Example #1
        echo $subtemplate;
    } else {
        // Normal browser
        $app->render('root.php', array('host' => $host, 'domain' => $domain, 'brand_name' => $config->getBrandName(), 'brand_url' => $config->getBrandUrl(), 'cortito_version' => '2.1', 'subtemplate' => $subtemplate, 'helper' => $helper));
$render_with_url = function ($original, $shortened) use($app, $host, $config, $domain, $helper) {
    $short_url = "{$host}/{$shortened}";
    $short_url_sanitized = urlencode($short_url);
    $newline = "%0D%0A";
    $app->render('root.php', array('host' => $host, 'domain' => $domain, 'brand_name' => $config->getBrandName(), 'brand_url' => $config->getBrandUrl(), 'cortito_version' => '2.1', 'subtemplate' => 'show.php', 'helper' => $helper, 'shortened' => $shortened, 'short_url' => $short_url, 'original' => $original, 'twitter_web_url' => "http://twitter.com/home?status={$short_url_sanitized}", 'email_url' => "mailto:?subject=Check%20out%20this%20URL" . "&body={$short_url_sanitized}{$newline}{$newline}" . "Shortened%20by%20cortito%20{$host}/{$newline}", 'echofon_url' => "echofon:{$short_url_sanitized}", 'twitterrific_url' => "twitterrific:///post?message={$short_url_sanitized}", 'twitter_app_url' => "twitter://post?message={$short_url_sanitized}", 'twittelator_url' => "twit:///post?message={$short_url_sanitized}", 'tweetbot_url' => "tweetbot:///post?text={$short_url_sanitized}"));
$is_valid = function ($url) use($config, $host, $helper) {
    $max_length = $config->getMaxShortLength();
    // Let's make sure the length of the input URL is bigger than zero
    if (strlen($url) == 0) {
        return false;
    // Let's hope the user is not shortening URLs with wrong protocols
    if (!($helper->starts_with($url, "http://") || $helper->starts_with($url, "https://") || $helper->starts_with($url, "ftp://"))) {
        return false;
    // Also, let's make sure that the end result will be shorter than the
    // original URL - otherwise, what's the point in shortening it!
    if (strlen($url) < strlen($host) + 1 + $max_length) {
        return false;
    // Finally, make sure that the URL is not already shortened by another
    // URL shortener