Example #1
$dbConnection = Config::getConnection();
$index = array('hidelinkLeft' => TranslationProvider::staticTranslate('hidelink_left'), 'hidelinkRight' => TranslationProvider::staticTranslate('hidelink_right'), 'head' => array('title' => 'Site loading, please wait', 'requirejs' => 'js/App'));
//Checking for minified js/App setup:
require_once 'Git.php';
if (Git::getBranch() === 'master') {
    $app = 'js/App-minified';
    if (file_exists('./' . $app . '.js')) {
        $index['head']['requirejs'] = $app;
//Making sure we get our appSetup:
$index['appSetup'] = true;
//Processing the Content-type:
$headers = getallheaders();
if (!array_key_exists('Accept', $headers)) {
    $headers['Accept'] = 'text/html';
$cType = $headers['Accept'];
switch ($cType) {
    case preg_match('/application\\/json/i', $cType) ? true : false:
        header('Content-type: application/json');
    case preg_match('/text\\/html/i', $cType) ? true : false:
        echo Config::getMustache()->render('index', $index);
        //Done :)
        $endTime = microtime(true);
        echo "<!-- Page generated in " . round($endTime - $startTime, 4) . "s -->";

require_once '../config.php';
  Under http://<domain>/projects/<familyname>
  we want to serve an iframe page that seamlessly integrates
  the project URL for the given family, if possible.
  This script expects a $_GET['name'] parameter,
  and will catch the correct routes due to .htaccess magic.
$family = $_GET['name'];
if ($family) {
    $stmt = Config::getConnection()->prepare('SELECT ProjectAboutUrl FROM Families WHERE FamilyNm = ?');
    $stmt->bind_param('s', $family);
    if ($stmt->fetch()) {
        echo Config::getMustache()->render('Projects', array('title' => "Project page for {$family}", 'backlink' => 'soundcomparisons.com', 'url' => $url));
    } else {
        die("Sorry, we cannot find a family named '{$family}' in our database.");
} else {
    die('Sorry, we cannot find that project in our database.');