Example #1
  * inicia a controller conforme configurado em navigation e retorna o resultado do metodo chamado
  * @return HttpResultVO
 private function getControllerResult()
     $ignore_name = Config::getAliasFolder();
     if (Config::getLocale()) {
         $ignore_name .= "/" . Config::getLocale();
     //url com trata com regras de rota
     $url = explode("/", Config::rewriteUrl(Navigation::getURI($ignore_name, Navigation::URI_RETURN_TYPE_STRING)));
     //inicia a controller
     $retornoDaController = self::searchController($url, Config::FOLDER_REQUEST_CONTROLER);
     //afiliados ( afiliate) reconhecer aqui a poss�vel origem do internauta atrav�s do restFolder afiliate.N
     $arrayVariable = Navigation::getVariableArraySlug($retornoDaController->arrayRestFolder);
     if (!$retornoDaController->success) {
         //pega o nome da classe para instanciar e executa o init
         $tempExplode = explode("/", Config::URL_DEFAULT_CONTROLLER);
         $className = $tempExplode[count($tempExplode) - 1];
         $className = str_replace(array(".class.php", ".php"), "", $className);
         $retornoDaController->className = $className;
         $retornoDaController->methodName = "init";
         $retornoDaController->urlToInclude = Config::URL_DEFAULT_CONTROLLER;
     $className = $retornoDaController->className;
     $methodName = $retornoDaController->methodName;
     //inclui a controller
     include_once $retornoDaController->urlToInclude;
     $instancia = new $className($retornoDaController->arrayRestFolder);
     //executa o metodo e este deve retornar sempre uma HttpResultVO
     if (!ClassHandler::isMethodPublic($instancia, $methodName)) {
         $methodName = "init";
     $HttpResultVO = $instancia->{$methodName}();
     return $HttpResultVO;
 public function gerate()
     foreach ($this->arrayContentVO as $ContentVO) {
         $idValues[] = $ContentVO->getId();
         $activeValues[] = $ContentVO->getActive();
         $nameValues[] = $ContentVO->getName(Config::getLocale());
         $titleValues[] = $ContentVO->getTitle(Config::getLocale());
         $descriptionValues[] = $ContentVO->getDescription(Config::getLocale());
         $hatValues[] = $ContentVO->getHat(Config::getLocale());
         $contentValues[] = $ContentVO->getContent(Config::getLocale());
         $authorValues[] = $ContentVO->getAuthor(Config::getLocale());
         $templateUrlValues[] = $ContentVO->getTemplateUrl(Config::getLocale());
         $slugValues[] = $ContentVO->getSlug(Config::getLocale());
         $keyWordsValues[] = $ContentVO->getKeyWords(Config::getLocale());
         $dateValues[] = $ContentVO->getDate();
         $dateInValues[] = $ContentVO->getDateIn();
         $dateOutValues[] = $ContentVO->getDateOut();
         $orderValues[] = $ContentVO->getOrder();
         $this->count_total = $this->count_total + 1;
         $this->setId(array("value" => $idValues));
         $this->setActive(array("value" => $activeValues));
         $this->setName(array("value" => $nameValues));
         $this->setTitle(array("value" => $titleValues));
         $this->setHat(array("value" => $hatValues));
         $this->setDescription(array("value" => $descriptionValues));
         $this->setContent(array("value" => $contentValues));
         $this->setAuthor(array("value" => $authorValues));
         $this->setSlug(array("value" => $slugValues));
         $this->setTemplateUrl(array("value" => $templateUrlValues));
         $this->setDate(array("value" => $dateValues));
         $this->setDateIn(array("value" => $dateInValues));
         $this->setDateOut(array("value" => $dateOutValues));
         $this->setOrder(array("value" => $orderValues));
Example #3
  * Detects the most suitable output format to use.
  * @param string $domain
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @return string the output format
 private function detectOutputFormat($currentDomain)
     if (null !== $this->config->getOutputFormat()) {
         return $this->config->getOutputFormat();
     // check if which translation files in which format exist
     $otherDomainFormat = $localeFormat = $otherLocaleFormat = null;
     foreach (FileUtils::findTranslationFiles($this->config->getTranslationsDir()) as $domain => $locales) {
         foreach ($locales as $locale => $fileData) {
             list($format, ) = $fileData;
             if ($currentDomain !== $domain) {
                 $otherDomainFormat = $format;
                 continue 2;
             if ($this->config->getLocale() === $locale) {
                 $localeFormat = $format;
             $otherLocaleFormat = $format;
     if (null !== $localeFormat) {
         return $localeFormat;
     if (null !== $otherLocaleFormat) {
         return $otherLocaleFormat;
     if (null !== $otherDomainFormat) {
         return $otherDomainFormat;
     return $this->config->getDefaultOutputFormat();
Example #4
 public function getFooter()
     //iniciando o retorno padrao $ReturnResultVO
     $ReturnResultVO = new ReturnResultVO();
     //inicia a DAO
     $DAO = CategoryDAO::getInstance();
     $selectCategory = "footer";
     //pesquisa pela categoria pai
     $ReturnDataVO = $DAO->select(CategoryDAO::RETURN_VO, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, $selectCategory);
     if ($ReturnDataVO->success && count($ReturnDataVO->result) > 0) {
         //pega a CategoriaVO pai da resposta
         $DadCategoryVO = $ReturnDataVO->result[0];
         //traduz os compos da categoria pai conforme o locale
         $StdClassDadCategory = $DadCategoryVO->toStdClass(Config::getLocale());
         //inicia um array para armazenar os contents da categoria pai
         $arrayStdClassHighlights = array();
         //adiciona os conents encontrados no campo $array_highlights da categoria pai $StdClassDadCategory
