getPrevDocument', $args);
         if ($output->data->document_srl) {
             Context::set('next_document', new documentItem($output->data->document_srl, false));
         Context::set('oDocument', $oDocument);
         Context::addJsFilter($this->module_path . 'tpl/filter', 'insert_comment.xml');
  * 별도저장 회원 목록을 표시하는 메소드.
 public function dispMember_ExpireAdminListMoved()
     // 현재 설정을 불러온다.
     $config = $this->getConfig();
     Context::set('mex_config', $config);
     // 검색 조건을 불러온다.
     $search_target = Context::get('search_target');
     $search_keyword = Context::get('search_keyword');
     if (!in_array($search_target, array('email_address', 'user_id', 'user_name', 'nick_name')) || !$search_keyword) {
         Context::set('search_target', $search_target = null);
         Context::set('search_keyword', $search_keyword = null);
     // 휴면계정 목록을 불러온다.
     $obj = new stdClass();
     if ($search_target && $search_keyword) {
         $obj->{$search_target} = trim($search_keyword);
     $moved_members_count = executeQuery('member_expire.countMovedMembers', $obj);
     $moved_members_count = $moved_members_count->toBool() ? $moved_members_count->data->count : 0;
     $obj->page = $page = Context::get('page') ? Context::get('page') : 1;
     $obj->orderby = 'desc';
     $moved_members = executeQuery('member_expire.getMovedMembers', $obj);
     $moved_members = $moved_members->toBool() ? $moved_members->data : array();
     Context::set('expire_threshold', $this->translateThreshold($config->expire_threshold));
     Context::set('moved_members_count', $moved_members_count);
     Context::set('moved_members', $moved_members);
     // 페이징을 처리한다.
     $paging = new Object();
     $paging->total_count = $moved_members_count;
     $paging->total_page = max(1, ceil($moved_members_count / 10));
     $paging->page = $page;
     $paging->page_navigation = new PageHandler($paging->total_count, $paging->total_page, $page, 10);
     Context::set('paging', $paging);
     Context::set('page', $page);
     // 템플릿을 지정한다.
     Context::setBrowserTitle('별도저장 회원 목록 - XE Admin');
     $this->setTemplatePath($this->module_path . 'tpl');
  * 예외 목록 화면을 표시하는 메소드.
 public function dispMember_ExpireAdminListExceptions()
     // 현재 설정을 불러온다.
     $config = $this->getConfig();
     Context::set('mex_config', $config);
     // 검색 조건을 불러온다.
     $search_target = Context::get('search_target');
     $search_keyword = Context::get('search_keyword');
     if (!in_array($search_target, array('email_address', 'user_id', 'user_name', 'nick_name')) || !$search_keyword) {
         Context::set('search_target', $search_target = null);
         Context::set('search_keyword', $search_keyword = null);
     $valid_list_counts = array(10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200, 300);
     $list_count = intval(Context::get('list_count'));
     if (!in_array($list_count, $valid_list_counts)) {
         $list_count = 10;
     Context::set('list_count', $list_count);
     // 발송 내역을 불러온다.
     $obj = new stdClass();
     if ($search_target && $search_keyword) {
         $obj->{$search_target} = trim($search_keyword);
     $exception_count = executeQuery('member_expire.countExceptions', $obj);
     $exception_count = $exception_count->toBool() ? $exception_count->data->count : 0;
     $obj->list_count = $list_count;
     $obj->page = $page = Context::get('page') ? Context::get('page') : 1;
     $obj->orderby = 'desc';
     $exceptions = executeQuery('member_expire.getExceptions', $obj);
     $exceptions = $exceptions->toBool() ? $exceptions->data : array();
     $member_srls = array();
     foreach ($exceptions as $member) {
         $member_srls[] = $member->member_srl;
     $exceptions_groups = getModel('member')->getMembersGroups($member_srls);
     Context::set('exception_count', $exception_count);
     Context::set('exceptions', $exceptions);
     Context::set('exceptions_groups', $exceptions_groups);
     // 페이징을 처리한다.
     $paging = new Object();
     $paging->total_count = $exception_count;
     $paging->total_page = max(1, ceil($exception_count / $list_count));
     $paging->page = $page;
     $paging->page_navigation = new PageHandler($paging->total_count, $paging->total_page, $page, $list_count);
     Context::set('paging', $paging);
     Context::set('page', $page);
     // 템플릿을 지정한다.
     Context::setBrowserTitle('예외 목록 - XE Admin');
     $this->setTemplatePath($this->module_path . 'tpl');
Example #15
  * @brief display the board conent view
 function dispBoardContentView()
     // get the variable value
     $document_srl = Context::get('document_srl');
     $page = Context::get('page');
     // generate document model object
     $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
      * if the document exists, then get the document information
     if ($document_srl) {
         $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($document_srl, false, true);
         // if the document is existed
         if ($oDocument->isExists()) {
             // if the module srl is not consistent
             if ($oDocument->get('module_srl') != $this->module_info->module_srl) {
                 return $this->stop('msg_invalid_request');
             // check the manage grant
             if ($this->grant->manager) {
             // if the consultation function is enabled, and the document is not a notice
             if ($this->consultation && !$oDocument->isNotice()) {
                 $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
                 if ($oDocument->get('member_srl') != $logged_info->member_srl) {
                     $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument(0);
             // if the document is TEMP saved, check Grant
             if ($oDocument->getStatus() == 'TEMP') {
                 if (!$oDocument->isGranted()) {
                     $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument(0);
         } else {
             // if the document is not existed, then alert a warning message
             Context::set('document_srl', '', true);
          * if the document is not existed, get an empty document
     } else {
         $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument(0);
      *check the document view grant
     if ($oDocument->isExists()) {
         if (!$this->grant->view && !$oDocument->isGranted()) {
             $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument(0);
             Context::set('document_srl', '', true);
         } else {
             // add the document title to the browser
             $seo_title = config('seo.document_title') ?: '$SITE_TITLE - $DOCUMENT_TITLE';
             Context::setBrowserTitle($seo_title, array('site_title' => Context::getSiteTitle(), 'site_subtitle' => Context::getSiteSubtitle(), 'subpage_title' => $this->module_info->browser_title, 'document_title' => $oDocument->getTitleText(), 'page' => Context::get('page') ?: 1));
             // update the document view count (if the document is not secret)
             if (!$oDocument->isSecret() || $oDocument->isGranted()) {
             // disappear the document if it is secret
             if ($oDocument->isSecret() && !$oDocument->isGranted()) {
                 $oDocument->add('content', lang('thisissecret'));
     Context::set('update_view', $this->grant->update_view);
     // setup the document oject on context
     $oDocument->add('module_srl', $this->module_srl);
     Context::set('oDocument', $oDocument);
      * add javascript filters
     Context::addJsFilter($this->module_path . 'tpl/filter', 'insert_comment.xml');
     //            return new Object();
Example #16
  * Include admin menu php file and make menu url
  * Setting admin logo, newest news setting
  * @return void
 function makeGnbUrl($module = 'admin')
     global $lang;
     // Check is_shortcut column
     $oDB = DB::getInstance();
     if (!$oDB->isColumnExists('menu_item', 'is_shortcut')) {
     $oAdminAdminModel = getAdminModel('admin');
     $lang->menu_gnb_sub = $oAdminAdminModel->getAdminMenuLang();
     $result = $oAdminAdminModel->checkAdminMenu();
     include $result->php_file;
     $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
     // get current menu's subMenuTitle
     $moduleActionInfo = $oModuleModel->getModuleActionXml($module);
     $currentAct = Context::get('act');
     $subMenuTitle = '';
     foreach ((array) $moduleActionInfo->menu as $key => $value) {
         if (isset($value->acts) && is_array($value->acts) && in_array($currentAct, $value->acts)) {
             $subMenuTitle = $value->title;
