Example #1
 private function storeAnswer($primkey, $variable, $answer, $striptags = true)
     global $engine;
     $localdb = null;
     if (Config::useTransactions() == true) {
         global $transdb;
         $localdb = $transdb;
     } else {
         global $db;
         $localdb = $db;
     $dirty = $this->getDirty();
     $prim = $primkey;
     $var = $variable;
     $ans = $answer;
     if ($ans == "" && $ans !== 0) {
         // preserve '0' as answer
         $ans = null;
     $version = getSurveyVersion();
     $language = getSurveyLanguage();
     $mode = getSurveyMode();
     $suid = getSurvey();
     // set session language/mode here if changed through routing!
     if ($ans != null) {
         if (strtoupper($variable) == strtoupper(VARIABLE_LANGUAGE)) {
         } else {
             if (strtoupper($variable) == strtoupper(VARIABLE_MODE)) {
                 $_SESSION['PARAMS'][SESSION_PARAM_MODE] = $ans;
             } else {
                 if (strtoupper($variable) == strtoupper(VARIABLE_VERSION)) {
                     $_SESSION['PARAMS'][SESSION_PARAM_VERSION] = $ans;
                 } else {
                     if (strtoupper($variable) == strtoupper(VARIABLE_TEMPLATE)) {
                         $_SESSION['PARAMS'][SESSION_PARAM_TEMPLATE] = $ans;
     /* set attributes for data record processing in export */
     $this->suid = $suid;
     $this->primkey = $prim;
     $this->language = $language;
     $this->mode = $mode;
     $this->version = $version;
     $this->ts = date("Y-m-d h:i:s", time());
     if (Config::prepareDataQueries() == false) {
         global $survey;
         $key = $survey->getDataEncryptionKey();
         if ($ans == null && $ans !== 0) {
             $answer = 'null';
         } else {
             $answer = '"' . prepareDatabaseString($ans, $striptags) . '"';
             if ($key != "") {
                 $answer = "aes_encrypt('" . prepareDatabaseString($ans, $striptags) . "', '" . $key . "')";
         $queryparams = 'suid, primkey, variablename, answer, dirty, version, language, mode';
         $queryvalues = prepareDatabaseString($suid);
         $queryvalues .= ",'" . prepareDatabaseString($prim) . "'";
         $queryvalues .= ",'" . prepareDatabaseString($var) . "'";
         $queryvalues .= "," . $answer;
         $queryvalues .= "," . prepareDatabaseString($dirty);
         $queryvalues .= "," . prepareDatabaseString($version);
         $queryvalues .= "," . prepareDatabaseString($language);
         $queryvalues .= "," . prepareDatabaseString($mode);
         $query = 'REPLACE INTO ' . Config::dbSurveyData() . '_data (' . $queryparams . ') VALUES (' . $queryvalues . ')';
         //echo $query;
         if ($localdb->executeQuery($query)) {
             $this->variable["answer"] = $ans;
             // hook for extra storage
             if (function_exists("storeAnswerExtra")) {
             return true;
         return false;
     } else {
         $bp = new BindParam();
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_STRING, $suid);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_STRING, $prim);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_STRING, $var);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_STRING, $ans);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $dirty);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $version);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $language);
         $bp->add(MYSQL_BINDING_INTEGER, $mode);
         global $survey;
         $key = $survey->getDataEncryptionKey();
         $answer = "?";
         if ($key != "") {
             $answer = "aes_encrypt(?, '" . $key . "')";
         $queryparams = 'suid, primkey, variablename, answer, dirty, version, language, mode';
         $queryvalues = '?,?,?,' . $answer . ',?,?,?,?';
         $query = 'REPLACE INTO ' . Config::dbSurveyData() . '_data (' . $queryparams . ') VALUES (' . $queryvalues . ')';
         if ($localdb->executeBoundQuery($query, $bp->get())) {
             $this->variable["answer"] = $ans;
             // hook for extra storage
             if (function_exists("storeAnswerExtra")) {
                 storeAnswerExtra($queryparams, $queryvalues, $bp);
             return true;
         return false;
Example #2
 function showQuestion($variablename, $rgid, $template = "")
     /* log entry (single entry for all variable(s) 
      * in case of a group statement)
     $this->logAction($rgid, ACTION_ENTRY);
     /* update state */
     /* update state for sub display info */
     /* unlock */
     /* show question(s) */
     /* ini_set('output_buffering', 'off');
               ini_set('zlib.output_compression', false);
               while (@ob_end_flush());
               ini_set('implicit_flush', true);
               header('Content-type: text/plain');
               header('Cache-control: no-cache');
               $multiplier = 8;
               $size = 1024 * $multiplier;
               for ($i = 1; $i <= $size; $i++) {
               echo ".";
     /* DATA FLOODER, then no need to build the screen */
     if ($this->getFlooding() == true) {
     header("X-XSS-Protection: 0");
     // for chrome xx protection feature
     echo $this->display->showQuestion($variablename, $rgid, $template);
     // using transactions, then commit now after we started outputting
     if (Config::useTransactions() == true) {
Example #3
                echo "<html><body><font face=arial>NubiS could not locate its configuration file (conf.php).</font></body></html>";
            } else {
                $contents = file_get_contents("errorsms.html");
                if ($contents != "") {
                    echo str_replace('$Error$', 'NubiS could not access the database. <br/>Please verify your configuration settings in the conf.php file.', $contents);
                echo "<html><body><font face=arial>NubiS could not access the database. Please verify your configuration settings in the conf.php file.</font></body></html>";
if ($_SESSION['SYSTEM_ENTRY'] != USCIC_SMS && Config::useTransactions() == true) {
    $transdb = new Database();
ini_set("error_reporting", "ALL");
/* startup */
require 'action.php';
require 'login.php';
/* SMS admin extensions */
    require 'sms.php';
    require 'sysadmin.php';
    require "compiler.php";
    require "checker.php";
    require "track.php";
    require 'supervisor.php';