Example #1
 public static function filterEventsInDateRange(\Phidias\Db\Orm\Collection $events, $startDate, $endDate)
     if ($endDate < $startDate) {
         $endDate = $startDate;
     //First, condition the query to return only events that ocurr in the specified date range
     $conditions = [];
     //non repeating events ocurring within the date range
     $conditions[] = "(repetition.id IS NULL AND startDate >= {$startDate} AND endDate <= {$endDate})";
     //Repetition conditions for each day in the date range
     for ($date = $startDate; $date <= $endDate; $date = $date + 86400) {
         $day = date('j', $date);
         $month = date('n', $date);
         $year = date('Y', $date);
         $weekDay = date('N', $date);
         $weekDayN = ceil($day / 7);
         $weekDayIsLast = $day + 7 > date('t', $date);
         $seqDay = self::daysSinceEpoch($date);
         $seqMonth = $month + ($year - 1970) * 12;
         $dayConditions = [];
         $dayConditions[] = "(repetition.frequency = " . Repetition::FREQUENCY_DAILY . " AND ({$seqDay} - repetition.seqDay) % repetition.interval = 0)";
         $dayConditions[] = "(repetition.frequency = " . Repetition::FREQUENCY_WEEKLY . " AND repetition.weekDay = {$weekDay} AND ({$seqDay}-repetition.seqDay)/7 % repetition.interval = 0)";
         $dayConditions[] = "(repetition.frequency = " . Repetition::FREQUENCY_MONTHLY_DAY . " AND repetition.day = {$day} AND ({$seqMonth} - repetition.seqMonth) % repetition.interval = 0)";
         $dayConditions[] = "(repetition.frequency = " . Repetition::FREQUENCY_MONTHLY_WEEKDAY . " AND repetition.weekDay = {$weekDay} AND IF(repetition.weekDayN = 5, repetition.weekDayIsLast, repetition.weekDayN = {$weekDayN}) AND ({$seqMonth}-repetition.seqMonth) % repetition.interval = 0)";
         $dayConditions[] = "(repetition.frequency = " . Repetition::FREQUENCY_YEARLY . " AND repetition.day = {$day} AND repetition.month = {$month} AND ({$year} - repetition.year) % repetition.interval = 0)";
         $conditions[] = "(" . implode(" OR ", $dayConditions) . ")";
     $events->where("startDate <= :endDate", ["endDate" => $endDate]);
     $events->where(implode(" OR ", $conditions));
     //Fetch all repetition data for each event
     $events->attribute("repetition", Repetition::collection()->allAttributes());
     //Now, in post-processing, determine in which day in the date range the event ocurred, and create
     //an entry in the "occurrences" attribute
     $events->addFilter(function ($event) use($startDate, $endDate) {
         if (!isset($event->occurrences)) {
             $event->occurrences = array();
         for ($date = $startDate; $date <= $endDate; $date = $date + 86400) {
             $eventDay = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $event->startDate), date("d", $event->startDate), date("Y", $event->startDate));
             if ($eventDay > $date) {
             foreach ($event->repetition as $repetition) {
                 $day = date('j', $date);
                 $month = date('n', $date);
                 $year = date('Y', $date);
                 $weekDay = date('N', $date);
                 $weekDayN = ceil($day / 7);
                 $weekDayIsLast = $day + 7 > date('t', $date);
                 $seqDay = self::daysSinceEpoch($date);
                 $seqMonth = $month + ($year - 1970) * 12;
                 if ($repetition->frequency == Repetition::FREQUENCY_DAILY && ($seqDay - $repetition->seqDay) % $repetition->interval == 0 || $repetition->frequency == Repetition::FREQUENCY_WEEKLY && $repetition->weekDay == $weekDay && ($seqDay - $repetition->seqDay) / 7 % $repetition->interval == 0 || $repetition->frequency == Repetition::FREQUENCY_MONTHLY_DAY && $repetition->day == $day && ($seqMonth - $repetition->seqMonth) % $repetition->interval == 0 || $repetition->frequency == Repetition::FREQUENCY_MONTHLY_WEEKDAY && $repetition->weekDay == $weekDay && ($repetition->weekDayN == 5 ? $repetition->weekDayIsLast : $repetition->weekDayN == $weekDayN) && ($seqMonth - $repetition->seqMonth) % $repetition->interval == 0 || $repetition->frequency == Repetition::FREQUENCY_YEARLY && $repetition->day == $day && $repetition->month == $month && ($year - $repetition->year) % $repetition->interval == 0) {
                     $childEvent = clone $event;
                     $childEvent->startDate = mktime(date('h', $event->startDate), date('i', $event->startDate), date('s', $event->startDate), date('m', $date), date('d', $date), date('y', $date));
                     $childEvent->endDate = $childEvent->startDate + ($event->endDate - $event->startDate);
                     $event->occurrences[] = $childEvent;
Example #2
 public static function collection($attributesObject = null)
     $className = get_called_class();
     $schema = $className::getSchema();
     $collection = new Collection($schema);
     //Set the collection attributes from the given object
     if ($attributesObject !== null) {
         foreach (get_object_vars($attributesObject) as $attributeName => $value) {
             if (!$schema->hasAttribute($attributeName)) {
             if (is_a($value, "Phidias\\Db\\Orm\\Entity")) {
                 $collection->attribute($attributeName, $value::collection($value));
             } elseif (is_scalar($value) || is_null($value)) {
     return $collection;