     // get current menu's srl(=parentSrl)
     $parentSrl = 0;
     $oMenuAdminConroller = getAdminController('menu');
     foreach ((array) $menu->list as $parentKey => $parentMenu) {
         if (!is_array($parentMenu['list']) || !count($parentMenu['list'])) {
         if ($parentMenu['href'] == '#' && count($parentMenu['list'])) {
             $firstChild = current($parentMenu['list']);
             $menu->list[$parentKey]['href'] = $firstChild['href'];
         foreach ($parentMenu['list'] as $childKey => $childMenu) {
             if ($subMenuTitle == $childMenu['text'] && $parentSrl == 0) {
                 $parentSrl = $childMenu['parent_srl'];
     // Admin logo, title setup
     $objConfig = $oModuleModel->getModuleConfig('admin');
     $gnbTitleInfo = new stdClass();
     $gnbTitleInfo->adminTitle = $objConfig->adminTitle ? $objConfig->adminTitle : 'XE Admin';
     $gnbTitleInfo->adminLogo = $objConfig->adminLogo ? $objConfig->adminLogo : 'modules/admin/tpl/img/xe.h1.png';
     $browserTitle = ($subMenuTitle ? $subMenuTitle : 'Dashboard') . ' - ' . $gnbTitleInfo->adminTitle;
     // Get list of favorite
     $oAdminAdminModel = getAdminModel('admin');
     $output = $oAdminAdminModel->getFavoriteList(0, true);
     Context::set('favorite_list', $output->get('favoriteList'));
     // Retrieve recent news and set them into context,
     // move from index method, because use in admin footer
     $newest_news_url = sprintf("http://news.xpressengine.com/%s/news.php?version=%s&package=%s", _XE_LOCATION_, __XE_VERSION__, _XE_PACKAGE_);
     $cache_file = sprintf("%sfiles/cache/newest_news.%s.cache.php", _XE_PATH_, _XE_LOCATION_);
     if (!file_exists($cache_file) || filemtime($cache_file) + 60 * 60 < $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) {
         // Considering if data cannot be retrieved due to network problem, modify filemtime to prevent trying to reload again when refreshing administration page
         // Ensure to access the administration page even though news cannot be displayed
         FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, '');
         FileHandler::getRemoteFile($newest_news_url, $cache_file, null, 1, 'GET', 'text/html', array('REQUESTURL' => getFullUrl('')));
     if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
         $oXml = new XmlParser();
         $buff = $oXml->parse(FileHandler::readFile($cache_file));
         $item = $buff->zbxe_news->item;
         if ($item) {
             if (!is_array($item)) {
                 $item = array($item);
             foreach ($item as $key => $val) {
                 $obj = new stdClass();
                 $obj->title = $val->body;
                 $obj->date = $val->attrs->date;
                 $obj->url = $val->attrs->url;
                 $news[] = $obj;
             Context::set('news', $news);
             if (isset($news) && is_array($news)) {
                 Context::set('latestVersion', array_shift($news));
         Context::set('released_version', $buff->zbxe_news->attrs->released_version);
         Context::set('download_link', $buff->zbxe_news->attrs->download_link);
     Context::set('subMenuTitle', $subMenuTitle);
     Context::set('gnbUrlList', $menu->list);
     Context::set('parentSrl', $parentSrl);
     Context::set('gnb_title_info', $gnbTitleInfo);
 function dispMultiPostTextyle()
     // $document_srl is obtained only at Comment Reply and Comment Modify.
     $document_srl = Context::get('document_srl');
     $oDocumentModel =& getModel('document');
     $category = Context::get('category');
     if ($document_srl) {
         $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($document_srl, false, false);
         // If document exists, then this is a comment posting case,
         // so we don't need to perform all other operations
         if ($oDocument->isExists()) {
             // If this document doesn't belong to this blog module,
             // ignore it.
             if ($oDocument->get('module_srl') != $this->module_info->module_srl) {
                 return $this->stop('msg_invalid_request');
         } else {
             Context::set('document_srl', '', true);
             return $this->stop('msg_invalid_request');
     } else {
         $alias_title = Context::get('alias_title');
         if ($alias_title) {
             $query_arguments->alias_title = "/" . $alias_title . "/";
             $output = executeQuery('textyle.getDocumentSrlByAlias', $query_arguments);
             if ($output->data) {
                 $document_srl = $output->data->document_srl;
                 $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($document_srl, false, false);
                 if ($oDocument->isExists()) {
                     $oDocument->alias_title = $category . '/' . $alias_title . '/';
     // set the page
     $page = Context::get('page');
     $page = $page > 0 ? $page : 1;
     Context::set('page', $page);
     // get a list of categories of textyle
     $category_list = $oDocumentModel->getCategoryList($this->module_srl);
     Context::set('module_name', $this->textyle->domain);
     Context::set('category_list', $category_list);
     // Wanted Post List
     $args->module_srl = $this->module_srl;
     $args->page_count = 10;
     $args->sort_index = Context::get('sort_index');
     $args->order_type = Context::get('order_type');
     if (!in_array($args->sort_index, $this->order_target)) {
         $args->sort_index = $this->module_info->order_target ? $this->module_info->order_target : 'list_order';
     if (!in_array($args->order_type, array('asc', 'desc'))) {
         $args->order_type = $this->module_info->order_type ? $this->module_info->order_type : 'asc';
     $recentTags = array();
     // 선�� 글� 하나�� 글 목�으로 형성
     if ($oDocument && $oDocument->isExists()) {
         $mode = 'content';
         // set the browser title
         Context::setBrowserTitle($oDocument->getTitle() . ' | ' . $this->textyle->get('browser_title'));
         // set meta keywords category + all tags of the document
         $docTags = $oDocument->get('tags');
         $category_srl = $oDocument->get('category_srl');
         if ($category_srl) {
             $tags = $category_list[$category_srl]->title;
         if ($docTags) {
             $docTagsArray = $oDocument->get('tag_list');
             foreach ($docTagsArray as $tag) {
             $tags .= ($tags ? ',' : '') . $docTags;
         // 선�� 글� 하나� 경우 �전/ 다� 페�지 구함 + 조회수 �가 + referer 기�
         // referer 남김
         $oTextyleController =& getController('textyle');
         // 관리 권한� 있다면 권한� 부여
         if ($this->grant->manager) {
         $oDocument->variables['relative_date'] = $this->zdateRelative($oDocument->getRegdateTime());
         $document_list[] = $oDocument;
         $nr_documents = count($document_list);
         Context::set('nr_documents', $nr_documents);
         if ($nr_documents == 1) {
             $_comment_list = $oDocument->getComments();
             if (isset($_comment_list)) {
                 foreach ($_comment_list as $comment) {
                     $comment->variables['relativeDate'] = $this->zdateRelative($comment->getRegdateTime());
             Context::set('_comment_list', $_comment_list);
         Context::set('document_list', $document_list);
     } else {
         $mode = $this->textyle->getPostStyle();
         // Check if the search is within a specific tag
         $search_target = Context::get('search_target');
         if ($search_target == 'tags') {
             $args->tag = Context::get('search_keyword');
         // Get the category
         $args->category_srl = urldecode($category);
         if ($args->category_srl && !is_numeric($args->category_srl)) {
             $arguments->category_title = $args->category_srl;
             $arguments->module_srl = $this->module_srl;
             $output = executeQuery('textyle.getCategorySrl', $arguments);
             if ($output->data) {
                 $args->category_srl = $output->data->category_srl;
                 $args->categories[] = $args->category_srl;
                 if ($category_list[$args->category_srl]->child_count) {
                     foreach ($category_list[$args->category_srl]->childs as $child) {
                         $args->categories[] = $child;
                 $tags = $category_list[$args->category_srl]->title;
                 // set the browser title for this category
                 Context::setBrowserTitle($tags . ' | ' . $this->textyle->get('browser_title'));
         } else {
             $args->category_srl = Context::get('category_srl');