         $StdClassDadCategory->array_highlights = $arrayStdClassHighlights;
         $arrayChildsCategoryVO = array();
         //busca as categorias Filhas da pai
         $ReturnDataVO = $DAO->select(CategoryDAO::RETURN_VO, NULL, NULL, $StdClassDadCategory->id, NULL, NULL, "<");
         if ($ReturnDataVO->success) {
             $arrayChildsCategoryVO = $ReturnDataVO->result;
             $StdClassArrayChildsCategoryVO = array();
             foreach ($arrayChildsCategoryVO as $ChildsCategoryVO) {
                 //traduz os compos da categoria filha conforme o locale
                 $StdClassChildCategory = $ChildsCategoryVO->toStdClass(Config::getLocale());
                 //inicia a GenericHighLghtDAO para fazer a consulta
                 $DAO = GenericHighLightsDAO::getInstance();
                 //busca highlightss vinculados a tabela e tabela id passados
                 $ReturnDataVO = $DAO->selectByTableId("category", $StdClassChildCategory->id, GenericHighLightsDAO::RETURN_VO, "highlights");
                 //inicia um array para armazenar os contents da categoria filho
                 $arrayStdClassHighlights = array();
                 //pega as imagens vinculadas ao content e tabem traduz os campos do mesmo content da categoria filho conforme o locale solicitado
                 foreach ($ReturnDataVO->result as $HighLightsVO) {
                     $arrayStdClassHighlights[] = $HighLightsVO->toStdClass(Config::getLocale());
                 //adiciona os conents encontrados no campo $array_highlights da categoria pai $StdClassDadCategory
                 $StdClassChildCategory->array_highlights = $arrayStdClassHighlights;
                 //adiciona o a categoria filho no array de categorias filho
                 $StdClassArrayChildsCategoryVO[] = $StdClassChildCategory;
             //setando sucesso true caso tenha dado certo
             $ReturnResultVO->success = TRUE;
             $ReturnResultVO->result = $StdClassArrayChildsCategoryVO;
     return $ReturnResultVO;
Example #5
  * BattleNetClient constructor.
  * @param string $prefix
 public function __construct($prefix)
     $this->prefix = $prefix;
     if (!Config::isValid()) {
         $this->throwException('Configuration not set via BattleNet\\Config.');
     $this->code = 200;
     $this->message = '';
     $this->url = '';
     $this->apiKey = Config::getApiKey();
     $this->server = Config::getServer();
     $this->locale = Config::getLocale();
Example #6
  * @static
  * @param Config $config
  * @return ConfigBuilder
 public static function fromConfig(Config $config)
     $builder = new self();
     return $builder;
Example #7
 public function show($_return = FALSE)
     $url_config = Config::getRootPath("config");
     $head = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">' . "\n";
     $head .= '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">' . "\n";
     $head .= '<head>' . "\n";
     $head .= '<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" >' . "\n";
     $head .= '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />' . "\n";
     $head .= '<meta name="description" content="' . $this->description . '" />' . "\n";
     $head .= '<meta name="keywords" content="' . $this->keywords . '" />' . "\n";
     $head .= '<title>' . $this->title . '</title>' . "\n";
     $head .= '<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="' . Config::getImagePath("favicon.ico") . '" />';
     $head .= "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\" >";
     //pega as variaveis do config php e deixa visivel para js em contexto global
     $head .= "var ROOT_PATH = '" . Config::getRootPath() . "';";
     $head .= "var NEXT_URL = '" . Config::getNextUrl() . "';";
     $head .= "var LAST_URL = '" . Config::getLastUrl() . "';";
     $head .= "var LOCALE = '" . Config::getLocale() . "';";
     $head .= "</script>\n";
     $head .= '<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="' . Config::getImagePath("icon-ipad.jpg") . '" />';
     foreach ($this->css as $slug => $data) {
         $file_path = $slug . '.css';
         $uri_path = Config::getAsset('assets/css/' . $file_path);
         $sys_path = Config::getFolderView('assets/css/' . $file_path);
         if (!file_exists($sys_path)) {
             $file_path = strpos('.css', $data->path) === FALSE ? $data->path . '.css' : $data->path;
             $uri_path = Config::getAsset('assets/' . $file_path);
             $sys_path = Config::getFolderView('assets/' . $file_path);
             if (!file_exists($sys_path)) {
                 var_dump($slug, '---', $data, $file_path);
                 echo "<!-- arquivo CSS {$uri_path} não encontrado (tentando no file_system : {$sys_path}  )-->\n";
         if ($data->ieOnly) {
             $head .= "\n<!--[if IE]>";
         $head .= "\n<link type=\"text/css\" media=\"" . $data->media . "\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" . $uri_path . "\" />";
         if ($data->ieOnly) {
             $head .= "\n<![endif]-->";
     foreach ($this->js as $slug => $path) {
         $file_path = $slug . '.js';
         $uri_path = Config::getAsset('assets/js/' . $file_path);
         $sys_path = Config::getFolderView('assets/js/' . $file_path);
         if (!file_exists($sys_path)) {
             $file_path = strpos('.js', $path) === FALSE ? $path . '.js' : $path;
             $uri_path = Config::getAsset('assets/' . $file_path);
             $sys_path = Config::getFolderView('assets/' . $file_path);
             if (!file_exists($sys_path)) {
                 echo "<!-- arquivo JS {$uri_path} não encontrado (tentando no file_system : {$sys_path}  )-->\n";
         $head .= "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . $uri_path . "\"></script>";
     $head .= "\n</head>";
     if ($_return) {
         return $head;
     echo $head;