Example #1
 private static function route($priority)
     $uri = implode('/', segments());
     foreach (self::$slugs as $key => $routes) {
         $key = str_replace('%s', '([a-z0-9\\-]+)', str_replace('%d', '([0-9]+)', str_replace('/', '\\/', $key)));
         if (preg_match('/^' . $key . '(\\/|$)/is', $uri, $matches)) {
             foreach ($routes as &$route) {
                 if ($route->get_priority() == $priority) {
                     $arguments = preg_replace('/^' . $key . '(\\/|$)/is', '', $uri);
                     $arguments = explode("?", $arguments);
                     $arguments = array_filter(explode("/", array_shift($arguments)));
                     $arguments = array_merge($matches, $arguments);
                     // Check if the class that will handle the content actually contains the requested function.
                     if (!method_exists($route->get_classname(), $route->get_function())) {
                     // Check if we're not calling said function with too few parameters.
                     $reflector = new ReflectionClass($route->get_classname());
                     if (count($arguments) < $reflector->getMethod($route->get_function())->getNumberOfRequiredParameters()) {
                     // Check if this function might want variable number of parameters.
                     $collapse_parameters = false;
                     $parameters = $reflector->getMethod($route->get_function())->getParameters();
                     if (count($parameters) && end($parameters)->name == 'parameters') {
                         $collapse_parameters = true;
                     if (count($arguments) > count($parameters) && $collapse_parameters && $priority == ROUTE_DEFAULT) {
                     // Check if we're not calling said function with too many parameters.
                     if (count($arguments) > count($parameters) && !$collapse_parameters) {
                     // Check if we're not calling a static function.
                     if ($reflector->getMethod($route->get_function())->isStatic()) {
                     // Save old segments should we need it again later
                     self::$urlsegments = self::$segments;
                     // Set the segments to those that matched our content
                     self::$segments = array();
                     self::$segments[0] = strtolower($route->get_contentname());
                     self::$segments[1] = strtolower($route->get_function());
                     self::$segments = array_merge(self::$segments, $arguments);
                     // Set the current route
                     self::$current_route = $route;
                     // Check database if needed (only do this when there's no admin panel)
                     if (!Config::admin_enabled()) {
                         $site = current_site();
                         if (self::is_fw4() && !$site->live) {
                     // Fire the controller
                     View_Loader::get_instance()->set_path(CONTENTPATH . self::$content_prefix . self::$segments[0]);
                     $page = self::$content_pages[strtolower($route->get_classname())];
                     if ($collapse_parameters) {
                         $non_optional = array_splice($arguments, 0, count($parameters) - 1);
                         $arguments = array_merge($non_optional, array(array_diff($arguments, array('index'))));
                     try {
                         $result = call_user_func_array(array($page, $route->get_function()), $arguments);
                     } catch (RowNotFoundException $e) {
                         $result = false;
                     // If the controller returns false, reset the segments and continue matching
                     if ($result === false) {
                         self::$segments = self::$urlsegments;
                     return true;
     return false;
Example #2
 private static function expand_DOM_node($node, $parent = false)
     $types = FW4_Type_Manager::get_instance();
     $toexpand = array();
     $toreplace = array();
     $slugnodes = array();
     if (Config::admin_enabled() && ($node->nodeName == 'object' || $node->nodeName == 'page')) {
         $creator = $node->ownerDocument->createElement('creator');
         $creator->setAttribute('name', 'created_by_user');
         $editor = $node->ownerDocument->createElement('editor');
         $editor->setAttribute('name', 'edited_by_user');
         $create_date = $node->ownerDocument->createElement('timedate');
         $create_date->setAttribute('name', 'created_at_date');
         $edit_date = $node->ownerDocument->createElement('timedate');
         $edit_date->setAttribute('name', 'edited_at_date');
     if ($parent && $parent->nodeName != 'structure') {
         $node->setAttribute('parent_type', $parent->nodeName);
         $node->setAttribute('parent_name', $parent->getAttribute('name'));
         $node->setAttribute('stack', $parent->getAttribute('stack') . '>' . $node->getAttribute('name'));
         $node->setAttribute('path', $parent->getAttribute('path') . '>' . $node->getAttribute('name'));
     } else {
         $node->setAttribute('stack', $node->getAttribute('name'));
         $node->setAttribute('path', $node->getAttribute('name'));
     foreach ($node->childNodes as $child) {
         if ($child->nodeName == 'object' || $child->nodeName == 'page') {
             $toexpand[] = $child;
         } else {
             if ($type_obj = $types->get_type($child->nodeName)) {
                 $toreplace[] = $child;
             } else {
                 if ($child->nodeName == 'slug') {
                     $slugnodes[] = $child;
     foreach ($toexpand as $child) {
         $node->replaceChild(self::expand_DOM_node($child, $node), $child);
     foreach ($toreplace as $child) {
         $typename = $child->nodeName;
         $type_obj = $types->get_type($typename);
         $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($type_obj->get_structure(simplexml_import_dom($child), simplexml_import_dom($node)));
         foreach ($xml->children() as $newchild) {
             $newchild = dom_import_simplexml($newchild);
             $newchild->setAttribute('type_name', $typename);
             $newchild = $node->ownerDocument->importNode($newchild, true);
             $node->appendChild(self::expand_DOM_node($newchild, $node));
     foreach ($slugnodes as $child) {
         if (!$child->hasAttribute('format') && $child->hasAttribute('source')) {
             $child->setAttribute('format', '[' . $child->getAttribute('source') . ']');
         preg_match_all('/\\[([a-z0-9\\_]+)\\]/is', strval($child->getAttribute('format')), $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
         $name = $child->hasAttribute('name') ? strval($child->getAttribute('name')) : 'slug';
         $translatable = false;
         $slug_fields = array();
         foreach ($matches as $match) {
             $source = false;
             foreach ($node->childNodes as $objchild) {
                 if ($objchild->nodeName != '#text' && strval($objchild->getAttribute('name')) == $match[1] && $objchild->hasAttribute('translatable')) {
                     $child->setAttribute('translatable', 'translatable');
     if ($node->hasAttribute("archived") && ($node->nodeName == 'object' || $node->nodeName == 'page')) {
         $archive = $node->cloneNode(true);
         $toremove = array();
         foreach ($archive->childNodes as $child) {
             if ($child->nodeName == 'object' || $child->nodeName == 'page') {
                 $toremove[] = $child;
         foreach ($toremove as $child) {
         $archive->setAttribute('name', '_versions');
         $newnode = $node->ownerDocument->createElement('object');
         foreach ($archive->childNodes as $child) {
             $child = $archive->ownerDocument->importNode($child->cloneNode(true), true);
         foreach ($archive->attributes as $attrName => $attrNode) {
             $newnode->setAttribute($attrName, $attrNode->textContent);
     return $node;