         // If there is such a category
         if ($args->category_srl) {
             Context::set('selected_category', $category_list[$args->category_srl]->title);
         } elseif ($page == 1 && !isset($args->tag)) {
             $args->module_srl = $this->module_srl;
             $args->start_date = date('YmdHis', strtotime("-1 month"));
             $args->end_date = date('YmdHis');
             $args->sort_index = 'readed_count';
             $args->page = 1;
             $args->list_count = 3;
             $mostPopularBlogs = $this->getDocumentItems('textyle.getTopViewDocumentsInDateRange', $args);
             foreach ($mostPopularBlogs->data as $popularBlog) {
                 $popularBlog->variables['relative_date'] = $this->zdateRelative($popularBlog->getRegdateTime());
                 if ($popularBlog->get('alias_title')) {
                     $popularBlog->variables['url'] = getSiteUrl() . $this->textyle->domain . '/entry/' . $popularBlog->get('alias_title');
                 } else {
                     $popularBlog->variables['url'] = getSiteUrl() . $this->textyle->domain . '/' . $popularBlog->get('document_srl');
             Context::set('mostPopularBlogs', $mostPopularBlogs->data);
             $args->list_count = 5;
             $args->page = $page;
             $allPopularBlogs = $this->getDocumentItems('textyle.getAllTimeTopViewDocuments', $args);
             foreach ($allPopularBlogs->data as $popularBlog) {
                 $popularBlog->variables['relative_date'] = $this->zdateRelative($popularBlog->getRegdateTime());
                 if ($popularBlog->get('alias_title')) {
                     $popularBlog->variables['url'] = getSiteUrl() . $this->textyle->domain . '/entry/' . $popularBlog->get('alias_title');
                 } else {
                     $popularBlog->variables['url'] = getSiteUrl() . $this->textyle->domain . '/' . $popularBlog->get('document_srl');
             Context::set('allPopularBlogs', $allPopularBlogs->data);
         // Get a list of latest posts
         $args->module_srl = $this->module_srl;
         $args->list_count = $this->textyle->getPostListCount();
         $args->sort_index = 'list_order';
         $args->page = $page;
         $args->page_count = 10;
         $latestBlogs = $this->getDocumentItems('textyle.getPosts', $args);
         Context::set('latestBlogs', $latestBlogs->data);
         Context::set('page_navigation', $latestBlogs->page_navigation);
         if (isset($latestBlogs->data)) {
             foreach ($latestBlogs->data as $document) {
                 $docTags = $document->get('tag_list');
                 if (isset($docTags)) {
                     foreach ($docTags as $tag) {
                 $document->variables['relative_date'] = $this->zdateRelative($document->getRegdateTime());
                 if ($document->get('alias_title')) {
                     $document->variables['url'] = getSiteUrl() . $this->textyle->domain . '/entry/' . $document->get('alias_title');
                 } else {
                     $document->variables['url'] = getSiteUrl() . $this->textyle->domain . '/' . $document->get('document_srl');
         $tags .= ',' . implode(',', array_keys($recentTags));
     Context::addHtmlHeader(sprintf('<meta name="keywords" content="%s" />', $tags));
     Context::addJsFilter($this->module_path . 'skins/' . $this->module_info->skin . '/filter', 'insert_comment.xml');
     Context::set('textyle_mode', $mode);
     Context::set('recentTags', $recentTags);
     Context::set('module_path', $this->module_path);
Example #18
  * Initialization. It finds the target module based on module, mid, document_srl, and prepares to execute an action
  * @return boolean true: OK, false: redirected
 function init()
     $oModuleModel =& getModel('module');
     $site_module_info = Context::get('site_module_info');
     if (!$this->document_srl && $this->mid && $this->entry) {
         $oDocumentModel =& getModel('document');
         $this->document_srl = $oDocumentModel->getDocumentSrlByAlias($this->mid, $this->entry);
         if ($this->document_srl) {
             Context::set('document_srl', $this->document_srl);
     // Get module's information based on document_srl, if it's specified
     if ($this->document_srl && !$this->module) {
         $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByDocumentSrl($this->document_srl);
         // If the document does not exist, remove document_srl
         if (!$module_info) {
         } else {
             // If it exists, compare mid based on the module information
             // if mids are not matching, set it as the document's mid
             if ($this->mid != $module_info->mid) {
                 $this->mid = $module_info->mid;
                 Context::set('mid', $module_info->mid, true);
                 header('location:' . getNotEncodedSiteUrl($site_info->domain, 'mid', $this->mid, 'document_srl', $this->document_srl));
                 return false;
         // if requested module is different from one of the document, remove the module information retrieved based on the document number
         if ($this->module && $module_info->module != $this->module) {
     // If module_info is not set yet, and there exists mid information, get module information based on the mid
     if (!$module_info && $this->mid) {
         $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByMid($this->mid, $site_module_info->site_srl);
         //if($this->module && $module_info->module != $this->module) unset($module_info);
     // redirect, if module_site_srl and site_srl are different
     if (!$this->module && !$module_info && $site_module_info->site_srl == 0 && $site_module_info->module_site_srl > 0) {
         $site_info = $oModuleModel->getSiteInfo($site_module_info->module_site_srl);
         header("location:" . getNotEncodedSiteUrl($site_info->domain, 'mid', $site_module_info->mid));
         return false;
     // If module_info is not set still, and $module does not exist, find the default module
     if (!$module_info && !$this->module && !$this->mid) {
         $module_info = $site_module_info;
     if (!$module_info && !$this->module && $site_module_info->module_site_srl) {
         $module_info = $site_module_info;
     // redirect, if site_srl of module_info is different from one of site's module_info
     if ($module_info && $module_info->site_srl != $site_module_info->site_srl && !isCrawler()) {
         // If the module is of virtual site
         if ($module_info->site_srl) {
             $site_info = $oModuleModel->getSiteInfo($module_info->site_srl);
             $redirect_url = getNotEncodedSiteUrl($site_info->domain, 'mid', Context::get('mid'), 'document_srl', Context::get('document_srl'), 'module_srl', Context::get('module_srl'), 'entry', Context::get('entry'));
             // If it's called from a virtual site, though it's not a module of the virtual site
         } else {
             $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
             if (!$db_info->default_url) {
                 return Context::getLang('msg_default_url_is_not_defined');
             } else {
                 $redirect_url = getNotEncodedSiteUrl($db_info->default_url, 'mid', Context::get('mid'), 'document_srl', Context::get('document_srl'), 'module_srl', Context::get('module_srl'), 'entry', Context::get('entry'));
         header("location:" . $redirect_url);
         return false;
     // If module info was set, retrieve variables from the module information
     if ($module_info) {
         $this->module = $module_info->module;
         $this->mid = $module_info->mid;
         $this->module_info = $module_info;
         $part_config = $oModuleModel->getModulePartConfig('layout', $module_info->layout_srl);
     // Set module and mid into module_info
     $this->module_info->module = $this->module;
     $this->module_info->mid = $this->mid;
     // Set site_srl add 2011 08 09
     $this->module_info->site_srl = $site_module_info->site_srl;
     // Still no module? it's an error
     if (!$this->module) {
         $this->error = 'msg_module_is_not_exists';
         $this->httpStatusCode = '404';
     // If mid exists, set mid into context
     if ($this->mid) {
         Context::set('mid', $this->mid, true);
     // Call a trigger after moduleHandler init
     $output = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('moduleHandler.init', 'after', $this->module_info);
     if (!$output->toBool()) {
         $this->error = $output->getMessage();
         return false;
     // Set current module info into context
