
// make sure to include zerion autoloader
require_once 'iform/zerion_autoload.php';
// the auto loader will fetch this classes
// all file loading will be taken care of for you
use Iform\Resources\IformResource;
use Iform\Creds\Config;
// find this credentials in the api apps section of iformbuilder admin tool
$config = array('profile' => 'your profile id', 'server' => 'your server name', 'client' => 'your client key', 'secret' => 'your secret key');
// pass config to api method
//user container to initialize resource
//connection and jwt authentication will be take care of through the iForm resource container!
$pages = IformResource::pages();
// Now your ready to interact with the api!
// Grab the first ten pages in your account
// return json by default
echo $pages->first(10)->fetchAll();