     Context::set('current_module_info', $this->module_info);
     return true;
Example #19
	 * shop init service
	public function initService(&$oModule, $is_other_module = FALSE, $isMobile = FALSE){
		if (!$oModule) $oModule = $this;

        /** @var $oShopModel shopModel */
		$oShopModel = getModel('shop');



		$preview_skin = Context::get('preview_skin');
				$path_method = 'setLayoutPath';
				$file_method = 'setLayoutFile';
				$css_path_method = 'getLayoutPath';
				Context::set('shop_mode', 'module');
				Context::set('external_module', $oModule->module);
				$path_method = 'setTemplatePath';
				$file_method = 'setTemplateFile';
				$css_path_method = 'getTemplatePath';

				$oShopModel->checkShopPath($this->module_srl, $this->module_info->skin);


		Context::set('root_url', Context::getRequestUri());
		Context::set('home_url', getFullSiteUrl($this->shop->domain));
		Context::set('profile_url', getSiteUrl($this->shop->domain,'','mid',$this->module_info->mid,'act','dispShopProfile'));
		if(Context::get('is_logged')) Context::set('admin_url', getSiteUrl($this->shop->domain,'','mid',$this->module_info->mid,'act','dispShopToolDashboard'));
		else Context::set('admin_url', getSiteUrl($this->shop->domain,'','mid','shop','act','dispShopToolLogin'));
		Context::set('shop_title', $this->shop->get('shop_title'));

		// set browser title

        // Load cart for display on all pages (in header)
        $cartRepo = new CartRepository();
        $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
		// If cart doesn't exist, create new one
        $cart = $cartRepo->getCart($this->module_srl, NULL, $logged_info->member_srl, session_id(), TRUE);
        Context::set('cart', $cart);

        // Load cart preview (for ajax cart feature in header)
		$cart_preview = new CartPreview($cart, 3);
		Context::set('cart_preview', $cart_preview);

        // Load menu for display on all pages (in header)
        $shop = Context::get('shop');
        $menus = $shop->getMenus();
        foreach($menus as $menu_key => $menu_srl)
            $menu = new ShopMenu($menu_srl);
            Context::set($menu_key, $menu->getHtml());

        // Load categories for display in search dropdown (header)
        $category_repository = new CategoryRepository();
        $tree = $category_repository->getNavigationCategoriesTree($this->module_srl);
        $flat_tree = $tree->toFlatStructure();
        Context::set('search_categories', $flat_tree);
Example #20
 function triggerBeforeDisplay(&$output_content)
     if (Context::getResponseMethod() != 'HTML') {
     if (Context::get('module') == 'admin') {
     $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
     $config = $this->getConfig();
     $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
     $current_module_info = Context::get('current_module_info');
     $site_module_info = Context::get('site_module_info');
     $document_srl = Context::get('document_srl');
     $is_article = false;
     $is_index = $current_module_info->module_srl == $site_module_info->module_srl ? true : false;
     $piece = new stdClass();
     $piece->document_title = null;
     $piece->type = 'website';
     $piece->url = getFullUrl('');
     $piece->title = Context::getBrowserTitle();
     $piece->description = $config->site_description;
     $piece->keywords = $config->site_keywords;
     $piece->image = array();
     $piece->author = null;
     if ($document_srl) {
         $oDocument = Context::get('oDocument');
         if (!is_a($oDocument, 'documentItem')) {
             $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
             $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($document_srl);
         if (is_a($oDocument, 'documentItem') && $document_srl == $oDocument->document_srl) {
             $is_article = true;
     // 문서 데이터 수집
     if ($is_article) {
         if (!$oDocument->isSecret()) {
             $piece->document_title = $oDocument->getTitleText();
             $piece->url = getFullUrl('', 'mid', $current_module_info->mid, 'document_srl', $document_srl);
             $piece->type = 'article';
             $piece->description = trim(str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', $oDocument->getContentText(400)));
             $piece->author = $oDocument->getNickName();
             if (count($oDocument->get('tag_list'))) {
                 $tags = implode(',', $oDocument->get('tag_list'));
                 if ($tags) {
                     $piece->keywords = $tags;
             if ($oDocument->hasUploadedFiles()) {
                 $image_ext = array('bmp', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png');
                 foreach ($oDocument->getUploadedFiles() as $file) {
                     if ($file->isvalid != 'Y') {
                     $ext = array_pop(explode('.', $file->uploaded_filename));
                     if (!in_array(strtolower($ext), $image_ext)) {
                     $piece->image[] = Context::get('request_uri') . $file->uploaded_filename;
         } else {
             $piece->url = getFullUrl('', 'mid', $current_module_info->mid);
     } else {
         if (!$is_index) {
             $page = Context::get('page') > 1 ? Context::get('page') : null;
             $piece->url = getNotEncodedFullUrl('mid', $current_module_info->mid, 'page', $page);
     $piece->title = $this->getBrowserTitle($piece->document_title);
     if ($config->site_image_url) {
         $piece->image[] = $config->site_image_url;
     $this->addLink('canonical', $piece->url);
     $this->addMeta('keywords', $piece->keywords);
     $this->addMeta('description', $piece->description);
     // Open Graph
     $this->addMeta('og:type', $piece->type);
     $this->addMeta('og:url', $piece->url);
     $this->addMeta('og:site_name', $config->site_name);
     $this->addMeta('og:title', $piece->title);
     $this->addMeta('og:description', $piece->description);
     $this->addMeta('og:article:author', $piece->author);
     foreach ($piece->image as $img) {
         $this->addMeta('og:image', $img);
     $this->canonical_url = $piece->url;
     if ($config->use_optimize_title == 'Y') {
Example #21
  * @brief 즐겨찾기 보기
 function favorite()
     $oPlanetModel =& getModel('planet');
     // 개별 플래닛의 정보를 세팅
     $planet = $oPlanetModel->getPlanet($this->module_srl);
     Context::set('planet', $planet);
     // 내플래닛인지 아닌지
     $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
     Context::set('isMyPlanet', $planet->getMemberSrl() == $logged_info->member_srl);
     // 플래닛의 메모 가져오기
     $memo_output = $oPlanetModel->getMemoList($this->module_srl);
     Context::set('memo_list', $memo_output->data);
     Context::set('memo_navigation', $memo_output->page_navigation);
     // 플래닛의 관심태그 가져오기
     $interest_tags = $oPlanetModel->getInterestTags($this->module_srl);
     Context::set('interest_tags', $interest_tags);
     // 브라우저 타이틀 변경
     Context::setBrowserTitle($planet->getPlanetTitle() . ' - ' . $planet->getBrowserTitle());
     // 내 플래닛이 아닐 경우 즐찾에 포함되어 있는 대상인지 확인
     $myplanet = Context::get('myplanet');
     if (Context::get('isMyPlanet') || $oPlanetModel->isInsertedFavorite($myplanet->module_srl, $this->module_srl)) {
         Context::set('myFavoritePlanet', true);
     } else {
         Context::set('myFavoritePlanet', false);
     // 즐찾 가져오기
     $page = Context::get('page');
     $output = $oPlanetModel->getFavoriteContentList($this->module_srl, $page, 10);
     Context::set('content_list', $output->data);
     Context::set('total_count', $output->total_count);
     Context::set('total_page', $output->total_page);
     Context::set('page', $output->page);
     Context::set('page_navigation', $output->page_navigation);
     // 템플릿 지정
Example #22
  * @brief wap procedure method
 function procWAP(&$oMobile)
     // 권한 체크
     if (!$this->grant->list || $this->module_info->consultation == 'Y') {
         return $oMobile->setContent(Context::getLang('msg_not_permitted'));
     // document model 객체 생성
     $oDocumentModel =& getModel('document');
     // 선택된 게시글이 있을 경우
     $document_srl = Context::get('document_srl');
     if ($document_srl) {
         $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($document_srl);
         if ($oDocument->isExists()) {
             // 권한 확인
             if (!$this->grant->view) {
                 return $oMobile->setContent(Context::getLang('msg_not_permitted'));
             // 글 제목 설정
             // 댓글 보기 일 경우
             if ($this->act == 'dispBoardContentCommentList') {
                 $oCommentModel =& getModel('comment');
                 $output = $oCommentModel->getCommentList($oDocument->document_srl, 0, false, $oDocument->getCommentCount());
                 $content = '';
                 if (count($output->data)) {
                     foreach ($output->data as $key => $val) {
                         $oComment = new commentItem();
                         if (!$oComment->isAccessible()) {
                         $content .= "<b>" . $oComment->getNickName() . "</b> (" . $oComment->getRegdate("Y-m-d") . ")<br>\r\n" . $oComment->getContent(false, false) . "<br>\r\n";
                 // 내용 설정
                 // 상위 페이지를 목록으로 돌아가기로 지정
                 $oMobile->setUpperUrl(getUrl('act', ''), Context::getLang('cmd_go_upper'));
                 // 댓글 보기가 아니면 글 보여줌
             } else {
                 // 내용 지정 (태그를 모두 제거한 내용을 설정)
                 $content = strip_tags(str_replace('<p>', '<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', $oDocument->getContent(false, false, false)), '<br><b><i><u><em><small><strong><big>');
                 // 내용 상단에 정보 출력 (댓글 보기 링크 포함)
                 $content = Context::getLang('replies') . ' : <a href="' . getUrl('act', 'dispBoardContentCommentList') . '">' . $oDocument->getCommentCount() . '</a><br>' . "\r\n" . $content;
                 $content = '<b>' . $oDocument->getNickName() . '</b> (' . $oDocument->getRegdate("Y-m-d") . ")<br>\r\n" . $content;
                 // 내용 설정
                 // 상위 페이지를 목록으로 돌아가기로 지정
                 $oMobile->setUpperUrl(getUrl('document_srl', ''), Context::getLang('cmd_list'));
     // 게시글 목록
     $args->module_srl = $this->module_srl;
     $args->page = Context::get('page');
     $args->list_count = 9;
     $args->sort_index = $this->module_info->order_target ? $this->module_info->order_target : 'list_order';
     $args->order_type = $this->module_info->order_type ? $this->module_info->order_type : 'asc';
     $output = $oDocumentModel->getDocumentList($args, $this->except_notice);
     $document_list = $output->data;
     $page_navigation = $output->page_navigation;
     $childs = array();
     if ($document_list && count($document_list)) {
         foreach ($document_list as $key => $val) {
             $href = getUrl('mid', $_GET['mid'], 'document_srl', $val->document_srl);
             $obj = null;
             $obj['href'] = $val->getPermanentUrl();
             $title = htmlspecialchars($val->getTitleText());
             if ($val->getCommentCount()) {
                 $title .= ' [' . $val->getCommentCount() . ']';
             $obj['link'] = $obj['text'] = '[' . $val->getNickName() . '] ' . $title;
             $childs[] = $obj;
     $totalPage = $page_navigation->last_page;
     $page = (int) Context::get('page');
     if (!$page) {
         $page = 1;
     // next/prevUrl 지정
     if ($page > 1) {
         $oMobile->setPrevUrl(getUrl('mid', $_GET['mid'], 'page', $page - 1), sprintf('%s (%d/%d)', Context::getLang('cmd_prev'), $page - 1, $totalPage));
     if ($page < $totalPage) {
         $oMobile->setNextUrl(getUrl('mid', $_GET['mid'], 'page', $page + 1), sprintf('%s (%d/%d)', Context::getLang('cmd_next'), $page + 1, $totalPage));
     $oMobile->mobilePage = $page;
     $oMobile->totalPage = $totalPage;
Example #23
  * @brief Save the file and return if a file is requested by http
 function getHtmlPage($path, $caching_interval, $cache_file)
     // Verify cache
     if ($caching_interval > 0 && file_exists($cache_file) && filemtime($cache_file) + $caching_interval * 60 > $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) {
         $content = FileHandler::readFile($cache_file);
     } else {
         FileHandler::getRemoteFile($path, $cache_file);
         $content = FileHandler::readFile($cache_file);
     // Create opage controller
     $oPageController = getController('page');
     // change url of image, css, javascript and so on if the page is from external server
     $content = $oPageController->replaceSrc($content, $path);
     // Change the document to utf-8 format
     $buff = new stdClass();
     $buff->content = $content;
     $buff = Context::convertEncoding($buff);
     $content = $buff->content;
     // Extract a title
     $title = $oPageController->getTitle($content);
     if ($title) {
     // Extract header script
     $head_script = $oPageController->getHeadScript($content);
     if ($head_script) {
     // Extract content from the body
     $body_script = $oPageController->getBodyScript($content);
     if (!$body_script) {
         $body_script = $content;
     return $content;
Example #24
  * @brief wap procedure method
 function procWAP(&$oMobile)
     // check grant
     if (!$this->grant->list || $this->module_info->consultation == 'Y') {
         return $oMobile->setContent(lang('msg_not_permitted'));
     // generate document model object
     $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
     // if the doument is existed
     $document_srl = Context::get('document_srl');
     if ($document_srl) {
         $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($document_srl);
         if ($oDocument->isExists()) {
             // check the grant
             if (!$this->grant->view) {
                 return $oMobile->setContent(lang('msg_not_permitted'));
             // setup the browser title
             // if the act is display comment list
             if ($this->act == 'dispBoardContentCommentList') {
                 $oCommentModel = getModel('comment');
                 $output = $oCommentModel->getCommentList($oDocument->document_srl, 0, false, $oDocument->getCommentCount());
                 $content = '';
                 if (count($output->data)) {
                     foreach ($output->data as $key => $val) {
                         $oComment = new commentItem();
                         if (!$oComment->isAccessible()) {
                         $content .= "<b>" . $oComment->getNickName() . "</b> (" . $oComment->getRegdate("Y-m-d") . ")<br>\r\n" . $oComment->getContent(false, false) . "<br>\r\n";
                 // setup mobile contents
                 // setup upper URL
                 $oMobile->setUpperUrl(getUrl('act', ''), lang('cmd_go_upper'));
                 // display the document if the act is not display the comment list
             } else {
                 // setup contents (strip all html tags)
                 $content = strip_tags(str_replace('<p>', '<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', $oDocument->getContent(false, false, false)), '<br><b><i><u><em><small><strong><big>');
                 // setup content information(include the comments link)
                 $content = lang('replies') . ' : <a href="' . getUrl('act', 'dispBoardContentCommentList') . '">' . $oDocument->getCommentCount() . '</a><br>' . "\r\n" . $content;
                 $content = '<b>' . $oDocument->getNickName() . '</b> (' . $oDocument->getRegdate("Y-m-d") . ")<br>\r\n" . $content;
                 // setup mobile contents
                 // setup upper URL
                 $oMobile->setUpperUrl(getUrl('document_srl', ''), lang('cmd_list'));
     // board index
     $args = new stdClass();
     $args->module_srl = $this->module_srl;
     $args->page = Context::get('page');
     $args->list_count = 9;
     $args->sort_index = $this->module_info->order_target ? $this->module_info->order_target : 'list_order';
     $args->order_type = $this->module_info->order_type ? $this->module_info->order_type : 'asc';
     $output = $oDocumentModel->getDocumentList($args, $this->except_notice);
     $document_list = $output->data;
     $page_navigation = $output->page_navigation;
     $childs = array();
     if ($document_list && count($document_list)) {
         foreach ($document_list as $key => $val) {
             $href = getUrl('mid', $_GET['mid'], 'document_srl', $val->document_srl);
             $obj = null;
             $obj['href'] = $val->getPermanentUrl();
             $title = htmlspecialchars($val->getTitleText());
             if ($val->getCommentCount()) {
                 $title .= ' [' . $val->getCommentCount() . ']';
             $obj['link'] = $obj['text'] = '[' . $val->getNickName() . '] ' . $title;
             $childs[] = $obj;
     $totalPage = $page_navigation->last_page;
     $page = (int) Context::get('page');
     if (!$page) {
         $page = 1;
     // next/prevUrl specification
     if ($page > 1) {
         $oMobile->setPrevUrl(getUrl('mid', $_GET['mid'], 'page', $page - 1), sprintf('%s (%d/%d)', lang('cmd_prev'), $page - 1, $totalPage));
     if ($page < $totalPage) {
         $oMobile->setNextUrl(getUrl('mid', $_GET['mid'], 'page', $page + 1), sprintf('%s (%d/%d)', lang('cmd_next'), $page + 1, $totalPage));
     $oMobile->mobilePage = $page;
     $oMobile->totalPage = $totalPage;
  * get a module instance and execute an action
  * @return ModuleObject executed module instance
  * */
 function procModule()
     $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
     $display_mode = Mobile::isFromMobilePhone() ? 'mobile' : 'view';
     // If error occurred while preparation, return a message instance
     if ($this->error) {
         $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
         if ($this->httpStatusCode) {
         return $oMessageObject;
     // Get action information with conf/module.xml
     $xml_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleActionXml($this->module);
     // If not installed yet, modify act
     if ($this->module == "install") {
         if (!$this->act || !$xml_info->action->{$this->act}) {
             $this->act = $xml_info->default_index_act;
     // if act exists, find type of the action, if not use default index act
     if (!$this->act) {
         $this->act = $xml_info->default_index_act;
     // still no act means error
     if (!$this->act) {
         $this->error = 'msg_module_is_not_exists';
         $this->httpStatusCode = '404';
         $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
         if ($this->httpStatusCode) {
         return $oMessageObject;
     // get type, kind
     $type = $xml_info->action->{$this->act}->type;
     $ruleset = $xml_info->action->{$this->act}->ruleset;
     $kind = stripos($this->act, 'admin') !== FALSE ? 'admin' : '';
     if (!$kind && $this->module == 'admin') {
         $kind = 'admin';
     // check REQUEST_METHOD in controller
     if ($type == 'controller') {
         $allowedMethod = $xml_info->action->{$this->act}->method;
         if (!$allowedMethod) {
             $allowedMethodList[0] = 'POST';
         } else {
             $allowedMethodList = explode('|', strtoupper($allowedMethod));
         if (!in_array(strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']), $allowedMethodList)) {
             $this->error = "msg_invalid_request";
             $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
             return $oMessageObject;
     if ($this->module_info->use_mobile != "Y") {
     $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
     // check CSRF for POST actions
     if (Context::getRequestMethod() === 'POST' && Context::isInstalled() && $this->act !== 'procFileUpload' && !checkCSRF()) {
         $this->error = 'msg_invalid_request';
         $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
         return $oMessageObject;
     // Admin ip
     if ($kind == 'admin' && $_SESSION['denied_admin'] == 'Y') {
         $this->error = "msg_not_permitted_act";
         $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
         return $oMessageObject;
     // if(type == view, and case for using mobilephone)
     if ($type == "view" && Mobile::isFromMobilePhone() && Context::isInstalled()) {
         $orig_type = "view";
         $type = "mobile";
         // create a module instance
         $oModule = $this->getModuleInstance($this->module, $type, $kind);
         if (!is_object($oModule) || !method_exists($oModule, $this->act)) {
             $type = $orig_type;
             $oModule = $this->getModuleInstance($this->module, $type, $kind);
     } else {
         // create a module instance
         $oModule = $this->getModuleInstance($this->module, $type, $kind);
     if (!is_object($oModule)) {
         $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
         if ($this->httpStatusCode) {
         return $oMessageObject;
     // If there is no such action in the module object
     if (!isset($xml_info->action->{$this->act}) || !method_exists($oModule, $this->act)) {
         if (!Context::isInstalled()) {
             $this->error = 'msg_invalid_request';
             $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
             if ($this->httpStatusCode) {
             return $oMessageObject;
         $forward = NULL;
         // 1. Look for the module with action name
         if (preg_match('/^([a-z]+)([A-Z])([a-z0-9\\_]+)(.*)$/', $this->act, $matches)) {
             $module = strtolower($matches[2] . $matches[3]);
             $xml_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleActionXml($module);
             if ($xml_info->action->{$this->act} && (stripos($this->act, 'admin') !== FALSE || $xml_info->action->{$this->act}->standalone != 'false')) {
                 $forward = new stdClass();
                 $forward->module = $module;
                 $forward->type = $xml_info->action->{$this->act}->type;
                 $forward->ruleset = $xml_info->action->{$this->act}->ruleset;
                 $forward->act = $this->act;
             } else {
                 $this->error = 'msg_invalid_request';
                 $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
                 return $oMessageObject;
         if (!$forward) {
             $forward = $oModuleModel->getActionForward($this->act);
         if ($forward->module && $forward->type && $forward->act && $forward->act == $this->act) {
             $kind = stripos($forward->act, 'admin') !== FALSE ? 'admin' : '';
             $type = $forward->type;
             $ruleset = $forward->ruleset;
             $tpl_path = $oModule->getTemplatePath();
             $orig_module = $oModule;
             $xml_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleActionXml($forward->module);
             // SECISSUE also check foward act method
             // check REQUEST_METHOD in controller
             if ($type == 'controller') {
                 $allowedMethod = $xml_info->action->{$forward->act}->method;
                 if (!$allowedMethod) {
                     $allowedMethodList[0] = 'POST';
                 } else {
                     $allowedMethodList = explode('|', strtoupper($allowedMethod));
                 if (!in_array(strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']), $allowedMethodList)) {
                     $this->error = "msg_invalid_request";
                     $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
                     return $oMessageObject;
             if ($type == "view" && Mobile::isFromMobilePhone()) {
                 $orig_type = "view";
                 $type = "mobile";
                 // create a module instance
                 $oModule = $this->getModuleInstance($forward->module, $type, $kind);
                 if (!is_object($oModule) || !method_exists($oModule, $this->act)) {
                     $type = $orig_type;
                     $oModule = $this->getModuleInstance($forward->module, $type, $kind);
             } else {
                 $oModule = $this->getModuleInstance($forward->module, $type, $kind);
             if (!is_object($oModule)) {
                 $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
                 if ($this->httpStatusCode) {
                 return $oMessageObject;
             if ($this->module == "admin" && $type == "view") {
                 if ($logged_info->is_admin == 'Y') {
                     if ($this->act != 'dispLayoutAdminLayoutModify') {
                         $oAdminView = getAdminView('admin');
                 } else {
                     $this->error = 'msg_is_not_administrator';
                     $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
                     return $oMessageObject;
             if ($kind == 'admin') {
                 $grant = $oModuleModel->getGrant($this->module_info, $logged_info);
                 if (!$grant->manager) {
                     $this->error = 'msg_is_not_manager';
                     $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
                     return $oMessageObject;
                 } else {
                     if (!$grant->is_admin && $this->module != $this->orig_module->module && $xml_info->permission->{$this->act} != 'manager') {
                         $this->error = 'msg_is_not_administrator';
                         $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
                         return $oMessageObject;
         } else {
             if ($xml_info->default_index_act && method_exists($oModule, $xml_info->default_index_act)) {
                 $this->act = $xml_info->default_index_act;
             } else {
                 $this->error = 'msg_invalid_request';
                 return $oModule;
     // ruleset check...
     if (!empty($ruleset)) {
         $rulesetModule = $forward->module ? $forward->module : $this->module;
         $rulesetFile = $oModuleModel->getValidatorFilePath($rulesetModule, $ruleset, $this->mid);
         if (!empty($rulesetFile)) {
             if ($_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_ERROR_LANG']) {
                 $errorLang = $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_ERROR_LANG'];
                 foreach ($errorLang as $key => $val) {
                     Context::setLang($key, $val);
             $Validator = new Validator($rulesetFile);
             $result = $Validator->validate();
             if (!$result) {
                 $lastError = $Validator->getLastError();
                 $returnUrl = Context::get('error_return_url');
                 $errorMsg = $lastError['msg'] ? $lastError['msg'] : 'validation error';
                 //for xml response
                 //for html redirect
                 $this->error = $errorMsg;
                 $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_ERROR'] = -1;
                 $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE'] = $this->error;
                 $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE_TYPE'] = 'error';
                 $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_RETURN_URL'] = $returnUrl;
                 $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_ID'] = Context::get('xe_validator_id');
                 return $oModule;
     $this->module_info->module_type = $type;
     $oModule->setModuleInfo($this->module_info, $xml_info);
     $skipAct = array('dispEditorConfigPreview' => 1, 'dispLayoutPreviewWithModule' => 1);
     $db_use_mobile = Mobile::isMobileEnabled();
     if ($type == "view" && $this->module_info->use_mobile == "Y" && Mobile::isMobileCheckByAgent() && !isset($skipAct[Context::get('act')]) && $db_use_mobile === true) {
         global $lang;
         $header = '<style>div.xe_mobile{opacity:0.7;margin:1em 0;padding:.5em;background:#333;border:1px solid #666;border-left:0;border-right:0}p.xe_mobile{text-align:center;margin:1em 0}a.xe_mobile{color:#ff0;font-weight:bold;font-size:24px}@media only screen and (min-width:500px){a.xe_mobile{font-size:15px}}</style>';
         $footer = '<div class="xe_mobile"><p class="xe_mobile"><a class="xe_mobile" href="' . getUrl('m', '1') . '">' . $lang->msg_pc_to_mobile . '</a></p></div>';
     if ($type == "view" && $kind != 'admin') {
         $module_config = $oModuleModel->getModuleConfig('module');
         if ($module_config->htmlFooter) {
         if ($module_config->siteTitle) {
             $siteTitle = Context::getBrowserTitle();
             if (!$siteTitle) {
     // if failed message exists in session, set context
     $procResult = $oModule->proc();
     $methodList = array('XMLRPC' => 1, 'JSON' => 1, 'JS_CALLBACK' => 1);
     if (!$oModule->stop_proc && !isset($methodList[Context::getRequestMethod()])) {
         $error = $oModule->getError();
         $message = $oModule->getMessage();
         $messageType = $oModule->getMessageType();
         $redirectUrl = $oModule->getRedirectUrl();
         if ($messageType == 'error') {
             debugPrint($message, 'ERROR');
         if (!$procResult) {
             $this->error = $message;
             if (!$redirectUrl && Context::get('error_return_url')) {
                 $redirectUrl = Context::get('error_return_url');
         } else {
         $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_ERROR'] = $error;
         $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_ID'] = Context::get('xe_validator_id');
         if ($message != 'success') {
             $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE'] = $message;
         $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE_TYPE'] = $messageType;
         if (Context::get('xeVirtualRequestMethod') != 'xml') {
             $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_RETURN_URL'] = $redirectUrl;
     return $oModule;
  * @brief display item detail info
 function dispNproductItemDetail()
     if ($_COOKIE['mobile'] == "true") {
         Context::set('is_mobile', 'true');
     $oDocumentModel =& getModel('document');
     $oFileModel =& getModel('file');
     $oNproductModel =& getModel('nproduct');
     $oStoreReviewModel =& getModel('store_review');
     $item_srl = Context::get('item_srl');
     $document_srl = Context::get('document_srl');
     Context::set('list_config', $oNproductModel->getDetailListConfig($this->module_info->module_srl));
     // get config
     $config = $oNproductModel->getModuleConfig();
     Context::set('config', $config);
     // item info
     if ($item_srl) {
         $args->item_srl = $item_srl;
     } else {
         if ($document_srl) {
             $args->document_srl = $document_srl;
         } else {
             return new Object(-1, 'Item Not Found.');
     $output = executeQuery('nproduct.getItemInfo', $args);
     if (!$output->toBool()) {
         return $output;
     $item_info = $output->data;
     // thumbnail
     if ($item_info->thumb_file_srl) {
         $file = $oFileModel->getFile($item_info->thumb_file_srl);
         if ($file) {
             $item_info->thumbnail_url = getFullUrl() . $file->download_url;
     $item_info = new nproductItem($item_info, $config->currency, $config->as_sign, $config->decimals);
     // category
     // document
     $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($item_info->document_srl);
     Context::set('oDocument', $oDocument);
     if ($item_info->item_srl) {
         $review_list = $oNproductModel->getReviews($item_info);
         Context::set('review_list', $review_list);
     $output = $oNproductModel->discountItem($item_info);
     $item_info->discounted_price = $output->discounted_price;
     $item_info->discount_amount = $output->discount_amount;
     $item_info->discount_info = $output->discount_info;
     Context::set('discounted_price', $output->discounted_price);
     Context::set('discount_amount', $output->discount_amount);
     Context::set('discount_info', $output->discount_info);
     // get options
     $args->item_srl = $item_info->item_srl;
     $output = executeQueryArray('nproduct.getOptions', $args);
     Context::set('options', $output->data);
     // set browser title
     Context::setBrowserTitle(strip_tags($item_info->item_name) . ' - ' . Context::getBrowserTitle());
     // get related items information
     if ($item_info->related_items) {
         if (!$this->isJson($item_info->related_items)) {
             $item_info->related_items = $this->convertCsvToJson($item_info->related_items);
         $relatedItems = json_decode($item_info->related_items);
         $relatedItemSrls = array();
         foreach ($relatedItems as $key => $val) {
             $relatedItemSrls[] = $val->item_srl;
         if (count($relatedItemSrls)) {
             $item_info->related_items = $oNproductModel->getItemList(implode(',', $relatedItemSrls), 999);
     $trigger_output = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('nproduct.dispNproductItemDetail', 'before', $item_info);
     if (!$trigger_output->toBool()) {
         return $trigger_output;
     // pass variables to html template
     Context::set('category', $item_info->category_id);
     Context::set('item_srl', $item_info->item_srl);
     Context::set('item_info', $item_info);
     $extra_vars = NExtraItemList::getList($item_info);
     Context::set('extra_vars', $extra_vars);
Example #27
 function dispGradeupConfirmGroup()
     //모듈설정 가져오기
     $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
     $module_config = $oModuleModel->getModuleConfig('gradeup');
     //회원그룹 리스트 구함
     $oMemberModel = getModel('member');
     $group_list = $oMemberModel->getGroups();
     $oGradeupModel = getModel('gradeup');
     $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
     //조건이 있는 등업정보만 세팅
     $check_date = array();
     foreach ($group_list as $key => $val) {
         $group = $module_config->gradeup_condition[$val->title];
         $module_config->gradeup_condition[$val->title]['group_name'] = $oMemberModel->getGroup($group['gradeup_group_srl'])->title;
         $module_config->gradeup_condition[$val->title]['group_explain'] = $oMemberModel->getGroup($group['gradeup_group_srl'])->description;
         //등업방식 한글로변경
         if ($group['gradeup_type'] == 'auto') {
             $module_config->gradeup_condition[$val->title]['gradeup_type'] = '자동등업';
         if ($group['gradeup_type'] == 'confirm') {
             $module_config->gradeup_condition[$val->title]['gradeup_type'] = '승인등업';
         if ($group['gradeup_type'] == 'term') {
             $module_config->gradeup_condition[$val->title]['gradeup_type'] = '기간등업';
         //등업조건 세부정보 구함
         $check_date = $group['gradeup_date'];
         //조회할 날짜
         $module_config->gradeup_condition[$val->title]['doc_count'] = $oGradeupModel->getMemberInfo('doc', $logged_info->member_srl, $check_date);
         $module_config->gradeup_condition[$val->title]['com_count'] = $oGradeupModel->getMemberInfo('com', $logged_info->member_srl, $check_date);
         $module_config->gradeup_condition[$val->title]['lv'] = $oGradeupModel->getMemberInfo('lv', $logged_info->member_srl);
         //충족여부 확인
         if ($module_config->gradeup_condition[$val->title]['doc_count'] >= $group['gradeup_doc'] && $module_config->gradeup_condition[$val->title]['com_count'] >= $group['gradeup_com'] && $module_config->gradeup_condition[$val->title]['lv'] >= $group['gradeup_lv']) {
             $module_config->gradeup_condition[$val->title]['condition'] = 'ok';
         //기본그룹인 경우 조건삭제
         if ($val->is_default == 'Y' && $val->title == $module_config->gradeup_condition[$val->title]['group_name']) {
         //설정된 조건 없을시 등업정보에서 삭제
         if (!$group['gradeup_doc'] && !$group['gradeup_com'] && !$group['gradeup_lv']) {
     Context::set('group_list', $group_list);
     Context::set('check_date', $check_date);
     Context::set('logged_info', $logged_info);
     Context::set('module_config', $module_config);
     //신청자 로그 가져옴
     $args = new stdClass();
     $args->list_count = '10';
     $args->page = Context::get('page');
     $args->order_type = Context::get('order_type');
     $args->s_state = 'ready';
     //등업신청중인 로그만 가져옴
     if (!$args->order_type) {
         $args->order_type = 'desc';
     $output = $oGradeupModel->getConfirmGroupLog($args);
     //그룹 보기 편하기 정리 (group_srl -> group_title)
     foreach ($output->data as $key => $val) {
         $group_srl = explode('@', $val->old_group_srl);
         $output->data[$key]->old_group_srl_title = null;
         foreach ($group_srl as $val) {
             $group_info = $oMemberModel->getGroup($val);
             if (!$output->data[$key]->old_group_srl_title) {
                 $output->data[$key]->old_group_srl_title = $group_info->title;
             } else {
                 $output->data[$key]->old_group_srl_title = $group_info->title . ', ' . $output->data[$key]->old_group_srl_title;
     foreach ($output->data as $key => $val) {
         $group_info = $oMemberModel->getGroup($val->add_group_srl);
         $val->add_group_srl_title = $group_info->title;
     //로그 세팅
     Context::set('log_info', $output->data);
     Context::set('total_count', $output->total_count);
     Context::set('total_page', $output->total_page);
     Context::set('page_list', $output->data);
     Context::set('page', $output->page);
     Context::set('page_navigation', $output->page_navigation);
     //브라우저 제목 세팅
     //템플릿 파일 설정
  * @brief module, mid, document_srl을 이용하여 모듈을 찾고 act를 실행하기 위한 준비를 함
 function init()
     // ModuleModel 객체 생성
     $oModuleModel =& getModel('module');
     $site_module_info = Context::get('site_module_info');
     if (!$this->document_srl && $this->mid && $this->entry) {
         $oDocumentModel =& getModel('document');
         $this->document_srl = $oDocumentModel->getDocumentSrlByAlias($this->mid, $this->entry);
         if ($this->document_srl) {
             Context::set('document_srl', $this->document_srl);
     // 문서번호(document_srl)가 있을 경우 모듈 정보를 구해옴
     if ($this->document_srl && !$this->module) {
         $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByDocumentSrl($this->document_srl);
         // 문서가 존재하지 않으면 문서 정보를 제거
         if (!$module_info) {
             // 문서가 존재할 경우 모듈 정보를 바탕으로 virtual site 및 mid 비교
         } else {
             // mid 값이 다르면 문서의 mid로 설정
             if ($this->mid != $module_info->mid) {
                 $this->mid = $module_info->mid;
                 Context::set('mid', $module_info->mid, true);
         // 요청된 모듈과 문서 번호가 다르면 문서 번호에 의한 모듈 정보를 제거
         if ($this->module && $module_info->module != $this->module) {
     // 모듈정보를 구하지 못했고 mid 요청이 있으면 mid에 해당하는 모듈 정보를 구함
     if (!$module_info && $this->mid) {
         $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByMid($this->mid, $site_module_info->site_srl);
         //if($this->module && $module_info->module != $this->module) unset($module_info);
     // module_site_srl과 site_srl 값이 다르면 redirect 시도
     if (!$this->module && !$module_info && $site_module_info->site_srl == 0 && $site_module_info->module_site_srl > 0) {
         $site_info = $oModuleModel->getSiteInfo($site_module_info->module_site_srl);
         header("location:" . getNotEncodedSiteUrl($site_info->domain, 'mid', $site_module_info->mid));
         return false;
     // 역시 모듈을 못 찾았고 $module이 없다면 기본 모듈을 찾아봄
     if (!$module_info && !$this->module) {
         $module_info = $site_module_info;
     if (!$module_info && !$this->module && $site_module_info->module_site_srl) {
         $module_info = $site_module_info;
     // 모듈정보와 사이트 모듈정보가 다르면(다른 사이트이면) 페이지 리다이렉트
     if ($module_info && $module_info->site_srl != $site_module_info->site_srl) {
         // 현재 요청된 모듈이 가상 사이트 모듈일 경우
         if ($module_info->site_srl) {
             $site_info = $oModuleModel->getSiteInfo($module_info->site_srl);
             $redirect_url = getNotEncodedSiteUrl($site_info->domain, 'mid', Context::get('mid'), 'document_srl', Context::get('document_srl'), 'module_srl', Context::get('module_srl'), 'entry', Context::get('entry'));
             // 가상 사이트 모듈이 아닌데 가상 사이트에서 호출되었을 경우
         } else {
             $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
             if (!$db_info->default_url) {
                 return die("기본 URL이 정해지지 않아서 동작을 중지합니다");
             } else {
                 $redirect_url = getNotEncodedSiteUrl($db_info->default_url, 'mid', Context::get('mid'), 'document_srl', Context::get('document_srl'), 'module_srl', Context::get('module_srl'), 'entry', Context::get('entry'));
         header("location:" . $redirect_url);
         return false;
     // 모듈 정보가 찾아졌을 경우 모듈 정보에서 기본 변수들을 구함, 모듈 정보에서 module 이름을 구해움
     if ($module_info) {
         $this->module = $module_info->module;
         $this->mid = $module_info->mid;
         $this->module_info = $module_info;
         $part_config = $oModuleModel->getModulePartConfig('layout', $module_info->layout_srl);
     // 모듈정보에 module과 mid를 강제로 지정
     $this->module_info->module = $this->module;
     $this->module_info->mid = $this->mid;
     // 여기까지도 모듈 정보를 찾지 못했다면 깔끔하게 시스템 오류 표시
     if (!$this->module) {
         $this->error = 'msg_module_is_not_exists';
     // mid값이 있을 경우 mid값을 세팅
     if ($this->mid) {
         Context::set('mid', $this->mid, true);
     // 실제 동작을 하기 전에 trigger 호출
     $output = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('moduleHandler.init', 'after', $this->module_info);
     if (!$output->toBool()) {
         $this->error = $output->getMessage();
         return false;
     // 현재 모듈의 정보를 세팅
     Context::set('current_module_info', $this->module_info);
     return true;
         $db_info = Context::getDBInfo();
         if (!$db_info->default_url) {
             return Context::getLang('msg_default_url_is_not_defined');
         } else {
             $redirect_url = getNotEncodedSiteUrl($db_info->default_url, 'mid', Context::get('mid'), 'document_srl', Context::get('document_srl'), 'module_srl', Context::get('module_srl'), 'entry', Context::get('entry'));
     header("location:" . $redirect_url);
     return false;
 // If module info was set, retrieve variables from the module information
 if ($module_info) {
     $this->module = $module_info->module;
     $this->mid = $module_info->mid;
     $this->module_info = $module_info;
     $part_config = $oModuleModel->getModulePartConfig('layout', $module_info->layout_srl);
 // Set module and mid into module_info
 $this->module_info->module = $this->module;
 $this->module_info->mid = $this->mid;
 // Still no module? it's an error
 if (!$this->module) {
     $this->error = 'msg_module_is_not_exists';
 // If mid exists, set mid into context
 if ($this->mid) {
     Context::set('mid', $this->mid, true);
 // Set current module info into context